Internal report on chemical and physical analysis results (Rapporti progetti di ricerca)

  • Internal report on chemical and physical analysis results (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (literal)
  • 2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Masciandaro, Grazia; Doni, Serena; Macci, Cristina; Peruzzi, Eleonora; Ceccanti, Brunello (2012)
    Internal report on chemical and physical analysis results
  • Masciandaro, Grazia; Doni, Serena; Macci, Cristina; Peruzzi, Eleonora; Ceccanti, Brunello (literal)
  • ID_PUMA: cnr.ise/2012-PR-003 Titolo progetto: AGRIPORT ECO/08/239065/SI2.532262 - Agricultural Reuse of Polluted Dredged Sediments. Responsabile Dott.ssa Grazia Masciandaro. Ente committente: Unione Europea VII PQ Data di creazione: 2012-07-10 . Deliverable 2.2 (literal)
  • 24 (literal)
  • Memorie interne (literal)
  • CNR-ISE, Sede distaccata di Pisa (literal)
  • Internal report on chemical and physical analysis results (literal)
  • One of the major specific objectives of AGRIPORT project was to develop the use phytoremediation as an innovative technology to recover dredging sediments using plants (phytotreatment). Through its three years duration AGRIPORT have focused on optimising the decontamination method in two pilot applications in the ports of Livorno (Italy) and Ashdod (Israel). As regards the application in Livorno, the works started on December 2009 with the technical assistance of Livorno Port Authority, that provided the location area, and the University of Pisa - Department of Civil Engineering - that designed the treatment basin. On February 2010 the facility was completely done and equipped with all the hydraulic and electric connections for an automatic irrigation, drainage and monitoring of inlet and outlet water. During May 2010 the facility was planted following this scheme: one area was dedicated only to a grass specie (Paspalum vaginatum), another one was used as control (no plants), and the other two were used for a combination between grass species and shrub species (Paspalum vaginatum in coupling with Tamarix gallica and Spartium junceum). The present document is the deliverable D.2.2 Internal report on chemical and physical analysis results. It describes the actions conducted by CNR for the monitoring of the phytoremediation system in term of decontamination and bio-functional recovery of sediments. In view of this physical-chemical and biological analyses were carried out on sediment treated in the facility. A first sampling was performed in July 2010 (T0) and a second one was performed in December 2010 (T6), in accordance and in time with the content reported in Annex I. A third sampling of treated sediments was performed in June 2011 (T12) and a fourth one was performed in December 2011 (T18). In May 2012 a new sediment sampling (T24) was done considering three different depths: 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm and the chemical, microbiological, and biochemical analysis of the sediments, together with the heavy metals and pollutant organic compounds measurement were carried out. Chemical, physical and biological analyses were performed in CNR-ISE laboratories. For the methodologies used for the analyses, took as reference the first draft of the Deliverable 2.2. The comparison between these data was useful to detect the development of the facility status and AGRIPORT technique success. After 24 months from the experiment set up, the successful of the decontamination, the nutrients dynamic and the activation of microbial metabolism were evaluated. (literal)
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