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- Autore CNR di
- A velocity map imaging apparatus for gas phase studies at FERMI@Elettra (Altre pubblicazioni) (
- Elementary mechanisms of radiation damage on biomolecules (Altro prodotto) (
- Complementary TDCS for the photo-double ionization of He at 40 eV above the threshold in unequal energy-sharing conditions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions for rotationally resolved transitions in para-H2 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Dichroism in core-excited and core-ionized methyloxirane (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Formation and Decay of the CO(C1s-12ð 3Ð) inner shell excited state by electron impact (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photo double ionisationof fixed in space H2 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photodouble ionisation of the 2s-22p6 (1Se) state of of Ne (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Fragmentation of Propilene Oxide following inner shell ionization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- CO inner-shell excitation and ionisation studied by electron-electron coincidence experiments (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble ionization beyond helium (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Soft X-ray interaction with organic molecules of biological interest: the pyrimidine and halogenated pyrimidines cases (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Fragmention of Pyrimidini+:Experimental and the oretical study (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoabsorption, photoionization and photoelectron Auger electron coincidence studies of the SF6 molecule at and above the S 2p edge (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoelectron imaging in pump-probe experiment ents combining synchroton and laser radiation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrational state dependence of b and D asymmetry parameters for the homo photoelectron band of methyl-oxirane. (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Angular distributions of low kinetic energy photoelectrons in two-photon ionisation of rare gas atoms. (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Temporary anion states of pyrimidine and haloderivatives (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- (e,2e) experiments on Mg and C60 (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Multitechnique investigation of the valence and inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- A high-resolution study of the threshold photoelectron spectrum of helium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Rydberg spectra of Neon probed by associative ionization in synchrotron + laser pump-probe experiments (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- (e,2e) experiments on C60 (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Photodouble-ionization of the ns shell of rare gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of pyrimidine (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Double photoionization of He with circularly polarized radiation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Dipole and non-dipole allowed inner-shell excitation molecules studied by coincidence (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Observation of an (N+ - N = 4) ro-vibrational transition in the photoionization of D2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecules studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Measurements of angular distribution for photoionization of mercury into the 5d9 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 eV to 17 eV (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photoelectron angular distributions from polarized Ne* atoms near threshold (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multitechnique investigation of the valence and inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Fragmentation dynamics of biomolecules studied by electron-ion coincidence experiments (Altro prodotto) (
- Photodouble ionisation of He: complete experiment and dynamic node (Altro prodotto) (
- Excitation, ionization and double ionization of C60 (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Dipole and non-dipole allowed inner-shell excitation of molecules studied by coincidence electron impact experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Investigation of Halogenated Pyrimidines by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy and Theoretical DFT Methods (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The decay of the C 1s -> 2 pi (II)-I-3 inner-shell excited state of CO (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Amplitudes and relative phase of He photodouble ionization from the experimental data (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dipole forbidden inner-shell excitation and decay of the N2 (1s)-1(2pP) 3P state studied by electron impact experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fragmentation of CH42+ following C 1s ionisation studied by Auger electron-ion-ion coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- CO inner-shell excitation studied by electron impact spectroscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization beyond the helium case (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complete characterization of the Ar 2p3/2 photoionisation via Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- The photodouble ionisation of helium and heavier rare gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double-ionization of the nitrogen molecule (Articolo in rivista) (
- Insights into 2-Chloropyrimidine fragmentation through a thermochemical analysis of the ionic fragments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photoelectron angular distributions in EUV+IR two-color near-threshold ionization of Ne and He (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- (e,2e) and (gamma,2e) experiments on C60 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Interplay of post-collision interaction and photoelectron recapture in the near threshold inner shell ionization of rare gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ion impact fragmentation of molecules and cluster of biological interest (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Femtosecond X-ray-induced explosion of C-60 at extreme intensity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Physical Interpretation of the 'Kinetic Energy Release' Effectin the Double Photoionization of H2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization studies of the Ne(2s2) state under unequal energy sharing conditionsg (Articolo in rivista) (
