- Type
- Label
- ANDREA MURARI (literal)
- ANDREA MURARI (literal)
- Subject
- Partecipa a commessa
- Persona in rapporto
- Autore CNR di
- Recent Results of RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Neural networks for real time determination of radiated power in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Identification of Confinement Regimes in Tokamak Plasmas by Conformal Prediction on a Probabilistic Manifold (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Analysis of the high density limits in the RFX high current regimes (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First FIR multhicord Faraday rotation measurements in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Application of cellular neural network methods to real time image analysis in plasma fusion (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Sparse image representation for jet neutron and gamma tomography (Articolo in rivista) (
- Exploiting Graphic Processing Units Parallelism to Improve Intelligent Data Acquisition System Performance in JETs Correlation Reflectomete (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Comparison of Different Approaches to the Real Time Correction of Fringe Jumps at JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Introduction to Conformal Predictors Based on Fuzzy Logic Classifiers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An alternative approach to the determination of scaling law expressions for the L-H transition in Tokamaks utilizing classification tools instead of regression (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Confinement Studies on RFX (Articolo in rivista) (
- New frontiers of Forest Fire Protection : A portable Laser System (FfED) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pulsed poloidal current drive experiments in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Core Transport Improvement during Poloidal Current Drive in the RFX Reversed Field Pinch (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recent progress in reversed field pinch research in the RFX experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An optimized multifoil soft x-ray spectrometer for the determination of the electron temperature with high time resolution (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nuove misure su sensore di temperatura a fibra ottica basati sul metodo della riflessione (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New information processing methods for control in magnetically confinement nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chapter 5: Burning Plasma Studies at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of the new real-time equilibrium code EQUINOX on JET and Tore Supra (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Adaptive high learning rate probabilistic disruption predictors from scratch for the next generation of tokamaks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Implementation of the Disruption Predictor APODIS in JET Real Time Network using the MARTe Framework (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Physics-based optimization of plasma diagnostic information Preface (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulation and real-time replacement of missing plasma signals for disruption prediction: an implementation with APODIS (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A New Generation of Real-Time Systems in the JET Tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Assessment of new ex-vessel magnetic measurements in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- A multichord soft x-ray diagnostic for electron temperature profile measurements in RFX-mod (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cellular nonlinear networks for strike-point localization at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Comparison of new PEEK (R) seals with traditional helicoflex for ultra high vacuum applications (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ultra high vacuum properties of some engineering polymers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Poloidal magnetic field measurements in a reversed field pinch plasma by a far-infrared polarimeter (Articolo in rivista) (
- Bolometric and SXR tomography in RFX (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Analysis and modelling of the magnetic and plasma profiles during PPCD experiments in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (
- A disruption predictor based on fuzzy logic applied to JET data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mega-electron-volt ion loss measurements in JET D-He-3 plasmas using activation technique (Articolo in rivista) (
- Evolution of the radial electric field in a JET H-mode plasma (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fast visible imaging of ELM-wall interactions on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cellular Neural Network Algorithms for Real-Time Image Analysis in Plasma Fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- A novel method for trace tritium transport studies (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring the radiation field and radiation hard detectors at JET: Recent developments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Systematic comparison between line integrated densities measured with interferometry and polarimetry at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Unbiased and non-supervised learning methods for disruption prediction at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Mutual interaction of Faraday rotation and Cotton-Mouton phase shift in JET polarimetric measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observation of alpha particle loss from JET plasmas during ion cyclotron resonance frequency heating using a thin foil Faraday cup detector array (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Support vector machine-based feature extractor for L/H transitions in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Algorithms for the Automatic Identification of MARFEs and UFOs in JET Database of Visible Camera Videos (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modelling of the signal processing electronics of JET interferometer-polarimeter (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Charged fusion product loss measurements using nuclear activation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- ANALYSIS OF VIDEO-MOVIES USING SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High-Speed Image Processing Algorithms for Real-Time Detection of MARFEs on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of real-time disruption prediction in JET: applicability to ITER (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of Faraday rotation in JET polarimetric measurements (Articolo in rivista) (
- Symbolic Regression via Genetic Programming to derive Empirical Models and Scaling Laws as Monomial or Polynomial Expansions. (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time remote diagnostic monitoring test-bed in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- A Real-Time Synchronous Detector for the TAE Antenna Diagnostic at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time measurement and control at JET signal processing and physics analysis for diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (
- The JET-Enhanced Performance programme: More heating power and diagnostic capabilities in preparation for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- ITER relevant developments in neutron diagnostics during the JET Trace Tritium campaign (Articolo in rivista) (
- Towards the realization on JET of an integrated H-mode scenario for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- Monitoring the leakage of 3.0 and 14.7 MeV protons from a fusion plasma (Articolo in rivista) (
- Motion estimation within the MPEG video compressed domain for JET plasma diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fusion alpha loss diagnostic for ITER using activation technique (Articolo in rivista) (
- New developments in the diagnostics for the fusion products on JET in preparation for ITER, (invited) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spectral Broadening of Characteristic gamma-Ray Emission Peaks from C-12(He-3, p gamma)N-14 Reactions in Fusion Plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-Time Processing System for the JET Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Pro fi le Monitor Enhancement (Articolo in rivista) (
- Towards the implementation of a spectral data base for the detection of biological warfare agents (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High-energy fuel ion diagnostics on ITER derived from neutron emission spectroscopy measurements on JET DT plasmas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Implementation of the Disruption Predictor APODIS in JET's Real-Time Network Using the MARTe Framework (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Symbolic regression via genetic programming for data driven derivation of confinement scaling laws without any assumption on their mathematical form (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effects of the input polarization on JET polarimeter horizontal channels (Articolo in rivista) (
