Fuel consumption and productivity for two tractor-mounted chippers in relation to knife wear and raw material (Contributo in atti di convegno)

  • Fuel consumption and productivity for two tractor-mounted chippers in relation to knife wear and raw material (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
  • 2011-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Nati C.; Eliasson L.; Spinelli R. (2011)
    Fuel consumption and productivity for two tractor-mounted chippers in relation to knife wear and raw material
    in Austro2011/FORMEC´11: Pushing the boundaries with research and innovation in forest engineering, Graz and Rein (Austria), October 9 - 12, 2011
  • Nati C.; Eliasson L.; Spinelli R. (literal)
  • CNR - Ivalsa, Via Madonna del Piano 10, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy; Skogforsk, Uppsala Science Park SE-751 83 Uppsala, Sweden. (literal)
  • Fuel consumption and productivity for two tractor-mounted chippers in relation to knife wear and raw material (literal)
  • When producing fuel chips from wood biomass important aspects to consider are the economics of chipping, the quality of wood chips in terms of moisture content and size distribution, and finally the fuel consumption in chipping operations. Thus it is to evaluate parameters that may have an influence on one or more of those features. Important factors that influence the productivity and the environmental balance of chipping is the knives conditions and the raw material. In order to make an in depth analyze of those variables, test trials of two chippers were carried out in Sweden. The first chipper was a drum model, tested with residues coming from an ordinary logging and tree sections from a thinning. In this case knives were in three different wear conditions: new, good and dull. Hourly net production is significantly influenced by the knives wear and by the type of raw material as well. The effect of new and dull knives on fuel consumption is significant, as well as the effect on the same parameter of good and dull knives. The second chipper studied - a disc one - was tested with residues and pulpwood and the effect of knife condition were not studied. Regarding particle size distribution no effects on blades status or raw material could be found for the drum chipper, while for the disc chipper a statistical significant effect, limited to the accepts particles, was detected between forest residues and pulpwood. (literal)
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