Technological parameters and suitability to freezing of seed grown artichoke hybrids (Contributo in atti di convegno)
- Type
- Label
- Technological parameters and suitability to freezing of seed grown artichoke hybrids (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
- Anno
- 2005-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
Calabrese N., Cardinali A., Di Venere D., Linsalata V., Pieralice M., Sergio L., D'Amato G. (2005)
Technological parameters and suitability to freezing of seed grown artichoke hybrids
in IV International Congress on Artichoke, Valenzano (BA) - Italy
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- Calabrese N., Cardinali A., Di Venere D., Linsalata V., Pieralice M., Sergio L., D'Amato G. (literal)
- Pagina inizio
- Pagina fine
- Http://
- Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Artichoke (literal)
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- Rivista
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- Acta Horticulturae Vol 681 pg 495-501 (literal)
- Note
- ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
- Http://
- 1. Calabrese N. CNR-ISPA
2. Cardinali A. CNR-ISPA
3. Di Venere D. CNR-ISPA
4. Linsalata V. CNR-ISPA
5 Pieralice M. CNR-ISPA
6 Sergio L. CNR-ISPA
7. D'Amato G. Uni-Ba (literal)
- Titolo
- Technological parameters and suitability to freezing of seed grown artichoke hybrids (literal)
- Abstract
- Blanching in boiling water is commonly used to inactivate the enzymes responsible for browning and off-flavour development during the storage of frozen vegetables. The duration of blanching also affects the organoleptic features of stored products.
The suitability to freezing of new artichoke hybrids and the effect of different blanching times on the quality of artichoke frozen 'hearts' during storage are evaluated in this study. Buds weighing about 150 g hawested from eight hybrids, were trimmed and blanched for 3-4-5 minutes in a boiling 1% ascorbic acid solution, cooled with running cold water, drained and then deep frozen together with unblanched buds.
After 6 and 9 months storage at -18 OC, a panel test was arranged to evaluate appearance, odour, flavour, colour, firmness, fibre and global value. To measure perceived intensities of individua1 attributes, the intewal scale from 1 to 7 was used. The results were graphically represented by sensonal profiles. Generally, a good quality of frozen product was recorded. The yield for processing varied from 28 to 40% of bud weight. Blanching lasting 5 minutes gave best results in al1 cultivars, whereas the quality of the buds blanched for 3 minutes and stored up to 6 months resulted lower than others. Browning on receptacle and off-flavour presence were obsewed in the unblanched products. Differences of
sensorial attributes were obsewed among cultivars. Blanching time influenced the colour of the frozen buds. (literal)
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