The Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence 2011 field experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno)
- Type
- Contributo in atti di convegno (Classe)
- Prodotto della ricerca (Classe)
- Label
- The Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence 2011 field experiment (Contributo in atti di convegno) (literal)
- Anno
- 2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
- 4. Lothon M, F. Lohou, P. Durand, F. Couvreux Sr., O. K. Hartogensis, D. Legain, E. Pardyjak, D. Pino, J. Reuder, J. Vilà Guerau de Arellano, D. Marie Lothon? (1), F. Couvreux(2), P. Durand(1), O. Hartogensis(3), D. Legain(2), F. Lohou(1), E. Pardyjak(4), D. Pino(5), J. Reuder(6), J. Vila Guerau de Arellano(3), D. Alexander(4), P. Augustin(7), E. Bargain(1), J. Barri ´e(2), E. Bazile(2), Y. Bezombes(1), E. Blay(5), A. van de Boer(3), J.L. Boichard(8), O. de Coster(3), J. Cuxart(9), A. Dabas(2), C. Darbieu(1), K. Deboudt(7), H. Delbarre(7), S. Derrien(1), I. Faloona(10), P. Flament(7), M. Fourmentin(7), A. Garai(11), F. Gibert(12), B. Gioli(13), A. Graf(14), J. Groebner(15), F. Guichard(2), M. Jonassen(6), A. von Kroonenbeerg(16), D. Lenschow(19), S. Martin(17), D. Martinez(9), L. Mastrorillo(8), A. Moene(3), F. Molinos(9), E. Moulin(2), H. Pietersen(3), B. Piguet(2), E. Pique(1), C. Rom`an-Casc´on(18), F. Sa¨?d(1), M. Sastre(18), Y. Seity(2), G. J. Steeneveld(3), P. Toscano(13), O. Traull ´e(2), D. Tzanos(2), C. Yag¨ue(18), S. Wacker(15), N. Wildmann(16), A. Zaldei(13). (2012)(literal)
The Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence 2011 field experiment
in 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA., 9-13 July 2012
- Http://
- 4. Lothon M, F. Lohou, P. Durand, F. Couvreux Sr., O. K. Hartogensis, D. Legain, E. Pardyjak, D. Pino, J. Reuder, J. Vilà Guerau de Arellano, D. Marie Lothon? (1), F. Couvreux(2), P. Durand(1), O. Hartogensis(3), D. Legain(2), F. Lohou(1), E. Pardyjak(4), D. Pino(5), J. Reuder(6), J. Vila Guerau de Arellano(3), D. Alexander(4), P. Augustin(7), E. Bargain(1), J. Barri ´e(2), E. Bazile(2), Y. Bezombes(1), E. Blay(5), A. van de Boer(3), J.L. Boichard(8), O. de Coster(3), J. Cuxart(9), A. Dabas(2), C. Darbieu(1), K. Deboudt(7), H. Delbarre(7), S. Derrien(1), I. Faloona(10), P. Flament(7), M. Fourmentin(7), A. Garai(11), F. Gibert(12), B. Gioli(13), A. Graf(14), J. Groebner(15), F. Guichard(2), M. Jonassen(6), A. von Kroonenbeerg(16), D. Lenschow(19), S. Martin(17), D. Martinez(9), L. Mastrorillo(8), A. Moene(3), F. Molinos(9), E. Moulin(2), H. Pietersen(3), B. Piguet(2), E. Pique(1), C. Rom`an-Casc´on(18), F. Sa¨?d(1), M. Sastre(18), Y. Seity(2), G. J. Steeneveld(3), P. Toscano(13), O. Traull ´e(2), D. Tzanos(2), C. Yag¨ue(18), S. Wacker(15), N. Wildmann(16), A. Zaldei(13). (literal)
- Http://
- (1) Laboratoire d'A´erologie, University of Toulouse, CNRS, France ; (2) M´et´eo-France-GAME, Toulouse, France; (3) Meteorology and Air Quality, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands; (4) University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; (5) Applied Physics Department, Technical University of Catalonia, Castelldefels, Spain; (6) Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; (7) Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Atmosph´eriques, Universit´e du Littoral C^ote d'Opale, Dunkerque, France; (8) SEDOO, OMP, Toulouse, France; (9) Departament de Fisica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; (10) Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA; (11) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA; (12) Laboratoire de M´et´eorologie Dynamique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France; (13) Institute of Biometeorology - National Research Council (IBIMET-CNR), Florence, Italy; (14) Institut f¨ur Bio- und Geowissenschaften, Juelich, Germany; (15) PMOD-WRC, Davos Dorf, Switzerland; (16) University of T¨ubingen, T¨ubingen, Germany; (17) Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany; (18) Geophysical and Meteorology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad Ciencias F´?sicas, Madrid, Spain; (19) National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA. (literal)
- Titolo
- The Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence 2011 field experiment (literal)
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- Autore CNR
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