- Preliminary investigations of equilibrium reconstruction quality during ELMy and ELM-free phases on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Identifying JET Instabilities with Neural Networks (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Neutron field parameter measurements on the JET tokamak by means of super-heated fluid detectors (Articolo in rivista) (
- Tandem collimators for the JET tangential gamma-ray spectrometer (Articolo in rivista) (
- Clustering based on the geodesic distance on Gaussian manifolds for the automatic classification of disruptions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical analysis of plasma shape influence on the power threshold to access the H-mode (Articolo in rivista) (
- Innovative diagnostics for ITER physics addressed in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the Causes of Anomaly in the Polarimetric Measurements at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Qualification of allyl diglycol carbonate as plastic optic for ultra-high vacuum and high-temperature operation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Prototype of an adaptive disruption predictor for JET based on fuzzy logic and regression trees (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Magnetic Self Organization, MHD Active Control and Confinement in RFX-mod (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Edge localised asymmetric radiative phenomena in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Error analysis for thermonuclear plasma bolometric measurements performed with widely used miniaturized metal resistor detectors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Tritium transport studies with use of the ISEP NPA during tritium trace experimental campaign on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Application of optical flow method for imaging diagnostic in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Singular spectrum analysis as a tool for plasma fluctuations analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automated recognition system for ELM classification in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- H-mode access on JET and implications for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Investigation on an Anomalous Behavior of the Polarimetric Measurements at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New developments at JET in diagnostics, real-time control, data acquisition and information retrieval with potential application to ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Single crystal CVD diamonds as neutron detectors at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First applications of structural pattern recognition methods to the investigation of specific physical phenomena at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Magnetic Measuring Instrumentation With Radiation-Resistant Hall Sensors for Fusion Reactors: Experience of Testing at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Electron temperature diagnostics in the RFX reversed field pinch experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time change detection in data streams with FPGAs (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Electron temperature measurements with high time resolution in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Boronization with trimethylboron in the reversed field pinch RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- UMEL: A new regression tool to identify measurement peaks in LIDAR/DIAL systems for environmental physics applications (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time recovery of the electron density from interferometric measurements affected by fringe jumps (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Transport Mechanisms and Enhanced Confinement Studies in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development of an efficient real-time disruption predictor from scratch on JET and implications for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- JET Experimental program with relevance to ITER Diagnostics (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Overview of statistically hedged prediction methods: From off-line to real-time data analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Unfolding of energies of fusion products from the nuclear activation data at JET (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Calibration of the Core poloidal rotation velocity for the measurement of the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Phase congruency image classification for marfe detection on jet with a carbon wall (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modeling fusion data in probabilistic metric spaces: Applications to the identification of confinement regimes and plasma disruptions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modern numerical methods for plasma tomography optimisation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Turbulent transport and plasma flow in the Reversed Field Pinch (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Improved feature selection based on genetic algorithms for real time disruption prediction on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the identification of instabilities with neural networks on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental investigation of the confinement of d(He-3,p)alpha and d(d,p)t fusion reaction products in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Design and development of a compact lidar/DIAL system for aerial surveillance of urban areas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real Time Plasma Disruptions Detection in JET Implemented with the ITMS Platform Using FPGA Based IDAQ (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Status of the RFX experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recent progress on JET towards the ITER reference mode of operation at high density (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Scaling of local core transport with Lundquist number in the reversed field pinch (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Quasi-single helicity states in the reversed field pinch: Beyond the standard paradigm (Articolo in rivista) (
- Thermal relaxation in the reversed field pinch (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Misure di campo magnetico statico con sensore di pressione Penningvac. (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Confronto tra due modelli di guarnizioni in PEEK e tenute Elicoflex per applicazioni UHV. (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Mitigation of plasma-wall interaction during quasi-single helicity states in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (
- Quasi-Single-Helicity Reversed-Field-Pinch Plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- The influence of an ITER-like wall on disruptions at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Non-power law scaling for access to the H-mode in tokamaks via symbolic regression (Articolo in rivista) (
- An Original Method for Spot Detection and Analysis for Large Surveys of Videos in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Influence of plasma diagnostics and constraints on the quality of equilibrium reconstructions on Joint European Torus (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the Potential of Information Theoretic Indicators for the Detection of Image Vibrations and for Image Registration on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Advanced Methods for Image Registration Applied to JET Videos (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- An adaptive disruption predictor based on FDI approach for next generation Tokamaks (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- First results from the new TOFOR neutron spectrometer at JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-Time Processing System for the JET Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Profile Monitor Enhancement (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First Gamma-Ray Measurements of Fusion Alpha Particles in JET TraceTritium Experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Greenwald density limit in the Reverse Field Pinch (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Transport Mechanisms and Enhanced Confinement Studies in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- New insights into MHD dynamics of magnetically confined plasmas from experiments in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Particle and Energy Transport in the RFX Experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- RFX: new tools for real-time MHD control (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Space-Varying Templates for Real-Time Applications of Cellular Nonlinear Networks to Pattern Recognition in Nuclear Fusion (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- TOTAL RADIATION LOSSES AND EMISSIVITY PROFILES IN RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automatic disruption classification based on manifold learning for real-time applications on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Ultra High Vacuum Properties of Some Engineering Polymers. (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Comparison of new PEEK seals with traditional Helicoflex for Ultra High Vacuum applications (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy observations in JET 4He plasmas with ICRH (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Robustness and increased time resolution of JET Advanced Predictor of Disruptions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automatic location of disruption times in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A New Generation of Real-Time Systems in the JET Tokamak (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Target emission probe for suprathermal electron detection (Articolo in rivista) (
