Efficacia protettiva di frazioni polifenoliche da Cynara scolymus in epatociti di ratto. (Articolo in rivista)

  • Efficacia protettiva di frazioni polifenoliche da Cynara scolymus in epatociti di ratto. (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
  • 2004-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Miccadei S., Bugianesi R., Di Venere D., Cardinali A., Linsalata V., Foddai M.S., Maiani G. (2004)
    Efficacia protettiva di frazioni polifenoliche da Cynara scolymus in epatociti di ratto.
    in Italus hortus
  • Miccadei S., Bugianesi R., Di Venere D., Cardinali A., Linsalata V., Foddai M.S., Maiani G. (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 86 (literal)
Pagina fine
  • 89 (literal)
  • 11 (literal)
  • 4 (literal)
  • 5 (literal)
  • Miccadei S. = Istituto Regina Elena - Roma; Bugianesi R., Foddai M.S., Maiani G. = Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca sugli Alimenti (INRAN) -- Roma; Di Venere D., Cardinali A., Linsalata V. = CNR - Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari (ISPA) - Bari (literal)
  • Efficacia protettiva di frazioni polifenoliche da Cynara scolymus in epatociti di ratto. (literal)
  • Gli estratti da carciofo, (Cynara scolimus L.) sono da secoli utilizzati dalla medicina tradizionale per gli effetti esercitati a livello epatoprotettivo. Obiettivo della ricerca presentata è stato quello di valutare in vitro su epatociti di ratto sottoposti a stress ossidativo l'efficacia protettiva di alcune frazioni fenoliche di acidi mono- e dicaffeilchinici da capolino di carciofo mediante valutazione della sopravvivenza cellulare e del livello di glutatione intracellulare. I risultati hanno mostrato una grado di efficacia variabile in dipendenza della composizione quali-quantitativa delle frazioni. Quanto osservato sottolinea l'importanza di un attento controllo sulle materie prime e sulle metodologie preparative che riguardano la produzione a scopo fitoterapico di prodotti naturali a base di carciofo. (literal)
  • The artichoke extracts have been widely used in herbal medicine as a choleretic since ancient time. The extracts from artichoke leaves have been used in folk medicine against liver complaints and such extracts or several constituents thereof have been claimed to exert a hepatoprotective effect and to improve liver generation after partial hepatectomy. At least some of these effects are due to the antioxidative potential of artichoke polyphenols that are mainly flavones, flavanones, flavonols, coumarins, phenolic acids and can be present in different amounts and combinations, depending on the harvest time, the cultivar and the ripening. About 2% of the fresh weight of artichoke is constituted by polyphenolic compounds that are mainly represented by mono-and dicaffeoylquinic acids in the head and by glycoside forms of flavonoids such as apigenin and luteolin in the leaves. The therapeutical activity of the crude extract is probably first of all due to the phenolic structure of these compounds, that is responsible of their ability to inhibit free radical mediated processes. Free radicals and lipid peroxidation are well known to play a crucial role in a great number of pathological states. The purpose of this study was to evaluate \"in vitro\" the hepatoprotective properties of poliphenolic extracts from artichoke heads. By exposing cultured rat hepatocytes to various kind of oxidants is possible to mimic several aspects related to liver pathology characterized by cytotoxicity due to oxidative stress. Such exposed cultures provide a valuable \"in vitro\" system for investigating hepatoprotective properties of various compounds. Three different extracts from head of artichoke cv. Violetto di Provenza were tested. The first one, named E1, was from artichoke harvested on February and was mainly constituted by chlorogenic acid and two dicaffeoylquinic acids in ratio 2:1:1 respectively, the second one, named E2, was from artichoke harvested on May and was mainly constituted by chlorogenic acid and two dicaffeoylquinic acids in ratio 1:1:1 respectively, the third one was a fraction containing only the two dicaffeoylquinic acids. Cultured rat hepatocytes were exposed to H2O2 generated in situ by glucose oxidase and treated with each extracts 1mM as chlorogenic acid equivalents, pure chlorogenic acid 1 mM and the antioxidant N,N'-diphenyl-p-phenilendiamine (DPPD) 1 ?M. The end points were the cell viability and the intracellular glutathione (GSH) level after 1 h of treatment. The results showed that all the extracts prevented the toxicity of glucose oxidase, but only the E2 was able to protect completely the cells with the same efficacy of DPPD. Furthermore, E2 prevented completely the loss of total GSH caused by glucose oxidase, as well as chlorogenic acid. This phenomenon can be explained by prevention of GSH depletion but may indicate that resynthesis of GSH is stimulated by artichoke extracts under condition of oxidative stress. This is the first study, on the best of our knowledge, investigating on the protective efficacy of extract by the edible part of the artichoke. The results obtained stimulate the development of further studies aimed to the investigation of the possible health benefits associated to artichoke consumption. Furthermore, the observed different biological activity based on the extract quantitative composition suggests that the therapeutic properties of commercial products containing artichoke extracts probably are strongly affected by the raw materials and the methodologies of preparation. (literal)
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