SYNthEsis of novel oRGanic materials and supramolecular architectures for high efficiencY optoelectronic and photonic systems (SYNERGY) (Progetti)

  • SYNthEsis of novel oRGanic materials and supramolecular architectures for high efficiencY optoelectronic and photonic systems (SYNERGY) (Progetti) (literal)
  • 2003-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • A. Bolognesi, C. Botta, S. Luzzati, U. Giovanella, M. Pasini, M. CAtellani, S. Destri, W. POrzio G. Gigli unit G. LAnzani unit G. BArbarella unit f. Naso coordination unit (2003)
    SYNthEsis of novel oRGanic materials and supramolecular architectures for high efficiencY optoelectronic and photonic systems (SYNERGY)
  • A. Bolognesi, C. Botta, S. Luzzati, U. Giovanella, M. Pasini, M. CAtellani, S. Destri, W. POrzio G. Gigli unit G. LAnzani unit G. BArbarella unit f. Naso coordination unit (literal)
  • A. Bolognesi, C. Botta, S. Luzzati, U. Giovanella, M. Pasini, M. CAtellani, S. Destri, W. POrzio ISMAC-CNR -MILANO G. Gigli unit UNIV. DEGLI STUDI DI LECCE DIP . INGEGNRIA DELL'INNOVAZIONE G. LAnzani unit INFM MILANO POLITECNICO G. BArbarella unit ISOF BOLOGNA F. Naso coordination unitf.uNIV DEGLI STUDI DI BARI DIP CHIMICA (literal)
  • SYNthEsis of novel oRGanic materials and supramolecular architectures for high efficiencY optoelectronic and photonic systems (SYNERGY) (literal)
Descrizione sintetica
  • pROGETTO MINISTERIALE FIRB 2003 D.D. 2186-Ric 12 dicembre 2003 Protocollo: RBNE03S7XZ iMPORTO TOTALE RICHIEST 4998K EURO (literal)
  • The research project deals with the synthesis and the technological validation of new organic materials for application to high efficiency organic semiconductor devices such as light emitting diodes, photodiodes and lasers. The organic materials to be investigated are molecular, oligomeric and polymeric conjugated compounds, organometallic molecular and polymeric compounds, and supramolecular systems formed by organic and organometallic molecules. The aim of the proposed research program is represented by the production of the above materials with specific chemical-physical (stability, processability), electronic (n-type and ambipolar transport) and optical (efficient and tunable emission, optical gain, white light emission, IR emission, electrophosphorescence) properties, which should overcome the limits of the organic materials presently used for photonics and optoelectronics. This research will also focus on new effective and selective methodologies for the synthesis of high-purity materials, and for the controlled realization of supramolecular architectures. The research activity on the synthesis of novel materials will proceed side by side with their theoretical simulation and design, with the analysis of their optical and electro-optical properties and with the evaluation of their applicability in prototype devices. Feedback from material characterizations and technological tests will direct the synthesis towards further materials. All activities of synthesis, characterization and technological validation will result in the selection of the most efficient materials and in the optimisation of the procedures for their synthesis and deposition into thin film. The present research project is highly interdisciplinary and brings together Italian groups with a well recognized expertise in the chemistry and physics of organic semiconductor materials for photonics and opto-electronics. As shown by the recent literature all research groups participating to this project have already developed frequent and productive collaborations. The aim is now to carry out more synergical efforts which will give a significant contribution to the field of organic semiconductors and to the formation of high-qualified researchers in the same field. (literal)
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