- First results on Reversed Field Pinch plasmas with new magnetic boundary in the RFX-mod experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A statistical method for model extraction and model selection applied to the temperature scaling of the L-H transition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Localized bulk electron heating with ICRF mode conversion in the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Latest Developments in Data Analysis Tools for Disruption Prediction and for the Exploration of Multimachine Operational Spaces. (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Improved equilibrium reconstructions by advanced statistical weighting of the internal magnetic measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- 2D tomography of SXR data from toroidally separated cameras for studies of impurity injection and fast instabilities on JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Poloidal rotation dynamics, radial electric field, and neoclassical theory in the jet internal-transport-barrier region (Articolo in rivista) (
- Overview of recent JET results in preparation for ITER operation: Interplay between technical and scientific progress (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time measurement and control at JET experiment control (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron measurements on Joint European Torus using an NE213 scintillator with digital pulse shape discrimination (Articolo in rivista) (
- First MeV ion loss measurements using activation technique in reversed B experiments at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time calculation of plasma parameters for feedback control in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spatial location of local perturbations in plasma emissivity derived from projections using conformal predictors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Integrated scenario in JET using real-time profile control (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterising dust in JET with the new ITER-like wall (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The maximum likelihood reconstruction method for JET neutron tomography (Articolo in rivista) (
- Progress on statistical learning systems as data mining tools for the creation of automatic databases in Fusion environments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Test-bed of a real time detection system for L/H and H/L transitions implemented with the ITMS platform (Articolo in rivista) (
- Development of single crystal diamond neutron detectors and test at JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- An advanced disruption predictor for JET tested in a simulated real-time environment (Articolo in rivista) (
- A new calibration code for the JET polarimeter (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent developments in data mining and soft computing for JET with a view on ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- On the possible use of a commercial Penning gauge as a magnetic field sensor (Articolo in rivista) (
- Intelligent technique to search for patterns within images in massive databases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Feature extraction for improved disruption prediction analysis at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Computationally efficient SVM multi-class image recognition with confidence measures (Articolo in rivista) (
- Determination of the pellet parameters by image processing methods (Articolo in rivista) (
- New signal processing methods and information technologies for the real time control of JET reactor relevant plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Residual analysis of the equilibrium reconstruction quality on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Classifier based on support vector machine for JET plasma configurations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Self-adaptive sampling rate data acquisition in JET's correlation reflectometer (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of neutrons at JET by means of the activation methods (Articolo in rivista) (
- The line-integrated plasma density from both interferometry and polarimetry at JET (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High-resolution gamma ray spectroscopy measurements of the fast ion energy distribution in JET He-4 plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A 10000-Image-per-Second Parallel Algorithm for Real-Time Detection of MARFEs on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automatic localization of backscattering events due to particulate in urban areas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- RFX diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall (Articolo in rivista) (
- Supervised Image Processing Learning for Wall MARFE Detection Prior to Disruption in JET With a Carbon Wall (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of manifold learning techniques for the investigation of disruptions on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Burning plasma diagnostics for the physics of JET and ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Doppler broadening of gamma ray lines and fast ion distribution in JET plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fusion alpha-particle diagnostics for DT experiments on the joint European torus (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Signal processing and general purpose data acquisition system for on-line tomographic measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development and tests of a simple multifoil spectrometer for highly time-resolved line intensity measurements in the RFX experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Soft x-ray and bolometric tomography in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Extensive statistical analysis of ELMs on JET with a carbon wall (Articolo in rivista) (
- Preliminary investigation of the use of visible images to validate the magnetic reconstruction of the boundary on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of image processing tools to extract physical information from JET videos (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent Progress in RFP Research on the RFX Experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Manifold learning to interpret JET high-dimensional operational space (Articolo in rivista) (
- Proposta per lo sviluppo di un sensore per la misura della radiazione FIR (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Modelling and TOFOR measurements of scattered neutrons at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A universal support vector machines based method for automatic event location in waveforms and video-movies: Applications to massive nuclear fusion databases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Neural computing methods to determine the relevance of memory effects in nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Image processing with cellular nonlinear networks implemented on field-programmable gate arrays for real-time applications in nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of intelligent data retrieval methods for waveforms and images in massive fusion databases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Innovative signal processing and data analysis methods on JET for control in the perspective of next-step devices (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real Time Plasma Disruptions Detection in JET Implemented With the ITMS Platform Using FPGA Based IDAQ (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Exploiting Graphic Processing Units Parallelism to Improve Intelligent Data Acquisition System Performance in JET's Correlation Reflectometer (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time electron density measurements