- New 'ligth' on radiosensitisers (Progetti) (
- Experimental investigation of the interatomic Coulombic decay in NeAr dimers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ion impact fragmentation of molecules and clusters of biological (Altro prodotto) (
- A prototype mass spectrometer for laser Multiphoton Ionization of neutral fragments produced in ion-molecule reactions (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The Role of the Partner Atom and Resonant Excitation Energy in Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Rare Gas Dimers (Altre pubblicazioni) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Imaging the photoionization of N2 near threshold (Altre pubblicazioni) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photo-double-ionization of atoms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Inner shell excitation, ionization and fragmentation of pyrimidine (Articolo in rivista) (
- Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A modular end-station for atomic, molecular, and cluster science at the low density matter beamline of FERMI@Elettra (Articolo in rivista) (
- The role of the partner atom and resonant excitation energy in interatomic Coulombic decay in rare gas dimers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photoelectron angular distributions in infrared one-photon and two-photon ionization of FEL-pumped Rydberg states of helium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Molecular fragmentation driven by photon excitation (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Nuova luce sui radiosensibilizzatori (Progetti) (
- Experimental and theoretical study of the chemi-ionization in thermal collisions of Ne Rydberg atoms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Indirect Photodouble ionization of Molecules (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Direct versus Indirect processes in the Double Ionisation of Neon (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- From isolated molecules to hydrated clusters: How the environment affects the molecular fragmentation (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- State selective dissociation of CH4 dications (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble ionisation studies of the Ne(2s2) state in unequal energy sharing conditions (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of pyrimidine (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- State selective dissociation of CH4 and C2H2 dications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoionization of N2 valence shells between 200 and 400 eV: dipole and non-dipole parameters (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The ionization of Mg 3s and 2p orbitals by electron impact (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The ionization of Mg 3s and 2p orbitals by electron impact (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Double photoionization of He with circularly polarized radiation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A velocity map imaging apparatus for gas phase studies at FERMI@Elettra (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dissociative double ionisation of NO below the adiabatic double ionisation threshold (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The interaction of the 2s2p5(3P)3s(2P) Ne+ ion state with the 2p4 Ne2+ continua studied by photoelectron spectroscopy (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Photodouble ionisation of the ns-2np6 (1Se) states of the rare gases: a comparison with the He2+(1Se) case (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Two-electron processes: satellite transitions and double photoionisation of atoms (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- (e,2e) experiments on C60 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Application of a VMI spectrometer to near-threshold photoionization with synchrotron radiation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chimica ionica e neutra in fase gassosa (Progetti) (
- Velocity-map imaging of near-threshold photoelectrons in Ne and Ar (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A study of the Ne 2s2p5(3P)3s and 3p correlation satellites up to 75 eV above threshold (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Resonant Auger spectroscopy at the carbon and nitrogen K-edges of pyrimidine (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective excitations in the electron energy loss spectra of C 60 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Predominance of the second-order, two-step mechanism in the electron impact double ionization of helium at intermediate impact energy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mg 2p ionization by electron impact (Articolo in rivista) (
- An (e, 2e) study of the ionization and ionization/excitation of magnesium to the Mg+ (3s), (3p) and (4s/3d) states (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization of H2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- The ionization of Mg by electron impact at 1000 eV studied by (e,2e) experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Auger spectroscopy of pyrimidine and halogen-substituted pyrimidines (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoabsorption and S 2p photoionization of the SF(6) molecule: Resonances in the excitation energy range of 200-280 eV (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Radiationless decay in the region of the 2t(2g) and 4e(g) resonances in SF(6) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The OCS S L2MM Auger spectrum and angular distributions studied by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double ionization of water studied by threshold photoelectrons coincidence spectroscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double ionisation of Argon at 20 and 40 eV excess energy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental observation of initial state effects in photo-double-ionization of Ne 2s (Articolo in rivista) (
