Antifeedant and toxic effect of encapsulated Humulus lupus L. ( Cannabaceae ) extract to some insect pests’ (Progetti)

  • Antifeedant and toxic effect of encapsulated Humulus lupus L. ( Cannabaceae ) extract to some insect pests’ (Progetti) (literal)
  • 2009-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Giovanna Delogu, Maria Antonietta Dettori, Davide Fabbri, Prof. O. Gürkan, Dr. Graham Moores (2009)
    Antifeedant and toxic effect of encapsulated Humulus lupus L. ( Cannabaceae ) extract to some insect pests’
  • Giovanna Delogu, Maria Antonietta Dettori, Davide Fabbri, Prof. O. Gürkan, Dr. Graham Moores (literal)
  • Prof. Gürkan's mission in Sassari (May 2008) was planned by Dr. Delogu in order to attend the meeting with Dr. Graham Moores. Young PhD students and young researchers of University and CNR attended Prof. Gürkan's conference titled: < Natural Products Based Pesticide Development Centre (BOPAM) in Turkey> and discussed with him several aspects. Prof. Gürkan's mission of May 2009 allowed to activate with Agronomy Faculty in Sassari a Erasmus programme for students training exchanges. The agreement will involve also CNR researchers that will host Turkish students in them labs for research in common with University. Dr. Delogu's mission in Ankara (September 2008) was planned in order to attend to work shop that Prof. Gürkan organized at the Dep. Plant Protection on the field : 'Plant Originated Pesticides'. At the workshop, free-open to students and researchers of several Turkish Universities the following Researches hold presentations: Prof. N. Kilinçer (University of Ankara, Turkey) Prof. G. Moores (Rothamsted Agricolture Centre, Uk) Prof. M. Whalon (University of Michigan, USA) Prof. O. Gürkan (University of Ankara, Turkey) Prof. N. Gören (University of Istanbul, Turkey) Prof. A. Ulubelen (University of Istanbul, Turkey) Dr. G. Delogu (CNR-ICB Sassari, Italy) Dr. A.Gökçe (University of Ankara) Dr. Delogu talked on During the workshop and in the next days, Dr Delogu talked with students and young researchers on several aspects of pest control by natural products and their use with biomatrices in order to improve efficacy. Dr Delogu's mission of June 2009 was planned in order to attend to the 9° International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences organized by the University of Ankara. Prof. Gürkan and Dr. Delogu attended to some sessions dedicated to use of plant extracts in pharmaceutical and agrobiological fileds. During the mission in Ankara, Dr. Delogu met researchers of the Biotechnology Institute whose Prof. Gürkan is Associate Director. (literal)
  • Progetto Bilaterale CNR-TUBITAK (Italia-Turchia) Responsabile Turco: Prof. Oktay Gürkan (Ankara University- Faculty of Agronomy) (literal)
  • CNR-ISTITUTO DI CHIMICA BIOMOLECOLARE - Sassari University of Ankara, Dept. Agricultural Science, Turkey Rothamsted Research Centre, Uk (literal)
  • Antifeedant and toxic effect of encapsulated Humulus lupus L. ( Cannabaceae ) extract to some insect pests’ (literal)
  • Sustainable methodologies which utilize no-toxic biomatrices, were developed in order to protect plant extracts effective against insect and arthropods. As result, plant extract is protected from oxidation and degradation, it is more handle, less lipophilic, more bioavailable than in net form. The new preparation biomatrix-plant extract allows to prepare aqueous solutions for spry application. (literal)
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