from Cotton-Mouton effect in JET machine (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- In-cell measurements of smoke backscattering coefficients using a CO(2) laser system for application to lidar-dial forest fire detection (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Energy resolution of gamma-ray spectroscopy of JET plasmas with a LaBr(3) scintillator detector and digital data acquisition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Transport and Confinement Studies in RFX-mod Reversed-Field Pinch Experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- New information processing methods for control on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Soft x-ray Tomographic Imaging in the RFX Reversed Field Pinch (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Artificial neural networks for real-time diagnostic of high-Z impurities in reactor-relevant plasmas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Real-time determination of confinement parameters in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Signal processing and calibration electronics for the SXR tomographic diagnostic of the RFX fusion experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New developments in JET neutron, gamma-ray and particle diagnostics with relevance to ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development of real-time diagnostics and feedback algorithms for JET in view of the next step (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Active MHD control experiments in RFX-MOD (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New diagnostics techniques and technologies at JET (invited) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Definition of the radiation fields for the JET gamma-ray spectrometer diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A statistical investigation of the effects of edge localized modes on the equilibrium reconstruction in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- JET new diagnostic capability on the route to ITER (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Analyses of substantially different plasma current densities and safety factors reconstructed from magnetic diagnostics data (Articolo in rivista) (
- On the Use of Nonadditive Entropy to Determine the Presence of Vibrations in the Videos of JET Cameras (Articolo in rivista) (
- A novel method for tritium transport studies and its validation at JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- JET Development Program for a-particles and Helium ash Diagnostics (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- H/L transition time estimation in JET using conformal predictors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Present-day Experience In The Use of Galvanomagnetic Radiation Hard Transducers in Fusion Devices (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- New techniques and technologies for information retrieval and knowledge extraction from nuclear fusion massive databases (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Latest developments in image processing for the next generation of devices with a view on DEMO (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of JET Polarimeter With a Propagation Code Based on the Stokes Formalism (Articolo in rivista) (
- Instrumentation with Hall sensors for JET magnetic diagnostics. The results of the recent deuterium campaign at JET in 2009 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Advanced Data Acquisition System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry in JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Neutron emission spectroscopy diagnosis of JET D plasmas with the new MPRu instrument (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Gamma-ray imaging of D and (4)He ions accelerated by ion-cyclotron- resonance heating in JET plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Error estimation and parameter dependence of the calculation of the fast ion distribution function, temperature, and density using data from the KF1 high energy neutral particle analyzer on Joint European Torus (Articolo in rivista) (
- A statistical methodology to derive the scaling law for the H-mode power threshold using a large multi-machine database (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analysis of the calibration methods and error propagation for the sensitivity S and the cooling time constant tau(c) of the gold metal foil bolometers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent Results from Real-Time Active Control of MHD Modes in RFX-mod (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Overview of RFX-mod results with active MHD control (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The role of JET for the preparation of the ITER exploitation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Exploratory Data Analysis Techniques to Determine the Dimensionality of Complex Nonlinear Phenomena: The L-to-H Transition at JET as a Case Study (Articolo in rivista) (
- New Approximations and Calibration Methods to Provide Routine Real-Time Polarimetry on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Automatic location of L/H transition times for physical studies with a large statistical basis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Image Manipulation for High Temperature Plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Simultaneous Cotton-Mouton and Faraday rotation angle measurements on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fuzzy logic and support vector machine approaches to regime identification in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron profiles and fuel ratio n(T)/n(D) measurements in JET ELMy H-mode plasmas with tritium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Mirror test for International Thermonuclear Experimental reactor at the JET tokamak: An overview of the program (Articolo in rivista) (
- First Application of Cellular Nonlinear Network Methods to the Real-Time Identification of Hot Spots in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron detection at jet using artificial diamond detectors (Articolo in rivista) (
- The 3D study of X-mode reflectometry for density profile measurements on the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- JET new diagnostic capability on the route to ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- The anomalous currents in the front foils of the JET lost alpha diagnostic KA-2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Accurate and reliable image classification by using conformal predictors in the TJ-II Thomson scattering (Articolo in rivista) (
- Validation of Joint European Torus polarimetric measurements with residual analysis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Implementation and testing of the JET gamma-ray cameras neutron filters pneumatic system (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent developments of the JET far-infrared interferometer-polarimeter diagnostic (Articolo in rivista) (
- Single wire transmission from HV environments of temperature measurements obtained with a smart sensor (Articolo in rivista) (
- Automated estimation of L/H transition times at JET by combining Bayesian statistics and support vector machines (Articolo in rivista) (
- A comparison of four reconstruction methods for JET neutron and gamma tomography (Articolo in rivista) (
- Time dependent 14 MeV neutrons measurement using a polycrystalline chemical vapor deposited diamond detector at the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- A model-based technique for integrated real-time profile control in the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Single crystal artificial diamond detectors for VUV and soft X-rays measurements on JET thermonuclear fusion plasma (Articolo in rivista) (
- Machine learning for the identification of scaling laws and dynamical systems directly from data in fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- Results of the JET real-time disruption predictor in the ITER-like wall campaigns (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Latest Developments in Image Processing for the next Generation of Devices with a view on DEMO (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Introducing minimum Fisher regularisation tomography to AXUV and soft x-ray diagnostic systems of the COMPASS tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Machine Learning for the Identification of Scaling Laws and Dynamical Systems directly from data in Magnetic Confinement Fusion (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Disruption causes during first operations with the JET ITER-like wall (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Radiation pattern and impurity transport in argon seeded ELMy H-mode discharges in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- A new class of indicators for the model selection of scaling laws in nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
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- Autore CNR
