Effect of RME fuel on combustion in optical engine operating in HCCI mode (Contributo in atti di convegno)

  • Effect of RME fuel on combustion in optical engine operating in HCCI mode (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
  • 2009-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Mancaruso E., Vaglieco B.M. (2009)
    Effect of RME fuel on combustion in optical engine operating in HCCI mode
    in 32nd Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute – Combustion Colloquia, Napoli
  • Mancaruso E., Vaglieco B.M. (literal)
  • Paper V-5. (literal)
  • In the last thirty years it has been a growing increase of the production and sale of motor vehicles in the most important world community: North America, Europe and Japan. The high request drives the State systems to regulate both the fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of the internal combustion engines. As an example, in Europe from the 2009, on September, could be ratified only the vehicles equipped with diesel engines that fulfil EURO V standard emission: maximum concentration of both particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) of 0.025g/km [1]. These severe emission limits drive both the motor vehicles makers and the researchers to lay out new combustion systems, to use synthetic and bio fuels, to optimize the engine system, and to found new technological tools to get the best out of the actual motor vehicles. (literal)
  • CNR, Istituto Motori, Napoli, Italy (literal)
  • Effect of RME fuel on combustion in optical engine operating in HCCI mode (literal)
  • 978-88-88104-10-2 (literal)
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