Differences in Arctic and Antarctic PSC occurrences observed by lidar in Ny-Ålesund (79° N, 12° E) and McMurdo(78° S, 167° E) (Articolo in rivista)
- Type
- Label
- Differences in Arctic and Antarctic PSC occurrences observed by lidar in Ny-Ålesund (79° N, 12° E) and McMurdo(78° S, 167° E) (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
- Anno
- 2005-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
M. Maturilli,1; R. Neuber,1; P. Massoli,2;, F. Cairo,2;, A. Adriani,2*; M. L. Moriconi,2; and G. Di Donfrancesco,3 (2005)
Differences in Arctic and Antarctic PSC occurrences observed by lidar in Ny-Ålesund (79° N, 12° E) and McMurdo(78° S, 167° E)
in Atmospheric chemistry and physics (Print)
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- M. Maturilli,1; R. Neuber,1; P. Massoli,2;, F. Cairo,2;, A. Adriani,2*; M. L. Moriconi,2; and G. Di Donfrancesco,3 (literal)
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- Rivista
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- Scopu (literal)
- ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
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- 1. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Telegrafenberg A45, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
2. Institute for Atmospheric Science and Climate, CNR, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy
3. Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment, ENEA C. R. Cassaccia, Via Anguillarese
301, 00060 Rome, Italy
*. now at: Institute for Physics of the Interplanetary Space, INAF, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy (literal)
- Titolo
- Differences in Arctic and Antarctic PSC occurrences observed by lidar in Ny-Ålesund (79° N, 12° E) and McMurdo(78° S, 167° E) (literal)
- Abstract
- The extent of springtime Arctic ozone loss does
not reach Antarctic \"ozone hole\" dimensions because of the
generally higher temperatures in the northern hemisphere
vortex and consequent less polar stratospheric cloud (PSC)
particle surface for heterogeneous chlorine activation. Yet,
with increasing greenhouse gases stratospheric temperatures
are expected to further decrease. To infer if present Antarctic
PSC occurrence can be applied to predict future Arctic
PSC occurrence, lidar observations from McMurdo station
(78 S, 167 E) and NyA° lesund (79 N, 12 E) have been
analysed for the 9 winters between 1995 (1995/1996) and
2003 (2003/2004). Although the statistics may not completely
cover the overall hemispheric PSC occurrence, the
observations are considered to represent the main synoptic
cloud features as both stations are mostly situated in the centre
or at the inner edge of the vortex. Since the focus is set
on the occurrence frequency of solid and liquid particles, the
analysis has been restricted to volcanic aerosol free conditions.
In McMurdo, by far the largest part of PSC observations
is associated with NAT PSCs. The observed persistent
background of NAT particles and their potential ability
to cause denoxification and irreversible denitrification is presumably
more important to Antarctic ozone chemistry than
the scarcely observed ice PSCs. Meanwhile in Ny-A° lesund,
ice PSCs have never been observed, while solid NAT and
liquid STS clouds both occur in large fraction. Although
they are also found solely, the majority of observations reveals
solid and liquid particle layers in the same profile. For
the Ny-A° lesund measurements, the frequent occurrence of
liquid PSC particles yields major significance in terms of
ozone chemistry, as their chlorine activation rates are more
efficient. (literal)
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