- JET new diagnostic capability on the route to ITER (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Overview of RFX-mod results with active MHD control (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Recent Results from Real-Time Active Control of MHD Modes in RFX-mod (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- New techniques and technologies for information retrieval and knowledge extraction from nuclear fusion massive databases (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Exploiting Graphic Processing Units Parallelism to Improve Intelligent Data Acquisition System Performance in JETs Correlation Reflectomete (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Application of cellular neural network methods to real time image analysis in plasma fusion (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Analysis and modelling of the magnetic and plasma profiles during PPCD experiments in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (
- A multichord soft x-ray diagnostic for electron temperature profile measurements in RFX-mod (Articolo in rivista) (
- Assessment of new ex-vessel magnetic measurements in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cellular nonlinear networks for strike-point localization at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ultra high vacuum properties of some engineering polymers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Poloidal magnetic field measurements in a reversed field pinch plasma by a far-infrared polarimeter (Articolo in rivista) (
- Comparison of new PEEK (R) seals with traditional helicoflex for ultra high vacuum applications (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent developments in data mining and soft computing for JET with a view on ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- An advanced disruption predictor for JET tested in a simulated real-time environment (Articolo in rivista) (
- A new calibration code for the JET polarimeter (Articolo in rivista) (
- Progress on statistical learning systems as data mining tools for the creation of automatic databases in Fusion environments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Test-bed of a real time detection system for L/H and H/L transitions implemented with the ITMS platform (Articolo in rivista) (
- Development of single crystal diamond neutron detectors and test at JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- The maximum likelihood reconstruction method for JET neutron tomography (Articolo in rivista) (
- Self-adaptive sampling rate data acquisition in JET's correlation reflectometer (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of neutrons at JET by means of the activation methods (Articolo in rivista) (
- Residual analysis of the equilibrium reconstruction quality on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Classifier based on support vector machine for JET plasma configurations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Feature extraction for improved disruption prediction analysis at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Intelligent technique to search for patterns within images in massive databases (Articolo in rivista) (
- New signal processing methods and information technologies for the real time control of JET reactor relevant plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Computationally efficient SVM multi-class image recognition with confidence measures (Articolo in rivista) (
- Determination of the pellet parameters by image processing methods (Articolo in rivista) (
- On the possible use of a commercial Penning gauge as a magnetic field sensor (Articolo in rivista) (
- First MeV ion loss measurements using activation technique in reversed B experiments at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron measurements on Joint European Torus using an NE213 scintillator with digital pulse shape discrimination (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time calculation of plasma parameters for feedback control in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Overview of recent JET results in preparation for ITER operation: Interplay between technical and scientific progress (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time measurement and control at JET experiment control (Articolo in rivista) (
- Poloidal rotation dynamics, radial electric field, and neoclassical theory in the jet internal-transport-barrier region (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neural networks for real time determination of radiated power in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time determination of confinement parameters in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Soft x-ray Tomographic Imaging in the RFX Reversed Field Pinch (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New diagnostics techniques and technologies at JET (invited) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Active MHD control experiments in RFX-MOD (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development of real-time diagnostics and feedback algorithms for JET in view of the next step (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New developments in JET neutron, gamma-ray and particle diagnostics with relevance to ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Signal processing and calibration electronics for the SXR tomographic diagnostic of the RFX fusion experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of intelligent data retrieval methods for waveforms and images in massive fusion databases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Innovative signal processing and data analysis methods on JET for control in the perspective of next-step devices (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modelling and TOFOR measurements of scattered neutrons at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Image processing with cellular nonlinear networks implemented on field-programmable gate arrays for real-time applications in nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A universal support vector machines based method for automatic event location in waveforms and video-movies: Applications to massive nuclear fusion databases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Neural computing methods to determine the relevance of memory effects in nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New information processing methods for control on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- In-cell measurements of smoke backscattering coefficients using a CO(2) laser system for application to lidar-dial forest fire detection (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Energy resolution of gamma-ray spectroscopy of JET plasmas with a LaBr(3) scintillator detector and digital data acquisition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time electron density measurements from Cotton-Mouton effect in JET machine (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Exploiting Graphic Processing Units Parallelism to Improve Intelligent Data Acquisition System Performance in JET's Correlation Reflectometer (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real Time Plasma Disruptions Detection in JET Implemented With the ITMS Platform Using FPGA Based IDAQ (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Image Manipulation for High Temperature Plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- The role of JET for the preparation of the ITER exploitation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Error estimation and parameter dependence of the calculation of the fast ion distribution function, temperature, and density using data from the KF1 high energy neutral particle analyzer on Joint European Torus (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analysis of the calibration methods and error propagation for the sensitivity S and the cooling time constant tau(c) of the gold metal foil bolometers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Gamma-ray imaging of D and (4)He ions accelerated by ion-cyclotron- resonance heating in JET plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- A model-based technique for integrated real-time profile control in the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Time dependent 14 MeV neutrons measurement using a polycrystalline chemical vapor deposited diamond detector at the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Single crystal artificial diamond detectors for VUV and soft X-rays measurements on JET thermonuclear fusion plasma (Articolo in rivista) (
- Machine learning for the identification of scaling laws and dynamical systems directly from data in fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- Validation of Joint European Torus polarimetric measurements with residual analysis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent developments of the JET far-infrared interferometer-polarimeter diagnostic (Articolo in rivista) (
