ECRH assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch: multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER (Articolo in rivista)

  • ECRH assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch: multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
  • 2011-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
  • 10.1088/0029-5515/51/8/083031 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Stober, J [ 1 ] ; Jackson, GL [ 2 ] ; Ascasibar, E [ 3 ] ; Bae, YS [ 4 ] ; Bucalossi, J [ 5 ] ; Cappa, A [ 3 ] ; Casper, T [ 6 ] ; Cho, MH [ 7 ] ; Gribov, Y [ 6 ] ; Granucci, G [ 8 ] ; Hanada, K [ 9 ] ; Hobirk, J [ 1 ] ; Hyatt, AW [ 2 ] ; Ide, S [ 10 ] ; Jeong, JH [ 7 ] ; Joung, M [ 4 ] ; Luce, T [ 2 ] ; Lunt, T [ 1 ] ; Namkung, W [ 7 ] ; Park, SI [ 7 ] ; Politzer, PA [ 2 ] ; Schweinzer, J [ 1 ] ; Sips, ACC [ 11 ]; the ASDEX Upgrade team, the TJ-II team, the ITPA group members (2011)
    ECRH assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch: multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER
    in Nuclear fusion
  • Stober, J [ 1 ] ; Jackson, GL [ 2 ] ; Ascasibar, E [ 3 ] ; Bae, YS [ 4 ] ; Bucalossi, J [ 5 ] ; Cappa, A [ 3 ] ; Casper, T [ 6 ] ; Cho, MH [ 7 ] ; Gribov, Y [ 6 ] ; Granucci, G [ 8 ] ; Hanada, K [ 9 ] ; Hobirk, J [ 1 ] ; Hyatt, AW [ 2 ] ; Ide, S [ 10 ] ; Jeong, JH [ 7 ] ; Joung, M [ 4 ] ; Luce, T [ 2 ] ; Lunt, T [ 1 ] ; Namkung, W [ 7 ] ; Park, SI [ 7 ] ; Politzer, PA [ 2 ] ; Schweinzer, J [ 1 ] ; Sips, ACC [ 11 ]; the ASDEX Upgrade team, the TJ-II team, the ITPA group members (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 083031 (literal)
  • (literal)
  • 51 (literal)
  • 8 (literal)
  • ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
  • [ 1 ] EURATOM, Max Planck Inst Plasmaphys, Garching, Germany [ 2 ] Gen Atom Co, San Diego, CA 92186 USA [ 3 ] Asociac EURATOM CIEMAT, Lab Nacl Fus, Madrid 28040, Spain [ 4 ] Natl Fus Res Inst, Taejon 305333, South Korea [ 5 ] CEN Cadarache, EURATOM Assoc, F-13108 St Paul Les Durance, France [ 6 ] ITER Org, F-13115 St Paul Les Durance, France [ 7 ] Pohang Univ Sci & Technol, Pohang 790784, South Korea [ 8 ] IFP-CNR, Assoc Euratom ENEA Fus, I-20125 Milan, Italy [ 9 ] Kyushu Univ, RIAM, Fukuoka 8168580, Japan [ 10 ] Japan Atom Energy Agcy, Naka, Ibaraki 3110193, Japan [ 11 ] EFDA JET, Culham Sci Ctr, Abingdon OX14 3DB, Oxon, England (literal)
  • ECRH assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch: multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER (literal)
  • Electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH)-assisted plasma breakdown is foreseen with full and half magnetic field in ITER. As reported earlier, the corresponding O1- and X2-schemes have been successfully used to assist pre-ionization and breakdown in present-day devices. This contribution reports on common experiments studying the effect of toroidal inclination of the ECR beam, which is >= 20 degrees in ITER. All devices could demonstrate successful breakdown assistance for this case also, although in some experiments the necessary power was almost a factor of 2 higher compared with perpendicular launch. Differences between the devices with regard to the required power and vertical field are discussed and analysed. In contrast to most of these experiments, ITER will build up loop voltage prior to the formation of the field null due to the strong shielding by the vessel. Possible consequences of this difference are discussed. (literal)
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