Galaxy - Sun - Earth relations. The origin of the magnetic field and of the endogenous energy of the Earth, with implications for volcanism, geodynamics and climate control, and related items of concern for stars, planets, satellites, and other planetary (Monografia o trattato scientifico)

  • Galaxy - Sun - Earth relations. The origin of the magnetic field and of the endogenous energy of the Earth, with implications for volcanism, geodynamics and climate control, and related items of concern for stars, planets, satellites, and other planetary (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (literal)
  • 2002-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Gregori Giovanni P. (2002)
    Galaxy - Sun - Earth relations. The origin of the magnetic field and of the endogenous energy of the Earth, with implications for volcanism, geodynamics and climate control, and related items of concern for stars, planets, satellites, and other planetary
    Arb. Geschich. Geophysik Kosm. Phys., Potsdam - Bremen, 2002
  • Gregori Giovanni P. (literal)
  • \"I just received … your new book …, and I am now studying it with extraordinary interest. I am absolutely fascinated by it. … your book answered some of my questions and confirmed my doubts in other problems. You place geomagnetism into a general and historical context, which may be called a \"history of ideas\". I cannot remember having learned so many ideas in another book on dynamo theory. … Textbooks are frequently written by narrow specialists; yours is a wise book of broad range, a true encyclopaedia. The great number of quotations are a real treasure, especially when seen in the broad context which you provide. \"Truth is symphonic\" is my favourite quotation by Hans Urs von Balthasar. …. It will take some time for me to understand it in an adequate extent. … Thus it really seems that we are thinking along similar lines. What you say about Elsasser is exactly my opinion. He was a pioneer in his physical way of thinking.\" … Helmut Moritz (literal)
  • Potsdam - Bremen (literal)
  • Si demolisce una teoria accettata da quasi 60 anni e si formula una sintesi di tutta la fisica della Terra e dell'ambiente (literal)
  • La teoria proposta dà una sintesi di tutta la geofisica, inclusi fenomeni prima inspiegabili (ad es. origine del vulcanesimo, variazioni climatiche naturali, inversioni geomagnetiche, etc.), in un contesto di relazioni Galassia – Sole - Terra. Particolarmente significativi sono i riconoscimenti di due fra i più famosi geofisici teorici viventi, il Prof. Raymond Hide ed il Prof. Helmut Moritz. Il primo {Sen. Res. Inv., Maths. Dept., Imperial College London, and Prof. (Emer.) Physics, Oxford University}è fra i più noti specialisti della teoria qui dimostrata insostenibile. Il secondo (Graz Technical University), ex Presidente della IUGG, è stato insignito di una delle tre Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Medal (quella per la geodesia), assegnate una sola volta nel 1977 dalla Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft per celebrare i 200 anni dalla nascita di Gauss (questi riconoscimenti sono ben equivalenti a Premi Nobel, che non esistono per la geofisica). \"Congratulations on your splendid book … You cover much ground, some in great detail, and I have already learned much from it about an area which Joe Cain and I have been discussing recently by e-mail, …. You do a remarkable job in reviewing much of what has been done in this area, …. And I was particularly interested in the banded feature of the time series illustrated on p 163 and your discussion of its possible interpretation…. …\" Raymond (Hide) (literal)
  • Istituto di Acustica O. M. Corbino (CNR) (literal)
  • Galaxy - Sun - Earth relations. The origin of the magnetic field and of the endogenous energy of the Earth, with implications for volcanism, geodynamics and climate control, and related items of concern for stars, planets, satellites, and other planetary (literal)
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