- The anomalous currents in the front foils of the JET lost alpha diagnostic KA-2 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Accurate and reliable image classification by using conformal predictors in the TJ-II Thomson scattering (Articolo in rivista) (
- Automated estimation of L/H transition times at JET by combining Bayesian statistics and support vector machines (Articolo in rivista) (
- A comparison of four reconstruction methods for JET neutron and gamma tomography (Articolo in rivista) (
- Single wire transmission from HV environments of temperature measurements obtained with a smart sensor (Articolo in rivista) (
- First Application of Cellular Nonlinear Network Methods to the Real-Time Identification of Hot Spots in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- JET new diagnostic capability on the route to ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron detection at jet using artificial diamond detectors (Articolo in rivista) (
- The 3D study of X-mode reflectometry for density profile measurements on the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Simultaneous Cotton-Mouton and Faraday rotation angle measurements on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron profiles and fuel ratio n(T)/n(D) measurements in JET ELMy H-mode plasmas with tritium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Mirror test for International Thermonuclear Experimental reactor at the JET tokamak: An overview of the program (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fuzzy logic and support vector machine approaches to regime identification in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- On the Use of Nonadditive Entropy to Determine the Presence of Vibrations in the Videos of JET Cameras (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analyses of substantially different plasma current densities and safety factors reconstructed from magnetic diagnostics data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Transport Mechanisms and Enhanced Confinement Studies in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time recovery of the electron density from interferometric measurements affected by fringe jumps (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Magnetic Self Organization, MHD Active Control and Confinement in RFX-mod (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Qualification of allyl diglycol carbonate as plastic optic for ultra-high vacuum and high-temperature operation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Prototype of an adaptive disruption predictor for JET based on fuzzy logic and regression trees (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Innovative diagnostics for ITER physics addressed in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First applications of structural pattern recognition methods to the investigation of specific physical phenomena at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Single crystal CVD diamonds as neutron detectors at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New developments at JET in diagnostics, real-time control, data acquisition and information retrieval with potential application to ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automated recognition system for ELM classification in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Investigation on an Anomalous Behavior of the Polarimetric Measurements at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- H-mode access on JET and implications for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Tritium transport studies with use of the ISEP NPA during tritium trace experimental campaign on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Application of optical flow method for imaging diagnostic in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A Real-Time Synchronous Detector for the TAE Antenna Diagnostic at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time remote diagnostic monitoring test-bed in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analysis of Faraday rotation in JET polarimetric measurements (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fusion alpha loss diagnostic for ITER using activation technique (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spectral Broadening of Characteristic gamma-Ray Emission Peaks from C-12(He-3, p gamma)N-14 Reactions in Fusion Plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Monitoring the leakage of 3.0 and 14.7 MeV protons from a fusion plasma (Articolo in rivista) (
- Motion estimation within the MPEG video compressed domain for JET plasma diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Towards the realization on JET of an integrated H-mode scenario for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- The JET-Enhanced Performance programme: More heating power and diagnostic capabilities in preparation for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- ITER relevant developments in neutron diagnostics during the JET Trace Tritium campaign (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-time measurement and control at JET signal processing and physics analysis for diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Algorithms for the Automatic Identification of MARFEs and UFOs in JET Database of Visible Camera Videos (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modelling of the signal processing electronics of JET interferometer-polarimeter (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- ANALYSIS OF VIDEO-MOVIES USING SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Charged fusion product loss measurements using nuclear activation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observation of alpha particle loss from JET plasmas during ion cyclotron resonance frequency heating using a thin foil Faraday cup detector array (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Support vector machine-based feature extractor for L/H transitions in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mutual interaction of Faraday rotation and Cotton-Mouton phase shift in JET polarimetric measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cellular Neural Network Algorithms for Real-Time Image Analysis in Plasma Fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- A novel method for trace tritium transport studies (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fast visible imaging of ELM-wall interactions on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Systematic comparison between line integrated densities measured with interferometry and polarimetry at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Unbiased and non-supervised learning methods for disruption prediction at JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring the radiation field and radiation hard detectors at JET: Recent developments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Mega-electron-volt ion loss measurements in JET D-He-3 plasmas using activation technique (Articolo in rivista) (
- A disruption predictor based on fuzzy logic applied to JET data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Evolution of the radial electric field in a JET H-mode plasma (Articolo in rivista) (
- New information processing methods for control in magnetically confinement nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neutron emission spectroscopy diagnosis of JET D plasmas with the new MPRu instrument (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Advanced Data Acquisition System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry in JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Present-day Experience In The Use of Galvanomagnetic Radiation Hard Transducers in Fusion Devices (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- A novel method for tritium transport studies and its validation at JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Artificial neural networks for real-time diagnostic of high-Z impurities in reactor-relevant plasmas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- JET Development Program for a-particles and Helium ash Diagnostics (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Machine Learning for the Identification of Scaling Laws and Dynamical Systems directly from data in Magnetic Confinement Fusion (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Latest Developments in Image Processing for the next Generation of Devices with a view on DEMO (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- JET Experimental program with relevance to ITER Diagnostics (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- The line-integrated plasma density from both interferometry and polarimetry at JET (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Proposta per lo sviluppo di un sensore per la misura della radiazione FIR (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Misure di campo magnetico statico con sensore di pressione Penningvac. (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Confronto tra due modelli di guarnizioni in PEEK e tenute Elicoflex per applicazioni UHV. (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Ultra High Vacuum Properties of Some Engineering Polymers. (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- Comparison of new PEEK seals with traditional Helicoflex for Ultra High Vacuum applications (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (
