Identification of a geographic area characterized by “reproductive longevity” in the Sardinia island (Abstract/Poster in rivista)

  • Identification of a geographic area characterized by “reproductive longevity” in the Sardinia island (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (literal)
  • 2008-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Astolfi P., Caselli G., Fiorani O., Lipsi R.M., Lisa A., Tentoni S. (2008)
    Identification of a geographic area characterized by “reproductive longevity” in the Sardinia island
  • Astolfi P., Caselli G., Fiorani O., Lipsi R.M., Lisa A., Tentoni S. (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 381 (literal)
Pagina fine
  • 3 (literal)
  • 16 (literal)
  • In: Abstract book of the European Human Genetics Conference 2008, European Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 16, pp. 381. Poster (literal)
  • 2 (literal)
  • Poster (literal)
  • Dip. Genetica e Microbiologia, Univ. Pavia; IMATI CNR, Pavia; IGM CNR, Pavia; Dip. Scienze Demografiche, Un. La Sapienza, Roma. (literal)
  • Identification of a geographic area characterized by “reproductive longevity” in the Sardinia island (literal)
  • Sardinian population differs from the Italian mainland and other Euro-pean populations in demographic and biological traits, resulting from the socio-economic structure and the geographical and historical isola-tion. Its reproductive behaviour is characterized by the historical and still present tendency to late maternity. We hypothesize that areas of \"reproductive longevity\" exist throughout the island, where a higher incidence of elderly mothers combines with a lower risk of perinatal death. Data regard all 1980-96 births (n=299,793), occurred in 363 Sardinian municipalities. Through a smoothed isopleth mapping pro-cedure, we explored the spatial distributions of a late maternity indi-cator (proportion of 35+year-old mothers), and a perinatal mortality indicator (proportion of deaths within the 1st week of life) associated with late maternity. We drew critical isopleths to highlight \"excess\" ar-eas, where the late maternity indicator exceeds the average Sardinian value and approaches its upper limit. With respect to the \"non excess\" area (23% of 35+year-old mothers), in the \"highest excess\" area (27% of 35+year-old mothers) the Odds Ratio of perinatal death was lower (1.38 vs 1.78), and the proportion of consanguineous marriages and the inbreeding coef¿cient were respectively from 3 to 2.4 fold higher. In conclusion we suggest that such area, located in the central part of the island and quali¿ed for \"reproductive longevity\", can be target of further investigations on eventual protective mechanisms against adverse perinatal outcomes in late maternity, and of studies on the possible association between reproductive longevity and achievement of an extended life span. (literal)
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