Modelling of Po River basin. EUROCAT, WP4 Deliverable report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca)

  • Modelling of Po River basin. EUROCAT, WP4 Deliverable report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (literal)
  • 2004-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Palmeri L.; Bendoricchio G.; Artioli Y.; Trombino G.; Pirrone N.; Cinnirella S.; Algieri A. (2004)
    Modelling of Po River basin. EUROCAT, WP4 Deliverable report
  • Palmeri L.; Bendoricchio G.; Artioli Y.; Trombino G.; Pirrone N.; Cinnirella S.; Algieri A. (literal)
  • Technical report CNR/IIA/2004/02, 60 p. (literal)
  • Altro (literal)
  • Palmeri L.: UNIPD-LASA; Bendoricchio G.: UNIPD-LASA; Artioli Y.: UNIPD-LASA; Trombino G.: CNR-IIA; Pirrone N.: CNR-IIA; Cinnirella S.: CNR-IIA; Algieri A.: CNR-IIA (literal)
  • Modelling of Po River basin. EUROCAT, WP4 Deliverable report (literal)
  • A model was applied (MONERIS, MOdelling Nutrient Emissions into River Systems) to the Po catchment area (POCAT) to estimate nutrient loads originated from natural and anthropogenic sources in the basin. The model shows that diffuse sources are predominant for nitrogen while for phosphorus the most significant contributions come from WWTP and urban systems. Nitrogen is mostly generated by agricultural pressures, even if WWTP and urban systems give a significant contribution too. Phosphorus is emitted mostly by these latter pathways. Natural background emissions are estimated to be approximately 10% of actual emissions for both nitrogen and phosphorus. At the catchment scale the model estimates a nutrient abatement, i.e. a ratio load/emissions, of 26% for N and 24% for P. Three types of basin management scenarios were evaluated: Business-As-Usual (BAU), POlicy-Target (POT) and Deep-Green (DG). The baseline scenario, BAU, provides the socio-economic evolution as resulting from the projection of economic trends for the last 20 years. The POT assume that the current environmental legislation (1999-2001) is progressively complied. Finally DG scenario was built over the assumption that all legislation (national and European level) is strictly complied, population acknowledges the necessity to protect the environment and legislative restrictions are automatically transferred into management strategies. Scenario analysis suggests some considerations on management strategies. The results of POT, 2,5-10% loads reduction for nitrogen and 20-30% for phosphorus, indicate that a more strict application of law requirements would certainly be beneficial. In particular for nitrogen loads the reduction of agricultural pressures emerges clearly as a priority issue. Concerning phosphorus loads, the upgrade of WWTPs efficiencies and the expansion of the sewage system are the most effective actions. In conclusion the implementation of CAP on one side and the increase in treatment efficiencies on the other are the two priority policy options that together would allow to reach a reduction of loads of 12% for nitrogen and 35% for phosphorus. (literal)
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