D.4.1: Deliverable Report on EU state-of-art on resource efficiency (WP4) (Rapporti progetti di ricerca)

  • D.4.1: Deliverable Report on EU state-of-art on resource efficiency (WP4) (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (literal)
  • 2013-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
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  • Monica Salvia1, Senatro Di Leo1, Filomena Pietrapertosa1, Vasilis Papandreau2, Stavroula Papagianni2, Hrvoje Maras3, Sashe Panevski4, Zoja Tarevska4 (2013)
    D.4.1: Deliverable Report on EU state-of-art on resource efficiency (WP4)
  • Monica Salvia1, Senatro Di Leo1, Filomena Pietrapertosa1, Vasilis Papandreau2, Stavroula Papagianni2, Hrvoje Maras3, Sashe Panevski4, Zoja Tarevska4 (literal)
  • http://www.re-seeties.eu/eu-state-art-resource-efficiency (literal)
  • 75 (literal)
  • 1 CNR-IMAA 2 CRES 3 REGEA 4 MACEF (literal)
  • D.4.1: Deliverable Report on EU state-of-art on resource efficiency (WP4) (literal)
  • This report focuses on the EU state-of-art of integrated policy making and strategic planning of municipalities, in the field of waste valorisation, energy efficiency and optimal utilization of RES. Together with the WP3/Activity 3.1 report on \"Resource consumption forecasting\" this report is intended to form a baseline for the upcoming strategy building process in order to start the intensive transnational work within the RE-SEEties project. In particular, the main specific aim is to provide a solid knowledge about existing European good practices along three thematic aspects: o policy-making, o best available technologies o changing behaviour of consumers including citizens. This report start from a brief overview of the European framework for resource efficiency (Chapter 1) to then analyse the process of policy making and the current legislative framework in Europe in the field of waste valorisation, energy efficiency and optimal utilization of renewable energy sources (Chapter 2). Chapters 3 and 4 aim to provide local and regional authorities a comprehensive selection of best available technologies and best practices carried out all around Europe on these key issues in order to change the behaviour of consumers and citizens. The final aim is to provide local administrators and citizens an opportunity to learn on successful experiences and identify simple and innovative solutions to improve the current and future management of energy and waste management systems, taking a step forward towards resource efficiency at urban level. (literal)
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