- High-energy fuel ion diagnostics on ITER derived from neutron emission spectroscopy measurements on JET DT plasmas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- New developments in the diagnostics for the fusion products on JET in preparation for ITER, (invited) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chapter 5: Burning Plasma Studies at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First Gamma-Ray Measurements of Fusion Alpha Particles in JET TraceTritium Experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Tandem collimators for the JET tangential gamma-ray spectrometer (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental investigation of the confinement of d(He-3,p)alpha and d(d,p)t fusion reaction products in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- High-Speed Image Processing Algorithms for Real-Time Detection of MARFEs on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Introduction to Conformal Predictors Based on Fuzzy Logic Classifiers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Burning plasma diagnostics for the physics of JET and ITER (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Localized bulk electron heating with ICRF mode conversion in the JET tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy observations in JET 4He plasmas with ICRH (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Confinement Studies on RFX (Articolo in rivista) (
- Implementation and testing of the JET gamma-ray cameras neutron filters pneumatic system (Articolo in rivista) (
- New Approximations and Calibration Methods to Provide Routine Real-Time Polarimetry on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Exploratory Data Analysis Techniques to Determine the Dimensionality of Complex Nonlinear Phenomena: The L-to-H Transition at JET as a Case Study (Articolo in rivista) (
- Automatic location of L/H transition times for physical studies with a large statistical basis (Articolo in rivista) (
- A statistical methodology to derive the scaling law for the H-mode power threshold using a large multi-machine database (Articolo in rivista) (
- A statistical investigation of the effects of edge localized modes on the equilibrium reconstruction in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Latest developments in image processing for the next generation of devices with a view on DEMO (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- H/L transition time estimation in JET using conformal predictors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Introducing minimum Fisher regularisation tomography to AXUV and soft x-ray diagnostic systems of the COMPASS tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High-resolution gamma ray spectroscopy measurements of the fast ion energy distribution in JET He-4 plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Manifold learning to interpret JET high-dimensional operational space (Articolo in rivista) (
- Preliminary investigation of the use of visible images to validate the magnetic reconstruction of the boundary on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Doppler broadening of gamma ray lines and fast ion distribution in JET plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- First results from the new TOFOR neutron spectrometer at JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Instrumentation with Hall sensors for JET magnetic diagnostics. The results of the recent deuterium campaign at JET in 2009 (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- 2D tomography of SXR data from toroidally separated cameras for studies of impurity injection and fast instabilities on JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the Causes of Anomaly in the Polarimetric Measurements at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Magnetic Measuring Instrumentation With Radiation-Resistant Hall Sensors for Fusion Reactors: Experience of Testing at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modern numerical methods for plasma tomography optimisation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Phase congruency image classification for marfe detection on jet with a carbon wall (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modeling fusion data in probabilistic metric spaces: Applications to the identification of confinement regimes and plasma disruptions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Improved feature selection based on genetic algorithms for real time disruption prediction on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of statistically hedged prediction methods: From off-line to real-time data analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Neutron field parameter measurements on the JET tokamak by means of super-heated fluid detectors (Articolo in rivista) (
- Identifying JET Instabilities with Neural Networks (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Identification of Confinement Regimes in Tokamak Plasmas by Conformal Prediction on a Probabilistic Manifold (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Clustering based on the geodesic distance on Gaussian manifolds for the automatic classification of disruptions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sparse image representation for jet neutron and gamma tomography (Articolo in rivista) (
- Definition of the radiation fields for the JET gamma-ray spectrometer diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A 10000-Image-per-Second Parallel Algorithm for Real-Time Detection of MARFEs on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Status of the RFX experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Scaling of local core transport with Lundquist number in the reversed field pinch (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recent progress on JET towards the ITER reference mode of operation at high density (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Electron temperature diagnostics in the RFX reversed field pinch experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Calibration of the Core poloidal rotation velocity for the measurement of the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Core Transport Improvement during Poloidal Current Drive in the RFX Reversed Field Pinch (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recent Results of RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Pulsed poloidal current drive experiments in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First FIR multhicord Faraday rotation measurements in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of the high density limits in the RFX high current regimes (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Comparison of Different Approaches to the Real Time Correction of Fringe Jumps at JET (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recent Progress in RFP Research on the RFX Experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Transport and Confinement Studies in RFX-mod Reversed-Field Pinch Experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Spatial location of local perturbations in plasma emissivity derived from projections using conformal predictors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Bolometric and SXR tomography in RFX (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Radiation pattern and impurity transport in argon seeded ELMy H-mode discharges in JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Real-Time Processing System for the JET Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Profile Monitor Enhancement (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real Time Plasma Disruptions Detection in JET Implemented with the ITMS Platform Using FPGA Based IDAQ (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A new class of indicators for the model selection of scaling laws in nuclear fusion (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analysis of JET Polarimeter With a Propagation Code Based on the Stokes Formalism (Articolo in rivista) (
- RFX diagnostics (Articolo in rivista) (
- TOTAL RADIATION LOSSES AND EMISSIVITY PROFILES IN RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mitigation of plasma-wall interaction during quasi-single helicity states in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (
- Quasi-Single-Helicity Reversed-Field-Pinch Plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Quasi-single helicity states in the reversed field pinch: Beyond the standard paradigm (Articolo in rivista) (
