Renewable bioDiesel/reference Diesel fuel mixtures distribution in non-evaporating and evaporating conditions for Diesel engines (Articolo in rivista)
- Type
- Label
- Renewable bioDiesel/reference Diesel fuel mixtures distribution in non-evaporating and evaporating conditions for Diesel engines (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
- Anno
- 2009-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Http://
- 10.4271/2009-24-0054 (literal)
- Alternative label
Allocca L. 1, Mancaruso E. 1, Montanaro A. 1, Vaglieco B.M. 1, Vassallo A. 2 (2009)
Renewable bioDiesel/reference Diesel fuel mixtures distribution in non-evaporating and evaporating conditions for Diesel engines
in SAE technical paper series; Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA (Stati Uniti d'America)
- Http://
- Allocca L. 1, Mancaruso E. 1, Montanaro A. 1, Vaglieco B.M. 1, Vassallo A. 2 (literal)
- Http://
- (literal)
- Rivista
- Http://
- SAE Paper 2009-24-0054 (ISSN 0148-7191). (literal)
- Http://
- Http://
- Note
- Http://
- 1) Istituto Motori, CNR, Napoli, ITALY; 2) GM Powertrain Europe, Torino, ITALY. (literal)
- Titolo
- Renewable bioDiesel/reference Diesel fuel mixtures distribution in non-evaporating and evaporating conditions for Diesel engines (literal)
- Abstract
- In spite of the recent trend, voted toward the reduction of
renewable energy sources deriving from crops, the EC
Commission proposes that the proportion of energy from
renewable sources in the transportation sector should be
at least 20 % of its final energy consumption by the year
2020. In this framework, the activities aiming to study the
effects on engine performances, emissions and fuel
consumption of alternative diesel fuel receive continue
stimulations and supports. In this paper, results of the
different behavior of biodiesel fuels in the injection
process and their impact on the air-fuel mixture
preparation are reported. The injection process
characterization has been carried out in a nonevaporative
high-density ambient in order to measure
the fuel injection rate and the spatial and temporal
distribution of the fuel. Moreover, the injection and
combustion processes have been characterized in an
optically accessible single cylinder Common Rail diesel
engine that represented evaporative conditions similar to
the real engine.
The studied injections have been chosen for engine
working conditions of 1500 rpm at 2 bar of BMEP. A
double injection strategy (pilot+main) has been adopted
and a pilot energizing time has been calibrated to deliver
1.0 mm3. First generation of biodiesels like Rapeseed
Methyl Ether (RME) and Soybean Methyl Ether (SME)
and second generation of biodiesel like gas to liquid
(GTL) have been mixed with reference diesel fuel (50%
+ 50%) and characterized in non-evaporating ambient
while pure diesel fuel and its GTL mixture have been
studied in evaporating ambient.
Images of evolving fuel in non-evaporative conditions,
captured by a high resolution CCD camera at different
instant from the start of injection and for different
operative conditions, have been processed extracting
the main parameters of the jet evolution: tip penetration,
spray-cone angle, spray density distribution. These data
have been also acquired in the combustion chamber of
the optical diesel engine by means of a high resolution
CCD camera synchronized with the injection events.
Moreover the combustion processes have been studied
and the pollutant emissions have been measured for
several engine working conditions and biodiesel mixes. (literal)
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