Is basal tree area a useful indicator for predicting tree-crop interactions in Silvoarable systems? Long-term observations in a walnut (Juglans spp.) experimental site (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno)
- Type
- Label
- Is basal tree area a useful indicator for predicting tree-crop interactions in Silvoarable systems? Long-term observations in a walnut (Juglans spp.) experimental site (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (literal)
- Anno
- 2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
Paris P, Perali A, Pisanelli A (2012)
Is basal tree area a useful indicator for predicting tree-crop interactions in Silvoarable systems? Long-term observations in a walnut (Juglans spp.) experimental site
in 1st European Agroforestry Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium, 9-10 October 2012
- Http://
- Paris P, Perali A, Pisanelli A (literal)
- Pagina inizio
- Pagina fine
- Http://
- (literal)
- Http://
- Book of Abstracts (literal)
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- Note
- Http://
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Biologia Agro-ambientale e Forestale
(CNR-IBAF). Via G. Marconi 2-05010 Porano, Italy; (literal)
- Titolo
- Is basal tree area a useful indicator for predicting tree-crop interactions in Silvoarable systems? Long-term observations in a walnut (Juglans spp.) experimental site (literal)
- Http://
- 978-84-96351-79-0 (literal)
- Http://
- Mosquera-Rosada MR, Pantera A, Rosati A, Amaral J, Smith J, Rigueiro-Rodriguez A, Wattè J, Dupraz C (literal)
- Abstract
- Novel silvoarable systems, with the intercropping of valuable hardwoods with arable
crops, are promising land use systems for Europe, combining food security with timber
production and environmental safeguard. The profitability of silvoarable systems is
strictly connected with the duration of the period of intercropping, with possible
decreasing intercrop yield with increasing tree age. Therefore, it is of primary
importance to predict crop yield in relation to increasing tree size, according to simple
tree parameters, such as tree basal area (G), as a function of stem diameter and tree
density. This hypothesis was tested in experimental plots of walnut trees (Juglans regia
L. and hybrid NG23xRA, CW and HW, respectively) in central Italy. Trees, established
in 1992, were intercropped firstly with wheat (Triticum aestivum), then with clover
(Trifolium incarnatum L) and finally with a natural meadow, comparing intercrop yield
to the sole crop as crop reference yield (CRY=[(sole crop yield-intercrop yield)/sole
crop yield]x 100). Tree observations were carried on the stem diameter (DBH) and
height, leaf phenology, crown diameter (CD). Percentage of photosynthetic active
radiation (% PAR) underneath tree canopy was estimated with digital hemispherical
photos. Hybrid walnut showed better growth rates in comparison to common walnut, as
well as a lower competiveness towards intercrops for a late leaf development in spring.
CD was linearly correlated with DBH; G and % PAR were negatively correlated among
them. Regression equations between the CRY and G are presented in Table 1:
significant negative correlations were found for wheat and the meadow, not for clover
in the observed G intervals. Several silvoarable models can be simulated, using G and
CRY, in relation to chosen tree densities. These data can be used for minimizing
competitive interactions towards the intercrops up to the harvesting age of the timber
trees. For example, with 50 tree ha-1 the CRY for wheat decreases to less than 80% at a
plantation age of ca. 23 years, representing two thirds of the harvesting cycle for hybrid
walnut. With a density of 83 trees ha-1 the wheat yield should start declining to less than
80% of the sole crop at a plantation age of 17 years. (literal)
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