- (e,2e) ionization of helium and hydrogen molecule: signature of the two-centre interference effects (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The partial C 1s Auger spectrum of CO obtained by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines studied by electron spectroscopy (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- beta-parameter measurements of state-selected rotational transitions near the v(+)=0 threshold of para-H2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of H2O and D2O over the photon energy range 12-40 eV (Articolo in rivista) (
- Electron scattering experiments on Mg (Altro prodotto) (
- Complete photoionisation experiments by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence measurements' (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- A study of the partial photoionization cross sections of the N2 valence-shell states (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effects of nuclear dynamics in the low kinetic energy Auger spectra of CO and CO2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Near-threshold photoelectron angular distributions from two-photon resonant ionisation of He and Ne atoms (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Articolo in rivista) (
- Angular distribution of molecular Auger electrons : the case of C1s Auger emission in CO (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photofragmentation of Halogenated Pyrimidine Molecules in the VUV Range (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions for rotationally resolved transitions in para-H2+ (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A procedure to extract the complex amplitudes of he photodouble ionisation from experimental data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines studied by electron spectroscopy' (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Excitation and fragmentation of biomolecules (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers. (Articolo in rivista) (
- Inner shell excitation, ionisation and fragmentation of pyrimidine and its haloderivatives: an insight on the soft X-ray radiation damage of organic molecules of biological interest (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Multitechnique investigation of the valence and inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Double ionization of He by electron impact at large momentum transfer (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- State selected S(2p) Auger decay in OCS studied by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- The photo-double ionization of the ns shell of rare gases (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- State selected S(2p) Auger decay in OCS studied by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Site-selected Auger electron spectroscopy of N2O (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site/State selectivity in the resonant auger decay of Pyrimidine and Halogenated Pyrimidines (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photo-double ionisation of the Ne 2s studied in equal energy sharing condition at 20 eV above threshold (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell excitation and fragmentation of halopyrimidines (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Resonant double photoionisation spectroscopy of magnesium (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fragmentation dynamics of biotic molecules studied by electron-ion coincidence experiments (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Photodouble Ionization Dynamics for Fixed-in-Space H2 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site-selective fragmentation studies of halogenated pyrimidines in the valence and inner shell region (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site and - state selective study of the dynamical effects of (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mg IONIZATION BY ELECTRON IMPACT (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dipole and non-dipole allowed inner-shell excitation of molecules studied by coincidence electron impact experiments (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoionization of N2 valence shells between 200 and 400 eV: dipole and non-dipole parameters (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments in Argon (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments in argon (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cluster research with the FERMI@Elettra Free Electron laser (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photofragmentation of organic molecules of biological interest (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High Resolution threshold photoelectron measurements of the Ne+ 2p4nl satellite states (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherence of L2,3M2 2,3 Auger decay paths by energy selected photoionization of argon (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- SITE AND - STATE SELECTIVE STUDY OF THE DYNAMICAL EFFECTS OF (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Double photoionization of He at 80 ev excess energy in the equal-energy sharing condition (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterisation of inner shell excitation, ionisation and decay of pyrimidine (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photofragmentation of organic molecules of biological interest: The pyrimidine and 2Br-pyrimidine cases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrationally resolved photoionization of N-2 near threshold (Articolo in rivista) (
- Vibrational state dependence of beta and D asymmetry parameters: The case of the highest occupied molecular orbital photoelectron spectrum of methyl-oxirane (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization of He with circularly polarized synchrotron radiation: complete experiment and dynamic nodes (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double-ionization of Mg studied by electron-electron-coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Two electron interference in angular resolved double photoionization of Mg (Articolo in rivista) (
- The 'KER' effect in the double photoionization of H(2) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Near-threshold ?-parameter measurements of state-selected rotational transitions to the v+ = 0 level of normal and ortho-D2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Erratum: Photofragmentation spectra of halogenated methanes in the VUV photon energy range (Journal of Chemical Physics (2014) 140 (184307)) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photofragmentation spectra of halogenated methanes in the VUV photon energy range (Articolo in rivista) (
