Molecular dynamics simulations highlight structural and functional alterations in deafness-related M34T mutation of connexin 26 (Articolo in rivista)

  • Molecular dynamics simulations highlight structural and functional alterations in deafness-related M34T mutation of connexin 26 (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
  • 2014-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
  • 10.3389/fphys.2014.00085 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Zonta, Francesco; Buratto, Damiano; Cassini, Chiara; Bortolozzi, Mario; Mammano, Fabio (2014)
    Molecular dynamics simulations highlight structural and functional alterations in deafness-related M34T mutation of connexin 26
    in Frontiers in physiology
  • Zonta, Francesco; Buratto, Damiano; Cassini, Chiara; Bortolozzi, Mario; Mammano, Fabio (literal)
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  • 1 (literal)
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  • 9 (literal)
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  • 5 (literal)
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  • ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
  • Scopu (literal)
  • 1, 2, 3: Dipartimento diFisicaeAstronomia\"G.Galilei\",UniversitàdegliStudidiPadova,Padova,Italy; 4: Dipartimento diFisicaeAstronomia\"G.Galilei\",UniversitàdegliStudidiPadova,Padova,Italy / IstitutoVenetodiMedicinaMolecolare,FondazioneperlaRicercaBiomedicaAvanzata,Padova,Italy; 5: Dipartimento diFisicaeAstronomia\"G.Galilei\",UniversitàdegliStudidiPadova,Padova,Italy / IstitutoVenetodiMedicinaMolecolare,Fondazioneper la Ricerca Biomedica Avanzata,Padova,Italy / IstitutodiNeuroscienze,Consiglio Nazionaledelle Ricerche,Padova,Italy (literal)
  • Molecular dynamics simulations highlight structural and functional alterations in deafness-related M34T mutation of connexin 26 (literal)
  • Mutations of the GJB2 gene encoding the connexin 26 (Cx26) gap junction protein, which is widely expressed in the inner ear, are the primary cause of hereditary non-syndromic hearing loss in several populations. The deafness associated single amino acid substitution of methionine 34 (M34) in the first transmembrane helix (TM1) with a threonine (T) ensues in the production of mutant Cx26M34T channels that are correctly synthesized and assembled in the plasma membrane. However, mutant channels overexpressed in He La cells retain only 11% of the wild type unitary conductance. Here we extend and rationalize those findings by comparing wild type Cx26 (Cx26WT) and Cx26M34T mutant channels in silico, using molecular dynamics simulations. Our results indicate that the quaternary structure of the Cx26M34T hemichannel is altered at the level of the pore funnel due to the disruption of the hydrophobic interaction between M34 and tryptophan 3 (W3) in the N terminal helix (NTH). Our simulations also show that external force stimuli applied to the NTHs can detach them from the inner wall of the pore more readily in the mutant than in the wild type hemichannel. These structural alterations significantly increase the free energy barrier encountered by permeating ions, correspondingly decreasing the unitary conductance of the Cx26M34T hemichannel. Our results accord with the proposal that the mutant resides most of the time in a low conductance state. However, the small displacement of the NTHs in our Cx26M34T hemichannel model is not compatible with the formation of a pore plug as in the related Cx26M34A mutant. (literal)
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