Middle-late jurassic syndepositional tectonics recorded in the ligurian Briançonnais succession (Marguareis-Mongioie area, Ligurian Alps, NW Italy) (Articolo in rivista)

  • Middle-late jurassic syndepositional tectonics recorded in the ligurian Briançonnais succession (Marguareis-Mongioie area, Ligurian Alps, NW Italy) (Articolo in rivista) (literal)
  • 2011-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
  • 10.1007/s00015-011-0058-0 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Bertok, C. [ 1 ] ; Martire, L. [ 1 ] ; Perotti, E. [ 1 ] ; d'Atri, A. [ 1 ] ; Piana, F. [ 2 ] (2011)
    Middle-late jurassic syndepositional tectonics recorded in the ligurian Briançonnais succession (Marguareis-Mongioie area, Ligurian Alps, NW Italy)
    in Swiss journal of geosciences (Print)
  • Bertok, C. [ 1 ] ; Martire, L. [ 1 ] ; Perotti, E. [ 1 ] ; d'Atri, A. [ 1 ] ; Piana, F. [ 2 ] (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 237 (literal)
Pagina fine
  • 255 (literal)
  • ID_PUMA : cnr.igg/2011-A0-088 (literal)
  • 104 (literal)
  • 2 (literal)
  • ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
  • [ 1 ] Univ Turin, Dept Earth Sci, I-10125 Turin, Italy [ 2 ] CNR, Inst Geosci & Earth Resources, Turin Unit, I-10125 Turin, Italy (literal)
  • Middle-late jurassic syndepositional tectonics recorded in the ligurian Briançonnais succession (Marguareis-Mongioie area, Ligurian Alps, NW Italy) (literal)
  • The Middle-Upper Jurassic succession of the Marguareis-Mongioie area (Ligurian Brianconnais Domain), developed in a protected shelf environment evolving into a pelagic plateau, bears clear evidence of synsedimentary tectonics such as: growth fault-related structures; neptunian dykes; marked lateral variations in stratigraphic thicknesses testifying to the juxtaposition of sectors characterized by different sedimentation and subsidence rates; discordant, anomalous stratigraphic contacts corresponding to paleoescarpments; nodular beds showing evidence of fluidification interpreted as seismites; and the occurrence of sand-sized quartz grains pointing to denudation of Permo-Triassic quartz-rich rocks. Such evidence documents an important Middle-Late Jurassic post-breakup tectonic activity, which was more effective in controlling the basin topography than the Early Jurassic syn-rift tectonic phase. Two main tectono-sedimentary stages, one occurring during the Bathonian, the other falling within the Callovian-Kimmeridgian interval, were reconstructed. The first stage can be referred to a fault-related activity occurring shortly after the initial stages of oceanic spreading of the Ligurian Tethys; the second can be genetically related to the far effects of the first rifting stage of the Bay of Biscay and the Valais basin. (literal)
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