Fast ions in mode conversion heating (He-3)-H plasmas in JET (Articolo in rivista)

  • Fast ions in mode conversion heating (He-3)-H plasmas in JET (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
  • 2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
  • 10.1088/0741-3335/54/7/074010 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Kiptily, VG [ 1 ] ; Van Eester, D [ 2 ] ; Lerche, E [ 2 ] ; Hellsten, T [ 3 ] ; Ongena, J [ 2 ] ; Mayoral, ML [ 1 ] ; Cecil, FE [ 4 ] ; Darrow, D [ 5 ] ; Johnson, MG [ 6 ] ; Goloborod'ko, V [ 7 ] ; Gorini, G [ 8 ] ; Hellesen, C [ 6 ] ; Johnson, T [ 3 ] ; Lin, Y [ 9 ] ; Maslov, M [ 10 ] ; Nocente, M [ 8 ] ; Tardocchi, M [ 8 ] ; Voitsekhovitch, I [ 1 ]; and JET-EFDA contributors (2012)
    Fast ions in mode conversion heating (He-3)-H plasmas in JET
    in Plasma physics and controlled fusion (Online); IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol BS1 6BE (Regno Unito)
  • Kiptily, VG [ 1 ] ; Van Eester, D [ 2 ] ; Lerche, E [ 2 ] ; Hellsten, T [ 3 ] ; Ongena, J [ 2 ] ; Mayoral, ML [ 1 ] ; Cecil, FE [ 4 ] ; Darrow, D [ 5 ] ; Johnson, MG [ 6 ] ; Goloborod'ko, V [ 7 ] ; Gorini, G [ 8 ] ; Hellesen, C [ 6 ] ; Johnson, T [ 3 ] ; Lin, Y [ 9 ] ; Maslov, M [ 10 ] ; Nocente, M [ 8 ] ; Tardocchi, M [ 8 ] ; Voitsekhovitch, I [ 1 ]; and JET-EFDA contributors (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 074010 (literal)
  • (literal)
  • 54 (literal)
  • 7 (literal)
  • ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
  • [ 1 ] EURATOM CCFE Assoc, Culham Sci Ctr, Abingdon, Oxon, England [ 2 ] TEC Partner, Assoc Euratom Belgian State, LPP ERM KMS, Brussels, Belgium [ 3 ] KTH, Assoc Euratom VR, Stockholm, Sweden [ 4 ] Colorado Sch Mines, Golden, CO 80401 USA [ 5 ] Princeton Plasma Phys Lab, Princeton, NJ 08543 USA [ 6 ] Uppsala Univ, Assoc EURATOM VR, Uppsala, Sweden [ 7 ] Univ Innsbruck, Inst Theoret Phys, EURATOM OEAW Assoc, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria [ 8 ] EURATOM ENEA CNR Assoc, Istituto di Fisica del Plasma, Milan, Italy [ 9 ] MIT Plasma Sci & Fus Ctr, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA [ 10 ] Assoc Euratom Confederat Suisse, CRPP EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland [ 11 ] JET EFDA Culham Sci Ctr, Abingdon OX14 3DB, Oxon, England (literal)
  • Fast ions in mode conversion heating (He-3)-H plasmas in JET (literal)
  • Fast ions were analysed in experiments focusing on fundamental He-3 minority and mode conversion (MC) in the ion cyclotron resonance range of frequencies (ICRF) in H plasmas and on second harmonic heating of He-3 ions at 2.65 T mimicking D-T plasma heating in ITER at half its nominal toroidal magnetic field. Gamma-ray spectrometry, neutral particle analysers and fast-ion loss diagnostics provided information on the generation of fast-ion populations and on the distribution of ICRH power among the species in various heating scenarios and for a large range of He-3 concentrations. In the scenario with the fundamental He-3 minority and MC wave heating at B-T(0) = 3.41 T and f approximate to 32 MHz, fast He-3 ions accelerated by ICRH in the MeV energy range were detected in discharges with low He-3 concentration. In the experiments with a He-3 concentration scan it was found that at a He-3 concentration of approximate to 2.2% the He-3 ion losses disappeared while a population of energetic D ions gradually built up due to a redistribution of the ICRH power between species on reaching the first MC regime. Under those conditions the ICRF-heated D beam ions effectively absorbed the wave power at their Doppler shifted resonance, which was close to the plasma centre. In discharges with second harmonic heating of He-3 ions at B-T(0) = 2.65 T and f approximate to 52 MHz, the confined energetic He-3 ions were found in the MeV energy range. There is some evidence that the D ions were also accelerated by ICRF. This paper also demonstrates that the synergy of the various fast ion diagnostics allows making a broad picture of the physics of the redistribution of the absorbed ICRH power in complicated heating scenarios of JET. (literal)
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