New emerging technologies as a possible boost to the expansion of titanium metal sector (Contributo in atti di convegno)

  • New emerging technologies as a possible boost to the expansion of titanium metal sector (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
  • 2010-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Cariola M. (2010)
    New emerging technologies as a possible boost to the expansion of titanium metal sector
    in IAMOT 2010 - 19th International Conference on Management of Technology, Cairo (Egitto), 7-11 marzo 2010
  • Cariola M. (literal)
  • Technology as the Foundation for Economic Growth-19th International Conference on Management of Technology (ISBN: 0-9815817-3-0) (literal)
  • Technology as the Foundation for Economic Growth 19th International Conference on Management of Technology (ISBN: 0-9815817-3-0) (literal)
  • Google Scholar (literal)
  • Ceris-CNR (literal)
  • New emerging technologies as a possible boost to the expansion of titanium metal sector (literal)
  • 0-9815817-3-0 (literal)
  • Cariola et Al. (literal)
  • Yasser Hosni (literal)
  • The aim of this work is to try to focus and analyse the reasons why there is a considerable resistance hindering a complete dimensional development of the titanium metal sector, despite the presence of a great world abundance and large geographical distribution of titanium supplies and of a considerable declared productive capacity of the metal as well as the excellent performance of the material itself. It could in fact be placed, with regards to production, consumption and application, among the stainless steels and Aluminium alloys, and not be considered instead as an almost \"precious\" material, a niche market to be used solely for very specific jobs. Many causes give rise to this situation and they are often linked: together they have created barriers that are mainly of technological nature, but also due to a lack of MOT in the sector and have often blocked the entrance into the Titanium filiere of new economic subjects, discouraging even the investments that were already present and thus heavily limiting its development compared to its real potential. The most fundamental moment of the whole titanium production cycle is up to now represented by the production of sponge processes, that are expensive to run, erratic and cannot be automated, therefore they cannot be improved technologically. Obtaining the sponge is even now one of the major restraints of the whole filiere that goes from the mineral to the metal, in that the processing at the beginning and at the end of the cycle do not present particular technological limits or limits of other kinds compared to the materials in competition with titanium. One solution to this limit of a technological nature must thus be sought in a radical innovation of the metal productive process: this could take place using an \"electrolytic\" process so as to obtain titanium automatically and no longer in an erratic way, with lower costs and higher and constant quality and purity; this way happened in the 30's with aluminium, when in fact production boomed by the use of the electro-chemical process, and could be repeated with titanium. Thanks to this change, a constant reduction in costs and therefore in price could be obtained, and this could result in an enormous impulse on its application in new outlet markets. However, despite the numerous attempts of new technologies performed until today (and described in the paper) with the aim of developing an \"electrolytic\" process for titanium metal able to replace the old one (Kroll's process), none have reached the industrial production. One of the main reasons has to be researched just in a lack of \"Management Of Technology\" in handling the intense cyclical fluctuations of titanium market and will be analysed in the paper. (literal)
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