- Valence shell photoelectron spectroscopy of pyrene and fluorene: Photon energy dependence in the far-ultraviolet region (Articolo in rivista) (
- Interplay of the volume and surface plasmons in the electron energy loss spectra of C-60 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Determining the polarization state of an extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser beam using atomic circular dichroism (Articolo in rivista) (
- Elementary mechanisms of radiation damage on biomolecules' (Altro prodotto) (
- Coincidence measurements following 2p photoionization in Mg (Articolo in rivista) (
- Elementary mechanisms of radiation damage on biomolecules (Altro prodotto) (
- Mg IONIZATION BY ELECTRON IMPACT (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site and - state selective study of the dynamical effects of (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence experiments in Ar and Kr (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fotoionizzazione e fotoframmentazione di molecole di interesse biologico (Progetti) (
- Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence experiments in Ar (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Competition between electron-donor and electron-acceptor substituents in nitrotoluene isomers: a photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio investigation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measurements of angular distribution for photoionisation of mercury into the 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 to 17 eV (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Angle resolved rotationally stater selective photoionisation measurements in D2 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- CO inner-shell excitation and ionisation studied by electron-electron coincidence experiments (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Fragmentation of propilene oxide following inner shell ionization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photodouble ionisation beyond the helium case (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Inter- and intrachannel exchange interference in photoinduced Auger decay: The Kr M-4,M-5-N1N23 and Xe N-4,N-5-O1O23 cases g (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Near-threshold photoelectron angular distributions from two-photon resonant photoionization of He (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An experimental and computational study of the valence photoelectron spectra of halogenated pyrimidines (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pyrimidine and halogenated pyrimidines near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra at C and N K-edges: experiment and theory (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Signature of two-electron interference in angular resolved double photoionization of Mg (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
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- Autore CNR
- CO inner-shell excitation and ionisation studied by electron-electron coincidence experiments (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Measurements of angular distribution for photoionisation of mercury into the 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 to 17 eV (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Angle resolved rotationally stater selective photoionisation measurements in D2 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Fragmentation of propilene oxide following inner shell ionization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photodouble ionisation beyond the helium case (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Mg IONIZATION BY ELECTRON IMPACT (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site and - state selective study of the dynamical effects of (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Inner shell excitation, ionization and fragmentation of pyrimidine (Articolo in rivista) (
- Formation and Decay of the CO(C1s-12ð 3Ð) inner shell excited state by electron impact (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photodouble ionisation of the 2s-22p6 (1Se) state of of Ne (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Fragmentation of Propilene Oxide following inner shell ionization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photo double ionisationof fixed in space H2 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- CO inner-shell excitation and ionisation studied by electron-electron coincidence experiments (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble ionization beyond helium (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence experiments in Ar (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- High Resolution threshold photoelectron measurements of the Ne+ 2p4nl satellite states (Articolo in rivista) (
- Double photoionization of He at 80 ev excess energy in the equal-energy sharing condition (Articolo in rivista) (
- Double ionization of He by electron impact at large momentum transfer (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble Ionization Dynamics for Fixed-in-Space H2 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site-selected Auger electron spectroscopy of N2O (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photo-double ionisation of the Ne 2s studied in equal energy sharing condition at 20 eV above threshold (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effects of nuclear dynamics in the low kinetic energy Auger spectra of CO and CO2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- A study of the partial photoionization cross sections of the N2 valence-shell states (Articolo in rivista) (
- Angular distribution of molecular Auger electrons : the case of C1s Auger emission in CO (Articolo in rivista) (
- (e,2e) ionization of helium and hydrogen molecule: signature of the two-centre interference effects (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The partial C 1s Auger spectrum of CO obtained by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of H2O and D2O over the photon energy range 12-40 eV (Articolo in rivista) (
