ARI-LAB 2 (Software)

  • ARI-LAB 2 (Software) (literal)
  • 2005-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Bottino R.M.; Chiappini G. (2005)
    ARI-LAB 2
  • Bottino R.M.; Chiappini G. (literal)
  • History of the development of ARI-LAB 2. The ARI-Lab is a research project aimed at long-term development of educational technology to support and improve the process of teaching and learning of arithmetic in primary school and low secondary school. Within this project various systems have been realized for the purpose indicated and more specifically the ARI-LAB system, ARI-LAB 2 and ARI @ Itales. The first version ARI-LAB and its testing has allowed the authors tp partecipate in a European Community project: the project ITALES - Innovativie Teaching and Learning Environments for Schools (IST-2000-26356). Within this project the ARI-LAB 2 and ARI @ ITALES systems have been designed, implemented and experimented. The system ARI-LAB 2 is an evolution of the previous system with profound changes in the language interface and with the addition of new microworlds for the arithmetic activity. The ARI @ ITALES has been realized to give teachers tools for designing and managing online courses. It makes accessible from the network some of the interactive tools of ARI-LAB 2 running in a browser and it allows teacher to to manage online courses. Commercial exploitation of ARI-LAB2. The CNR has protected the rights for commercial exploitation of ARI-LAB 2 with registration of the software (on 05/08/2004, serial number 002) and of the mark (n. TO2004C002471 of 12/08/2004). In 2005 the National Research Council has concluded with the company Didael Milan a contract under which CNR transferred to Didael rights to distribute the software by paying royalties. Approximately 674 schools have purchased Ari-Lab including about 212 in version 2 (data Didael). The software is also used in special education and training courses for teachers. The authors of the software have produced, together or individually, about 10 publications on learning outcomes obtained with Ari-Lab2. The search engine Google provides thousands of results if you give ARI-LAB or ARI-LAB 2 as a search criterion. Among these results there are: (i) research articles mentioning Alnuset for its educational functionalities, (ii) several sites of organizations and associations of different types (for training teachers, associations of disabled ..) that promote Alnuset; (iii) files in pdf or ppt format realized by trainers of teachers that report the educational functions of Alnuset . (literal)
  • (literal)
  • ITD - Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (literal)
  • ARI-LAB 2 (literal)
Descrizione sintetica
  • ARI-LAB 2: Vision, objectives and goals. Problem solving, and, in particular, arithmetic problem solving, is a field in which usually primary and lower secondary school students show great difficulties as pointed out by many research studies and often experimented by teachers in their class work. These difficulties have deep repercussions on students' self-esteem and future school choices. In Arithmetic, the activity of problem solving for many students is limited to 'guessing' the right operation and accurately carrying out the written calculations since the semantic they associate with arithmetic symbols is poor and frequently limited to what the result of a computation denotes. All this poses important educational issues connected with the most suitable ways and methodology for developing effective abilities in this field. The design of ARI-LAB 2 is based on an epistemological analysis of arithmetic knowledge with particular attention to the study of the pedagogical difficulties and obstacles that students often encounter. ARI-LAB 2 introduces a new generation of multimedia learning systems for primary and secondary school education which is characterized by a strict integration of visualisation, communication and re-elaboration tools aimed to support both the creative exploration of problems and the representation and justification of knowledge. This is accomplished through the support of different didactical functions offered by the system that are crucial to the teaching and learning processes of arithmetic problem solving. Briefly, we can we can schematize the didactical functions of the system as follows: Exploratory function: The system offers the opportunity to explore and work with different microworlds while engaging in arithmetic problem solving activities. The pedagogical objective for which the microworlds have been implemented is to offer students a space in which they can explore and manipulate graphical and computational objects designed to mediate the construction of solution processes. Expressive function: The system offers students expressive ways for externalizing their knowledge in the domain of arithmetic problem solving. These enable the user to express the resolution process as a product to be communicated to others. Validation function: The system offers the possibility to validate the calculation strategies performed by means of specific functions embedded in the microworlds. These functions allow the validation of strategies on a perceptive level. E.g. it is possible to activate a voice synthesiser to listen to the amount of a group of coins that have been generated or to listen to the number which corresponds to an abacus representation, etc. The reading of numbers, amount of coins, etc. that can be performed by means of the voice synthesiser can be activated also by means of films in sign language to support the learning activity of deaf children. Communication function: This tool puts problem-solving activity in a social setting, allowing validation and comparison of the strategies performed. Moreover, use of the communication tool can change the form and status of an arithmetic problem within an activity, the organization of the learning community, the rules governing the behavior of participants in an activity, and the different roles participants may take on. Mathematical discourse support function: Many of the tools present in the system (microworlds, communication tools, etc.) offer support for developing a meaningful mathematical discourse on the mathematical knowledge involved in the solution of arithmetic problems. (literal)