- Thermal relaxation in the reversed field pinch (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Turbulent transport and plasma flow in the Reversed Field Pinch (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Preliminary investigations of equilibrium reconstruction quality during ELMy and ELM-free phases on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effects of the input polarization on JET polarimeter horizontal channels (Articolo in rivista) (
- Soft x-ray and bolometric tomography in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Signal processing and general purpose data acquisition system for on-line tomographic measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development and tests of a simple multifoil spectrometer for highly time-resolved line intensity measurements in the RFX experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Implementation of the Disruption Predictor APODIS in JET Real Time Network using the MARTe Framework (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of the new real-time equilibrium code EQUINOX on JET and Tore Supra (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New frontiers of Forest Fire Protection : A portable Laser System (FfED) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Results of the JET real-time disruption predictor in the ITER-like wall campaigns (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Disruption causes during first operations with the JET ITER-like wall (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Non-power law scaling for access to the H-mode in tokamaks via symbolic regression (Articolo in rivista) (
- Recent progress in reversed field pinch research in the RFX experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An optimized multifoil soft x-ray spectrometer for the determination of the electron temperature with high time resolution (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Integrated scenario in JET using real-time profile control (Articolo in rivista) (
- First results on Reversed Field Pinch plasmas with new magnetic boundary in the RFX-mod experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Particle and Energy Transport in the RFX Experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- New insights into MHD dynamics of magnetically confined plasmas from experiments in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Transport Mechanisms and Enhanced Confinement Studies in RFX (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The Greenwald density limit in the Reverse Field Pinch (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- RFX: new tools for real-time MHD control (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- On the identification of instabilities with neural networks on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical analysis of plasma shape influence on the power threshold to access the H-mode (Articolo in rivista) (
- Singular spectrum analysis as a tool for plasma fluctuations analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Edge localised asymmetric radiative phenomena in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Error analysis for thermonuclear plasma bolometric measurements performed with widely used miniaturized metal resistor detectors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Electron temperature measurements with high time resolution in RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Boronization with trimethylboron in the reversed field pinch RFX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Latest Developments in Data Analysis Tools for Disruption Prediction and for the Exploration of Multimachine Operational Spaces. (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A New Generation of Real-Time Systems in the JET Tokamak (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Space-Varying Templates for Real-Time Applications of Cellular Nonlinear Networks to Pattern Recognition in Nuclear Fusion (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automatic disruption classification based on manifold learning for real-time applications on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nuove misure su sensore di temperatura a fibra ottica basati sul metodo della riflessione (Rapporti tecnici, manuali, carte geologiche e tematiche e prodotti multimediali) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Unfolding of energies of fusion products from the nuclear activation data at JET (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development of an efficient real-time disruption predictor from scratch on JET and implications for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (
- Design and development of a compact lidar/DIAL system for aerial surveillance of urban areas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A New Generation of Real-Time Systems in the JET Tokamak (Articolo in rivista) (
- Influence of plasma diagnostics and constraints on the quality of equilibrium reconstructions on Joint European Torus (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the Potential of Information Theoretic Indicators for the Detection of Image Vibrations and for Image Registration on JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Implementation of the Disruption Predictor APODIS in JET's Real-Time Network Using the MARTe Framework (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Supervised Image Processing Learning for Wall MARFE Detection Prior to Disruption in JET With a Carbon Wall (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fusion alpha-particle diagnostics for DT experiments on the joint European torus (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Robustness and increased time resolution of JET Advanced Predictor of Disruptions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automatic location of disruption times in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A statistical method for model extraction and model selection applied to the temperature scaling of the L-H transition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Improved equilibrium reconstructions by advanced statistical weighting of the internal magnetic measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An adaptive disruption predictor based on FDI approach for next generation Tokamaks (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Advanced Methods for Image Registration Applied to JET Videos (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Target emission probe for suprathermal electron detection (Articolo in rivista) (
- The influence of an ITER-like wall on disruptions at JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- UMEL: A new regression tool to identify measurement peaks in LIDAR/DIAL systems for environmental physics applications (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time change detection in data streams with FPGAs (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-Time Processing System for the JET Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Pro fi le Monitor Enhancement (Articolo in rivista) (
- Symbolic Regression via Genetic Programming to derive Empirical Models and Scaling Laws as Monomial or Polynomial Expansions. (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of real-time disruption prediction in JET: applicability to ITER (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of image processing tools to extract physical information from JET videos (Articolo in rivista) (
- Extensive statistical analysis of ELMs on JET with a carbon wall (Articolo in rivista) (
- Overview of manifold learning techniques for the investigation of disruptions on JET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterising dust in JET with the new ITER-like wall (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Automatic localization of backscattering events due to particulate in urban areas (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- An Original Method for Spot Detection and Analysis for Large Surveys of Videos in JET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall (Articolo in rivista) (
- An alternative approach to the determination of scaling law expressions for the L-H transition in Tokamaks utilizing classification tools instead of regression (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Physics-based optimization of plasma diagnostic information Preface (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulation and real-time replacement of missing plasma signals for disruption prediction: an implementation with APODIS (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Adaptive high learning rate probabilistic disruption predictors from scratch for the next generation of tokamaks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Symbolic regression via genetic programming for data driven derivation of confinement scaling laws without any assumption on their mathematical form (Articolo in rivista) (
- Towards the implementation of a spectral data base for the detection of biological warfare agents (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
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