- Predominance of the second-order, two-step mechanism in the electron impact double ionization of helium at intermediate impact energy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoabsorption and S 2p photoionization of the SF(6) molecule: Resonances in the excitation energy range of 200-280 eV (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Radiationless decay in the region of the 2t(2g) and 4e(g) resonances in SF(6) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble ionization studies of the Ne(2s2) state under unequal energy sharing conditionsg (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double-ionization of atoms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complete characterization of the Ar 2p3/2 photoionisation via Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- The photodouble ionisation of helium and heavier rare gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization beyond the helium case (Articolo in rivista) (
- CO inner-shell excitation studied by electron impact spectroscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dipole forbidden inner-shell excitation and decay of the N2 (1s)-1(2pP) 3P state studied by electron impact experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fragmentation of CH42+ following C 1s ionisation studied by Auger electron-ion-ion coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Physical Interpretation of the 'Kinetic Energy Release' Effectin the Double Photoionization of H2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Observation of an (N+ - N = 4) ro-vibrational transition in the photoionization of D2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of angular distribution for photoionization of mercury into the 5d9 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 eV to 17 eV (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble-ionization of the ns shell of rare gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photoelectron angular distributions from polarized Ne* atoms near threshold (Articolo in rivista) (
- Temporary anion states of pyrimidine and haloderivatives (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A procedure to extract the complex amplitudes of he photodouble ionisation from experimental data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions for rotationally resolved transitions in para-H2+ (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- beta-parameter measurements of state-selected rotational transitions near the v(+)=0 threshold of para-H2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double ionisation of Argon at 20 and 40 eV excess energy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental observation of initial state effects in photo-double-ionization of Ne 2s (Articolo in rivista) (
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Articolo in rivista) (
- The ionization of Mg by electron impact at 1000 eV studied by (e,2e) experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Mg 2p ionization by electron impact (Articolo in rivista) (
- An (e, 2e) study of the ionization and ionization/excitation of magnesium to the Mg+ (3s), (3p) and (4s/3d) states (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double ionization of water studied by threshold photoelectrons coincidence spectroscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- The OCS S L2MM Auger spectrum and angular distributions studied by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- A study of the Ne 2s2p5(3P)3s and 3p correlation satellites up to 75 eV above threshold (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Velocity-map imaging of near-threshold photoelectrons in Ne and Ar (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The decay of the C 1s -> 2 pi (II)-I-3 inner-shell excited state of CO (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dipole and non-dipole allowed inner-shell excitation of molecules studied by coincidence electron impact experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization of H2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- (e,2e) experiments on C60 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Application of a VMI spectrometer to near-threshold photoionization with synchrotron radiation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence experiments in Ar and Kr (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- State selective dissociation of CH4 and C2H2 dications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Indirect Photodouble ionization of Molecules (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Direct versus Indirect processes in the Double Ionisation of Neon (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble ionisation of the ns-2np6 (1Se) states of the rare gases: a comparison with the He2+(1Se) case (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Dissociative double ionisation of NO below the adiabatic double ionisation threshold (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The interaction of the 2s2p5(3P)3s(2P) Ne+ ion state with the 2p4 Ne2+ continua studied by photoelectron spectroscopy (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Two-electron processes: satellite transitions and double photoionisation of atoms (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- State selective dissociation of CH4 dications (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photodouble ionisation studies of the Ne(2s2) state in unequal energy sharing conditions (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The ionization of Mg 3s and 2p orbitals by electron impact (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Double photoionization of He with circularly polarized radiation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoionization of N2 valence shells between 200 and 400 eV: dipole and non-dipole parameters (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The ionization of Mg 3s and 2p orbitals by electron impact (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of pyrimidine (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mg IONIZATION BY ELECTRON IMPACT (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site and - state selective study of the dynamical effects of (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Site/State selectivity in the resonant auger decay of Pyrimidine and Halogenated Pyrimidines (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell excitation and fragmentation of halopyrimidines (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photofragmentation of organic molecules of biological interest (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cluster research with the FERMI@Elettra Free Electron laser (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherence of L2,3M2 2,3 Auger decay paths by energy selected photoionization of argon (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments in Argon (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence experiments in argon (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dipole and non-dipole allowed inner-shell excitation of molecules studied by coincidence electron impact experiments (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecule studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoionization of N2 valence shells between 200 and 400 eV: dipole and non-dipole parameters (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- SITE AND - STATE SELECTIVE STUDY OF THE DYNAMICAL EFFECTS OF (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The photo-double ionization of the ns shell of rare gases (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- State selected S(2p) Auger decay in OCS studied by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- State selected S(2p) Auger decay in OCS studied by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines studied by electron spectroscopy' (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Excitation and fragmentation of biomolecules (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Multitechnique investigation of the valence and inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Inner shell excitation, ionisation and fragmentation of pyrimidine and its haloderivatives: an insight on the soft X-ray radiation damage of organic molecules of biological interest (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Site-selective fragmentation studies of halogenated pyrimidines in the valence and inner shell region (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Resonant double photoionisation spectroscopy of magnesium (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fragmentation dynamics of biotic molecules studied by electron-ion coincidence experiments (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Amplitudes and relative phase of He photodouble ionization from the experimental data (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dipole and non-dipole allowed inner-shell excitation molecules studied by coincidence (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Inner shell ionisation and relaxation of CO molecules studied by coincidence spectroscopies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Double photoionization of He with circularly polarized radiation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Characterization of inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of pyrimidine (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Rydberg spectra of Neon probed by associative ionization in synchrotron + laser pump-probe experiments (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Multitechnique investigation of the valence and inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Photoelectron imaging in pump-probe experiment ents combining synchroton and laser radiation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fragmention of Pyrimidini+:Experimental and the oretical study (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoabsorption, photoionization and photoelectron Auger electron coincidence studies of the SF6 molecule at and above the S 2p edge (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- (e,2e) experiments on Mg and C60 (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- (e,2e) experiments on C60 (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fotoionizzazione e fotoframmentazione di molecole di interesse biologico (Progetti) (
- Chimica ionica e neutra in fase gassosa (Progetti) (
- Vibrational state dependence of b and D asymmetry parameters for the homo photoelectron band of methyl-oxirane. (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Pyrimidine and halogenated pyrimidines near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra at C and N K-edges: experiment and theory (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dichroism in core-excited and core-ionized methyloxirane (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An experimental and computational study of the valence photoelectron spectra of halogenated pyrimidines (Articolo in rivista) (
- Excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines studied by electron spectroscopy (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrationally resolved photoionization of N-2 near threshold (Articolo in rivista) (
- Near-threshold photoelectron angular distributions from two-photon resonant ionisation of He and Ne atoms (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Interplay of the volume and surface plasmons in the electron energy loss spectra of C-60 (Articolo in rivista) (
- A high-resolution study of the threshold photoelectron spectrum of helium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photodouble ionization of He with circularly polarized synchrotron radiation: complete experiment and dynamic nodes (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Auger spectroscopy of pyrimidine and halogen-substituted pyrimidines (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A velocity map imaging apparatus for gas phase studies at FERMI@Elettra (Articolo in rivista) (
- Angular distributions of low kinetic energy photoelectrons in two-photon ionisation of rare gas atoms. (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Investigation of Halogenated Pyrimidines by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy and Theoretical DFT Methods (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrational state dependence of beta and D asymmetry parameters: The case of the highest occupied molecular orbital photoelectron spectrum of methyl-oxirane (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterisation of inner shell excitation, ionisation and decay of pyrimidine (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Photofragmentation of organic molecules of biological interest: The pyrimidine and 2Br-pyrimidine cases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental and theoretical study of the chemi-ionization in thermal collisions of Ne Rydberg atoms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Resonant Auger spectroscopy at the carbon and nitrogen K-edges of pyrimidine (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective excitations in the electron energy loss spectra of C 60 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Soft X-ray interaction with organic molecules of biological interest: the pyrimidine and halogenated pyrimidines cases (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Complete photoionisation experiments by photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence measurements' (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Electron scattering experiments on Mg (Altro prodotto) (
