Assemblage-in-the-making: developing the e-services for the justice of the peace office in Italy (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio))

  • Assemblage-in-the-making: developing the e-services for the justice of the peace office in Italy (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (literal)
  • 2008-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Velicogna M., Contini F. (2008)
    Assemblage-in-the-making: developing the e-services for the justice of the peace office in Italy
    in ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector European Studies in the Making of E-Government, 2008
  • Velicogna M., Contini F. (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 211 (literal)
Pagina fine
  • 243 (literal)
  • BOOK DESCRIPTION The rise of the Internet offers the public sector a great deal of opportunity for change, and visible changes have taken place in recent years. This book offers fresh and original perspectives on the emerging institutional landscape of the Internet based public services. The contributing chapters investigate, empirically and theoretically, the multiple development paths that characterize the adoption of ICT in the public sector bureaucracy. Reporting on recent European development experiences in the area of justice, it throws light on how ICT shapes the institutions of the public sector, and, conversely, it shows how the normative rules and the institutional structures of the bureaucracy constrain and channel the design of the new technologies. The book is an important reading for anyone, specialist or non specialist, who has an interest in understanding the complexities of the design of e-government systems, in the problems associated with the rise of 'digital institutions' and in the evolution of modern bureaucracy in contemporary democracies. BOOK INTRODUCTION The tabel of content and the introduction of the book, providing a more detailed overview of the work, is available at TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction; F. Contini and G.F. Lanzara PART I: PERSPECTIVES: ICT, INSTITUTIONS AND E-GOVERNMENT Building Digital Institutions: ICT and the Rise of Assemblages in Government; G. Francesco Lanzara How Institutions are Inscribed in Technical Objects and what it may mean in the case of the Internet; B. Czarniawska The Regulative Regime of Technology; J. Kallinikos ICT, Marketization and Bureaucracy in the UK Public Sector: Critique and Reappraisal; A. Cordella and L. Willcocks PART II: EXPERIENCES: ICT, INSTITUTIONAL COMPLEXITY, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF E-SERVICES E-justice in Finland and in Italy: Enabling Versus Constraining Models; M. Fabri Aligning ICT and Legal Frameworks in Austria's e-bureaucracy: From Mainframe to the Internet; S. Koch and E. Bernroider Institutional Complexity and Functional Simplification: The Case of Money Claim Online Service in England and Wales;J. Kallinikos Assemblage-in-the-making: Developing the e-services for the Justice of the Peace Office in Italy; M. Velicogna and F. Contini ICT, Assemblages and Institutional Contexts: Understanding Multiple Development Paths; F. Contini (literal)
  • Basingstoke, UK (literal)
  • (literal)
  • ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector European Studies in the Making of E-Government (literal)
  • N. 6 of Technology, Work and Globalization (literal)
  • Chapter 8 - pp. 211-243 (literal)
  • 32 (literal)
  • Google Scholar (literal)
  • Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (literal)
  • Assemblage-in-the-making: developing the e-services for the justice of the peace office in Italy (literal)
  • F. Contini, G.F. Lanzara (eds.), ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector (literal)
  • 978-0-230-22489-6 (literal)
  • Francesco Contini; Giovan Francesco Lanzara (literal)
  • This chapter tells the story of an ICT project that was set up within the context of the Italian judiciary and of the dynamics involved in the implementation of the project. As the description demonstrates, viable solutions adopted during the running of the project could not be determined ex-ante. They had to be constructed through the interaction of a multiplicity of actors attempting to shape, assemble and tune technological, normative and organisational elements. The focus is on technological development 'in action' in order to emphasise the fact that technology design, or rather the activity of assembling technological and institutional components, can be better understood through its practice and not as an abstract, disembodied phenomenon. The concept of assemblage-in-the-making allows to capture, in a distinctive manner, the dynamics observed in this case. It stresses the idea of 'becoming' while pointing to the controversial, ephemeral, and experimental character of both cognitive and practical activities underlying the creation of the assemblage. (literal)
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