A methodological approach to rapid assessment of a river flood in coastal waters. First test in the Po River delta (Abstract/Poster in convegno)
- Type
- Label
- A methodological approach to rapid assessment of a river flood in coastal waters. First test in the Po River delta (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (literal)
- Anno
- 2014-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
Alessandra Campanelli (1), Debora Bellafiore (2), Manuel Bensi (3), Francesco Bignami (4), Giuseppe Caccamo
(1), Mauro Celussi (3), Paola Del Negro (3), Christian Ferrarin (2), Mauro Marini (1), Elio Paschini (1), and Luca
Zaggia (2) (2014)
A methodological approach to rapid assessment of a river flood in coastal waters. First test in the Po River delta
in EGU 2014
- Http://
- Alessandra Campanelli (1), Debora Bellafiore (2), Manuel Bensi (3), Francesco Bignami (4), Giuseppe Caccamo
(1), Mauro Celussi (3), Paola Del Negro (3), Christian Ferrarin (2), Mauro Marini (1), Elio Paschini (1), and Luca
Zaggia (2) (literal)
- Http://
- Rivista
- Note
- Http://
- (1) CNR-ISMAR, Largo Fiera della Pesca 2, 60125 Ancona, Italy (, (2) CNR-ISMAR, Arsenale,
Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, Venezia, Italy, (3) OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C, 34010 Sgonico TS, Italy, (4) ISAC-CNR, Via
Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133, Rome, Italy (literal)
- Titolo
- A methodological approach to rapid assessment of a river flood in coastal waters. First test in the Po River delta (literal)
- Abstract
- As part of the actions of the flagship project RITMARE (Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE) a daily oceanographic
survey was performed on 29th November 2013 in front of the Po River delta (Northern Adriatic Sea). The Po river
affects a large part of the Northern Adriatic Sea with strong implications on the circulation and functionality of
the basin. Physical-chemical and biological properties of coastal waters were investigated after a moderate flood
occurred around 25th-27th November. The cruise activities, carried out using a small research boat, were mainly
focused on the test of a methodological approach to investigate the environment variability after a flood event in
the framework of rapid assessment. The effects of the flood on the coastal waters, have been evaluated in the field
using operational forecasts and real-time satellite imagery to assist field measurements and samplings.
Surface satellite chlorophyll maps and surface salinity and current maps obtained from a numerical model forced
by meteorological forecast and river data were analyzed to better identify the Po plume dispersion during and after
the event in order to better locate offshore monitoring stations at the sea.
Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, Fluorescence and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) along
the water column were collected at 7 stations in front of the Po River delta. Sea surface water samples were also
collected for the analysis of nutrients, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and CDOM (surface and bottom). The
CDOM regulates the penetration of UV light throughout the water column and mediates photochemical reactions,
playing an important role in many marine biogeochemical processes.
Satellite images showed a strong color front that separates the higher-chlorophyll coastal water from the more
oligotrophic mid-basin and eastern boundary Adriatic waters. In front of the river mouth, the surface layer was
characterized by low salinity (14-15), high turbidity (8-11 NTU) and high CDOM (20-22 ppb) values. These
parameters showed a strong gradient from coast to offshore and from surface to the bottom. The fluorescence
values were more variable since the phytoplankton growth is not quickly correlated with the load of riverborne
materials. The higher fluorescence values (1.8-2 ?g l-1) were, in fact, detected offshore and at bottom. A good
correlation between salinity versus CDOM (R2=0.84) and salinity versus Spectral slope (SCDOM275-295;
R2=0.86) were found. These features reveal the role of CDOM as tracer of the freshwater inputs.
Chemical analysis of waters affected by the river plume display high concentration of organic carbon (100-160
?mol l-1) and nutrients strenghtening this zone as one of the most eutrophic area of the Mediterranean Sea
(Campanelli et al. 2011, Marini et al. 2008).
The synergy of actions applied in the test has proved useful to better analyze the variability of coastal water
characteristics after a river flood. However, a similar methodological approach could be reasonably applied to the
rapid assessment of different events (i.e. harmful phytoplankton growth, chemical spills) which can occur in the
area or in areas with similar features. The definition of methodologies for rapid assessment of marine processes
can be a useful tool for the future integrated management of coastal zone.
Campanelli, A., F. Grilli, E. Paschini, M. Marini, 2011. The influence of an exceptional Po River flood on the
physical and chemical oceanographic properties of the Adriatic Sea. Dynam. Atmos. Oceans, 52: 284-297.
Marini, M., B.H. Jones, A. Campanelli, F. Grilli & C.M. Lee. 2008. Seasonal variability and Po River
plume influence on biochemical properties along western Adriatic coast. J. Geophys. Res., 113: C05S90,
doi:10.1029/2007JC004370. (literal)
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