Mechanics of a tectonized soil slope: influence of boundary conditions and rainfall (Articolo in rivista)
- Type
- Label
- Mechanics of a tectonized soil slope: influence of boundary conditions and rainfall (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
- Anno
- 2001-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
- Http://
- Santaloia F., Cotecchia F., Polemio M. (literal)
- Pagina inizio
- Pagina fine
- Http://
- (literal)
- Http://
- Rivista
- Http://
- Il presente lavoro delinea levoluzione morfologica e il meccanismo deformativo di un fenomeno franoso in Argille Variegate nellalta valle del fiume Sele (Campania), noto come frana Vadoncello (scorrimento rotazionale-colata), sussidiario della grande frana Serra dellAcquara (riattivatasi a seguito dellevento sismico del 1980) e esemplificativo di molteplici frane presenti in aree appenniniche. Levoluzione del suddetto processo deformativo attivo e linfluenza delle condizioni al contorno sono state desunte in base ai risultati di rilievi in sito, alle indagini geotecniche di laboratorio, al monitoraggio con diverse tecniche inclinometriche, piezometriche, topografiche, geodetiche, climatiche, di telerilevamento e propriamente idrogelogiche, con riferimento al flusso e al chimismo delle acque sotterranee. L'articolo presenta, tra l'altro, i risultati ottenuti sul comportamento meccanico di queste argille. La rilevanza della ricerca deriva dalla spiccata propensione al dissesto idrogeologico e alla notevole diffusione di questi litotipi nelle aree appenniniche; le numerose frane verificatisi in tali contesti hanno causato perdite di vite umane e ricorrenti danni alle strutture e infrastrutture. Per tali ragioni e in virtù dei risultati già acquisiti, la sperimentazione di laboratorio su queste argille fortemente tettonizzate e altre argille similari prosegue, al fine di interpretare linfluenza del disturbo tettonico sul comportamento meccanico delle argille. (literal)
- Note
- Scopu (literal)
- ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
- Http://
- CNR-IRPI Sezione di Bari
D.I.C.A. - Politecnico di Bari (literal)
- Titolo
- Mechanics of a tectonized soil slope: influence of boundary conditions and rainfall (literal)
- Abstract
- The Vadoncello landslide, mobilized in December 1993 and still active, is the reactivation of a landslide which took place, within the highly tectonized soils of a turbiditic formation, after the 1980 Irpinia earthquake (Southern Italy), when it was dragged by the movements of a larger landslide body at the toe of the slope, the Serra dellAcquara landslide. The Vadoncello landslide has been studied by means of the results of comprehensive investigations and monitoring carried out within a EEC funded research project, as well as by means of successive data. Consequently the complex geological model of the slope has been defined, in which the chaotic successions of soil and rock strata are grouped into soil complexes, the location of different landslide bodies is identified within the slope (the 1993-95 Vadoncello landslide, the 1980 Vadoncello landslide and the 1980 Serra dellAcquara landslide bodies) and two hydrogeological complexes are recognized. The soil mechanical properties are shown to be very poor, the deep soils being close to gross yield and therefore prone to large plastic straining due to even limited loading changes. The soil behaviour is consequently an important factor to the slope instability. The study of the soil displacements, both at the surface and at depth, shows that the landslide is composite, being formed of a shallow rotational slide at the top of the slope, a shallow earthflow downslope and an underlying mechanism of slow and long-lasting irrecoverable movements, which are also monitored on the Serra dellAcquara landslide body, at the toe of the Vadoncello slope. These slow movements are considered to be consequent to the plastic flow of the weak clayey soils in the slopes, which may be activated by seasonal rainfall effects, by the frequent low-medium intensity seismic events occurring in the area, and also by the morphological changes resulting from the slow movements themselves. Rainfall intensity is not found to be the single direct cause of the shallow landslide reactivation, which instead is proposed to be due to the combination of the effects of the low return-period rainfalls in winter 1993 and the mechanism of slow movements active both at depth in the slope and at its toe. (literal)
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