  • 88-86904-15-0 (literal)
  • ARI-LAB 2 è un sistema aperto multi ambiente per lo sviluppo di capacità di soluzione di problemi aritmetici in bambini della scuola primaria e secondaria inferiore. Il progetto di ARI-LAB 2 si basa, da un lato, sulla ricerca relativa ai sistemi ipermediali e di comunicazione e sulla progettazione e implementazione di micromondi di natura visuale; dall'altro lato il progetto prende in considerazione la ricerca in didattica della matematica con particolare riferimento agli studi relativi al problem solving, al ruolo delle rappresentazioni visive nei processi di apprendimento e apprendimento. In ARI-LAB 2 l'attività di problem solving viene effettuata sfruttando le possibilità di azione, di rappresentazione e di comunicazione messi a disposizione dai diversi strumenti che sono stati integrati nel sistema. ARI-LAB 2 prevede due tipi di utente: l'insegnante e l'alunno. L'alunno, interagendo con ARI-LAB 2, può costruire la propria soluzione, per un dato problema aritmetico, interagendo con un insieme strutturato e interconnesso di ambienti di natura diversa. Tali ambienti comprendono: 10 micromondi per risolvere problemi aritmetici; un ambiente per costruire e descrivere le soluzioni dei problemi; un ambiente di comunicazione attraverso il quale lo studente può interagire con i propri compagni e/o con l'insegnante inviando messaggi e soluzioni; un data-base di problemi risolti. L'insegnate ha a disposizione, oltre agli ambienti precedenti, anche un ambiente che gli consente di pianificare e personalizzare l'attività didattica con i suoi allievi: scrivere e impartire testi di problemi, costruire soluzioni, visionare e commentare il lavoro degli studenti, configurare il sistema per ogni studente e/o ogni sua classe. In ARI-LAB 2 è integrato un sintetizzatore vocale per lo sviluppo e la validazione di abilità matematiche di base (quali, ad esempio, la conta, il coordinamento fra rappresentazione orale, scritta e in cifre di un numero, l'equivalenza numerica, ecc.) e di filmati in LIS (Lingua Italiana dei Segni) per adattare il sistema alle specifiche esigenze dei bambini sordi. L'interfaccia di ARI-LAB 2 è attualmente disponibile in tre lingue comunitarie: l'italiano, l'inglese, lo spagnolo. Ari-Lab 2 è stato sviluppato e sperimentato nel corso del progetto europeo ITALES - Innovative Teaching and Learning Environments for Schools (IST-2000-26356), nell'ambito del Quinto Programma Quadro, azione chiave \"School of Tomorrow\"). (literal)
  • ARI-LAB 2 is an open multi-environment system for developing skills in solution to arithmetical problems for children of the primary and the lower secondary school. The project of ARI-LAB is based, on the one hand, on research on hypermedia and communication systems and on the design and implementation of visual microworlds; on the other hand it takes into account the research in mathematics education with particular reference to the studies in applied problem solving, on the role of visual representations in learning processes and on interactive learning. In ARI-LAB problem solving is carried out by exploiting the action, representation and communication possibilities made available by the different tools which have been integrated in the system. ARI-LAB 2 addresses two kinds of users: the teacher and the pupil. By interacting with ARI-LAB 2, the pupil can build his own solution to some arithmetical problems, by interacting with a structured and interconnected set of environments of different kind. These environment include: 10 microworlds for solving arithmetic problems; an environment for building and describing problem solutions; a communication environment through which a student can interact with his own mates and/or with his/her teacher by sending messages and solutions; a database of solved problems. Apart from the previous environments, the teacher has also at his/her disposal an environment for planning and customizing the educational activity with his/her students: writing problem texts, constructing problem solutions, examining and commenting the students' work, configuring the system for every student of his/her class. In ARI-LAB 2 it is integrated a vocal synthesizer for developing and validating the basic mathematical skills (such as the counting, the coordination between the oral and written representation and that in digits of a number, the numerical equivalence, etc). There are also some movies in Italian for deaf-and-dumb to adapt the system to the specific demands of the deaf children. The interface of ARI-LAB 2 is currently available in three languages of the European Community: Italian, English, and Spanish. Ari-Lab 2 has been developed through the European project named ITALES - Innovative Teaching and Learning Environments for Schools (IST-2000-26356), within the Fiveth Project, key action \"School of Tomorrow\"). (literal)
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