SPM 2.0 - Suivi des Pluies par Meteosat & ZAR Modèle Zone à Risque (Software)
- Type
- Label
- SPM 2.0 - Suivi des Pluies par Meteosat & ZAR Modèle Zone à Risque (Software) (literal)
- Anno
- 2006-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Alternative label
- Http://
- De Filippis T.*; L. Rocchi*; P. Vignaroli*; F.Straccali*; M. Bacci*; B. Canessa***; B. Djaby**; A. B. Kaba**; H. Aboubakar**. (literal)
- Http://
- The database contained in this CD-ROM is :
- The METEOSAT/CP based decadal and monthly rainfall estimates image (from May to October) covering the CILSS member countries with a resolution of 5 x 5 kilometres over the period 1986 - 2004 (444 images; October is missing in the years 2000, 2001, 2002)
- The reference image database, including decadal and monthly average rainfall images over the period 1988-2004 (24 images) as well as the images of the onset and average length of the season (2 images) developed for the period 1961-1990
The contribution of CILSS partners namely the French Cooperation, USAID, the Italian Cooperation and WMO enabled to make this database available at the AGRHYMET Regional Centre.
Les données contenues dans le CD-ROM sont les suivantes :
o Les images décadaires et mensuelles (de mai à octobre) d'estimation des pluies METEOSAT/CP couvrant les Pays du CILSS à une résolution de 5 Kilomètres carrés sur la période 1986-2004 (444 images ; octobre est absent dans les ans 2000, 2001, 2002)
o Les images de référence, comprenant les images comprenant les images de pluviosité moyenne, décadaires et mensuelles carrés sur la période 1988-2004 (n. 24 images) ainsi que les images de début et de longueur moyenne de la saison (2 images) élaborées sur la période 1961-1990
La disponibilité de cette base de données au Centre Régional Agrhymet a été possible grâce à la contribution des partenaires du CILSS à savoir, la Coopération Française, l'USAID, la Coopération Italienne et l'OMM. (literal)
- Http://
- IBIMET-CNR (Eds.) Gennaio 2003 ISBN 88-900502-1-7 (literal)
- Http://
- Tiziana De Filippis (literal)
- Http://
- Http://
** AGRHYMET Regional Centre, Niamey - Niger
*** WMO (literal)
- Titolo
- SPM 2.0 - Suivi des Pluies par Meteosat & ZAR Modèle Zone à Risque (literal)
- Descrizione sintetica
- The Rainfall Estimate decadal images characteristics
Rainfall estimates at the AGRHYMET Regional Centre is based on data received from the METEOSAT geostationary satellite. The method used consists of a correlation between cloud top temperature and the rain the latter produce. Input data are rainfall data received every 10 days at ARC during the rainy season (May to October) from all the Sahelian countries. Both types of information are used to determine coefficients for obtaining rainfall estimates images. As regards temperature, only infrared images are used. Based on daily and dekadal summaries, images relating to occurrence, minimal temperature, and maximum temperature are calculated in order to be input into the model. The dekadal time step governing the estimation is laid down in order to increase the probability of rains from a given cloud and corresponds to the time step used for seasonal crop monitoring. The rainfall estimates database covers the period 1996 - 2004. The methodology used is based on the same principle. The change during this period concerned validation techniques, control and calibration. With regard to files covering the period 1986 - 1990, border points marked +, some watercourses and coastlines were included in the images because of the purpose, which consisted at that period of printing them only in the form of hardcopy. Considering the values these pixels may have, the user must keep a watchful eye on the errors such pixels may cause in the use of images and their interpretation in seasonal crop monitoring. (literal)
- Http://
- Http://
- Abstract
- L'objectif du logiciel SPM est de fournir un outil performant et convivial en vue de contribuer à une plus grande capacité d'analyse de l'environnement sahélien et de suivi de la campagne agro-pastorale par les Services nationaux des Pays du C.I.L.S.S. (Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel) et par les autres institutions opérant dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire, la planification territoriale et la gestion des ressources naturelles.
Le logiciel SPM est un outil de valorisation des données d'estimation de pluies produites par le Centre Régional AGRHYMET. Cet outil a été réalisé avec l'appui technique de l'Institut de Biométéorologie d'Italie basé à Florence et avec un financement de la Coopération Italienne. (literal)
- The RMM software aims at providing an effective and user-friendly tool in order to contribute to strengthening the capacities for analysing the Sahelian environment and monitoring of the agro-pastoral cropping season of national services in the CILSS member countries (Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel) and other institutions working in the field of food security, territorial planning and natural resource management.
The RMM software enables to optimise rainfall estimates data produced by the AGRHYMET Regional Centre (ARC). This tool was developed thanks to the technical support of the Institute of Biometeorology of Italy based in Florence and with funding from the Italian Cooperation. (literal)
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