WebGIS Services for Real-Time Water Monitoring An Application for Water Quality Crisis Management (Contributo in atti di convegno)
- Type
- Label
- WebGIS Services for Real-Time Water Monitoring An Application for Water Quality Crisis Management (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
- Anno
- 2010-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
- Http://
- A Ortolani 1-2; R Costantini 1-2; L Costanza 1-2; L Innocenti 1-2; C Brandini 1-2;
L Angeli 1-2; B Gozzini 1-2; F Sabatini1; M Bellatalla3 (literal)
- Http://
- (literal)
- Http://
- BALWOIS 2010 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 25, 29 May 2010 (literal)
- Http://
- Atti della V International Conference of Water Observation and Information System for Decision for Balkan Countries (BALWOIS 2010) (literal)
- Http://
- 1 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Istituto di Biometeorologia, Firenze, Italy
2 Consorzio LAMMA, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy
3Acquedotto del Fiora SpA, Grosseto, Italy (literal)
- Titolo
- WebGIS Services for Real-Time Water Monitoring An Application for Water Quality Crisis Management (literal)
- Http://
- 978-60-845100-3-1 (literal)
- Abstract
- Quantity and quality of underground water is stressed by multiple factors such as natural and human
induced pollution, or water table recharge decrease due to climate changes. Approaches of constant
monitoring and management of water resources shall promote the implementation of actions that may
prevent irreversible damages to the resource and guarantee its availability and quality. Monitoring
systems to assess water resources quantity and quality require extensive use of in-situ
measurements, that have great limitations like difficulties to access and share data, and to customise
and easy reconfigure sensors network to fulfil end-users needs during monitoring or crisis phases.
This paper describes the application carried out for underground water monitoring and environmental
crisis management through Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) services, under the European Integrated
Project of the Sixth Framework Programme OSIRIS (Open architecture for Smart and Interoperable
networks in Risk management based on In-situ Sensors, The main objective of
OSIRIS was to create a monitoring system to manage different environmental crisis situations, through
an efficient data processing chain where in-situ sensors are connected via an intelligent and versatile
network infrastructure (based on web technologies) that enables end-users to remotely access multidomain
sensors information. The project has developed a service oriented architecture, accessible
through INTERNET, with high levels of automation and interoperability, for the remote management of
heterogeneous sensors (fixed and mobile) and the data processing for monitoring and managing
environmental crises arising from natural hazard as well as industrial accidents (water pollution, urban
air pollution, forest fires, etc.). The experimental system implemented at Santa Fiora (Grosseto, Italy)
water springs, under the Italian responsibility by the Foundation for Climate and Sustainability and
LaMMa Consortium, allows data acquisition and early identification of crises in the drinking water
supply system, for supporting the assessment of proper intervention plans. (literal)
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- Autore CNR
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