- Signature of two-electron interference in angular resolved double photoionization of Mg (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complementary TDCS for the photo-double ionization of He at 40 eV above the threshold in unequal energy-sharing conditions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions for rotationally resolved transitions in para-H2 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Elementary mechanisms of radiation damage on biomolecules (Altro prodotto) (
- A velocity map imaging apparatus for gas phase studies at FERMI@Elettra (Altre pubblicazioni) (
- IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers. (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photofragmentation of Halogenated Pyrimidine Molecules in the VUV Range (Articolo in rivista) (
- Inter- and intrachannel exchange interference in photoinduced Auger decay: The Kr M-4,M-5-N1N23 and Xe N-4,N-5-O1O23 cases g (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Near-threshold photoelectron angular distributions from two-photon resonant photoionization of He (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The 'KER' effect in the double photoionization of H(2) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multitechnique investigation of the valence and inner shell excitation, ionization and decay of halogenated pyrimidines (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Photodouble ionisation of He: complete experiment and dynamic node (Altro prodotto) (
- Excitation, ionization and double ionization of C60 (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Fragmentation dynamics of biomolecules studied by electron-ion coincidence experiments (Altro prodotto) (
- The role of the partner atom and resonant excitation energy in interatomic Coulombic decay in rare gas dimers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photoelectron angular distributions in infrared one-photon and two-photon ionization of FEL-pumped Rydberg states of helium (Articolo in rivista) (
- A modular end-station for atomic, molecular, and cluster science at the low density matter beamline of FERMI@Elettra (Articolo in rivista) (
- Molecular fragmentation driven by photon excitation (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Nuova luce sui radiosensibilizzatori (Progetti) (
- The Role of the Partner Atom and Resonant Excitation Energy in Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Rare Gas Dimers (Altre pubblicazioni) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Imaging the photoionization of N2 near threshold (Altre pubblicazioni) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Competition between electron-donor and electron-acceptor substituents in nitrotoluene isomers: a photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio investigation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photoelectron angular distributions in EUV+IR two-color near-threshold ionization of Ne and He (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Interplay of post-collision interaction and photoelectron recapture in the near threshold inner shell ionization of rare gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- (e,2e) and (gamma,2e) experiments on C60 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Femtosecond X-ray-induced explosion of C-60 at extreme intensity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double-ionization of the nitrogen molecule (Articolo in rivista) (
- Insights into 2-Chloropyrimidine fragmentation through a thermochemical analysis of the ionic fragments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Elementary mechanisms of radiation damage on biomolecules' (Altro prodotto) (
- Elementary mechanisms of radiation damage on biomolecules (Altro prodotto) (
- Experimental investigation of the interatomic Coulombic decay in NeAr dimers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photo-double-ionization of Mg studied by electron-electron-coincidence experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Two electron interference in angular resolved double photoionization of Mg (Articolo in rivista) (
- Near-threshold ?-parameter measurements of state-selected rotational transitions to the v+ = 0 level of normal and ortho-D2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Erratum: Photofragmentation spectra of halogenated methanes in the VUV photon energy range (Journal of Chemical Physics (2014) 140 (184307)) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Photofragmentation spectra of halogenated methanes in the VUV photon energy range (Articolo in rivista) (
- Valence shell photoelectron spectroscopy of pyrene and fluorene: Photon energy dependence in the far-ultraviolet region (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ion impact fragmentation of molecules and cluster of biological interest (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New 'ligth' on radiosensitisers (Progetti) (
- Ion impact fragmentation of molecules and clusters of biological (Altro prodotto) (
- A prototype mass spectrometer for laser Multiphoton Ionization of neutral fragments produced in ion-molecule reactions (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Coincidence measurements following 2p photoionization in Mg (Articolo in rivista) (
- Determining the polarization state of an extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser beam using atomic circular dichroism (Articolo in rivista) (
- From isolated molecules to hydrated clusters: How the environment affects the molecular fragmentation (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
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