Vegetation monitoring by COSMO-SkyMED PingPong mode data: preliminary results (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno)

  • Vegetation monitoring by COSMO-SkyMED PingPong mode data: preliminary results (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (literal)
  • 2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Nunziata F, Migliaccio M, Mascolo L, Sarti M (2012)
    Vegetation monitoring by COSMO-SkyMED PingPong mode data: preliminary results
    in VII Riunione Annuale CeTeM-AIT sul telerilevamento a Microonde: sviluppi scientifici ed implicazioni tecnologiche, Bari, Italy, 4-5 Dicembre
  • Nunziata F, Migliaccio M, Mascolo L, Sarti M (literal)
  • Abstract (literal)
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli \"Parthenope\" Università degli Studi di Napoli \"Parthenope\" Università degli Studi di Cagliari CNR IREA-IBAF (literal)
  • Vegetation monitoring by COSMO-SkyMED PingPong mode data: preliminary results (literal)
  • Vegetation is an essential element in the life of the Earth. Vegetation extracts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, replacing it with oxygen, serving as a 'sink' within the carbon cycle, it is involved in water storage, water run-off and evapotranspiration processes thus being of crucial importance in the water cycle and plays a major role in climate change. Vegetation provides wildlife habitat, socioeconomic products and services for humans and it is critically important for the production of food since it forms the base of all food chains. Hence, the observation of vegetation is fundamental for Earth Observation (EO). Within such a framework, microwave remote sensing systems are increasingly being used for the monitoring of vegetation. In particular, the peculiarity of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors to provide fine spatial resolution ensuring a wide coverage makes them very tailored for such an issue. Among the recently launched SAR constellations, the Italian COnstellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation (COSMO-SkyMed) represents a fundamental tool for the observation of vegetation. COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) is the largest Italian investment in Space Systems for EO commissioned and funded by Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Italian Ministry of Defense (MoD). The system consist of a constellation of four Low Earth Orbit mid-sized satellites, each equipped with a multi-mode high- resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) operating at X-band. Such a SAR constellation ensures a dense spatial coverage and a revisit time lower than 12 hours. Hence, the CSK constellation is of particular relevance for time-changing scenarios, such as vegetated and cultivated areas. In the later years CSK data have been exploited in order to observe forested and vegetated areas. In [1] forest stand height is estimated by exploiting CSK Spotlight Detected Ground Multi-look (DGM) mode data, together with X-band TerraSAR-X data, while in [2] the coherence between two CSK Stripmap HImage interferometric mode data acquired on two different days is assessed in order to discriminate forest types of various densities. A crop classification based on the use of multitemporal CSK dual-polarimetric PinPong mode data has been carried out in [3]. Results show that multitemporal information improves the classification accuracy both for the single (HH/HV) and the double polarization (HH+HV) and that the cross-polarized channel provides best results with respect to co-polarized one as the number of HV polarized images increases significatively. In this study, X-band CSK dual-polarimetric (HH+VV) PingPong mode SAR data are first exploited to observe vegetation. The CSK PingPong mode implements a Stripmap acquisition by alternating a pair of transmitting /receiving polarizations across bursts, i.e. VV, HH, HV and VH, by means of an antenna steering [4]. In this case, the phase link between two polarimetric acquisitions is not preserved. The CSK instrument operating in dual-polarimetric PingPong mode acts like an along-track interferometer (ATI), where the two antennas are given by the combination of antenna steering and polarization switching, that acquires two complex SAR images of the observed scene in different polarizations, e.g. HH and VV, at slightly different times. The correlation between the co-polarized channels must be interpreted in terms of the relationship between the time that separates the two complex acquisitions and the coherence time of the observed scene. First experiments undertaken using X-band CSK PingPong mode (HH+VV) data collected on October 23, 2010 over Wassenaar, in the province of South Holland (The Netherlands), and on June 12, 2011 over the Campania region, Italy, show promising results. (literal)
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