Mycotoxin Issues in farm animals and strategies to reduce mycotoxins in animal feeds. (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio))

  • Mycotoxin Issues in farm animals and strategies to reduce mycotoxins in animal feeds. (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (literal)
  • 2010-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Avantaggiato G.; Visconti A. (2010)
    Mycotoxin Issues in farm animals and strategies to reduce mycotoxins in animal feeds.
    Nottingham University Press, Nottingham (Regno Unito) in RECENT ADVANCES IN ANIMAL NUTRITION - 2009, 2010
  • Avantaggiato G.; Visconti A. (literal)
Pagina inizio
  • 149 (literal)
Pagina fine
  • 189 (literal)
  • Nottingham (literal)
  • 41 (literal)
  • ISI Web of Science (WOS) (literal)
  • Avantaggiato G.; Visconti A. - (ISPA-CNR, Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Via Amendola 122/O, 70126 Bari, Italy) (literal)
  • Mycotoxin Issues in farm animals and strategies to reduce mycotoxins in animal feeds. (literal)
  • In \"Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 2009\" (literal)
  • 978-1-904761-05-1 (literal)
  • Garnsworthy P.C.; Wiseman J. (literal)
  • Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by a wide array of diverse fungal species, mostly belonging to the three genera Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. They can be produced in the growing crop and during storage. Mycotoxin-contaminated feeds impair farm operations as well as feed production in various ways: mycotoxins are invisible, odourless and cannot be detected by smell or taste, but can reduce performance in animal production significantly. All species of livestock are affected by mycotoxins. Monogastrics (swine, horses) are most sensitive, followed by poultry and ruminants. In general, young stock and animals under environmental, nutritional and production stresses are most sensitive. Direct effects of mycotoxins include acute diseases, where severe conditions of altered health may exist prior to death as a result of exposure to the toxin. These conditions are more likely following exposure to high levels of a mycotoxin. Other, more insidious or occult conditions (e.g. growth retardation, reproduction troubles, impaired immunity, decreased disease resistance, decreased milk or egg production) or more chronic disease manifestations (e.g. tumor formation) may result from prolonged exposure to small quantities of a toxin. Mycotoxins display a diversity of chemical structures, accounting for their different biological effects. Depending on their structure, these toxins can be carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic, immunosuppressive, tremorgenic, hemorrhagic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, and neurotoxic. Diagnosis of mycotoxicoses in animals is difficult as they may be similar to diseases with other causations. This is even more difficult in cases where more than one mycotoxin is involved because the toxins can produce additive, and sometimes synergistic, effects in animals. In addition, the possible presence of toxic residues in animal product such as milk, meat and eggs may have some detrimental effects on human health. Considerable economic losses are attributed to reduced crop yields and grain quality following fungal contamination, to downgrading of cereals from human food grade to animal feed, and to decreased animal performance and increased incidence of disease in livestock consuming mycotoxin contaminated grain. Due to the modern methods and to a growing interest in this field of research more than 300 different mycotoxins have been differentiated to date. Mycotoxins commonly found in animal feed include aflatoxins (EFSA, 2004a), ochratoxin A (EFSA, 2004b), zearalenone (EFSA, 2004c), trichothecenes (e.g. deoxynivalenol) (EFSA, 2004d), fumonisins (EFSA, 2005), which differ in their toxic effects and their prevalence across regions. Aflatoxins cause liver damage and impaired immune function. Trichothecenes reduce feed intake and weight gain and, at higher concentrations, cause emesis and complete feed refusal. Fumonisin B1 is a carcinogen that is associated with equine leucoencephalomalacia, porcine pulmonary oedema, and spiking mortality in poultry. Zearalenone is an oestrogen that causes reproductive problems. Ochratoxin A is a nephrotoxin. Safe levels of mycotoxins in feed, below which there are no effects on animal health or production, are not well established. Regulatory officials world wide are very concerned about the presence of mycotoxins in food and animal feed. In the EU, two mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1 and rye ergot) are regulated (EC Regulation, 2002) under strict limits, while deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, T-2/HT-2, and fumonisins are subject to recommend guidance values (EC Recommendation, 2006). Use of feedingstuffs with levels above the maximum permitted is not allowed in the EU, neither the mixing of contaminated feed with non contaminated feed in order to reduce the concentration of mycotoxins. Controlling mould growth and mycotoxin production is very important to feed manufacturer and livestock producer. Although desirable, the prevention of mycotoxin contamination of grain in the field is currently impossible. Destruction of contaminated products or diversion to non-animal uses are not always practical, and could seriously compromise the feed supply. Control of mould growth in feeds can be accomplished by keeping moisture low, feed fresh, equipment clean and using mould inhibitors. Mycotoxin decontamination refers to methods by which mycotoxins are removed or neutralised from the contaminated feed while detoxification refers to methods by which the toxic properties of mycotoxins are removed. Feed processing may involve physical and/or chemical decontamination and can destroy or redistribute mycotoxins. Physical procedures like sorting, thermal inactivation, irradiation or extraction of contaminated products have been attempted with different levels of success. Chemical procedures like treatment with acid/base solutions or other chemicals, ammoniation, ozonation, and reaction with food grade additives such as sodium bisulfite have been shown to be effective in degrading and detoxifying aflatoxin contaminated feedstuffs. Biological methods primarily involving toxin degradation by microorganisms are receiving increasing interest and have shown promising results. Dietary supplementation with large neutral aminoacids, antioxidants, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as the inclusion of mycotoxin-sequestering agents can ameliorate the harmful effects of mycotoxins in contaminated feeds. Guidelines for evaluating mycotoxin detoxification and decontamination procedures have been established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Park et al, 1988). The process should be able to (1) inactivate, destroy, or remove the mycotoxin; (2) avoid the formation of toxic substances, metabolites, or by-products in the feed; (3) retain nutrient value and feed acceptability of the product or commodity; (4) avoid significant alterations of the product's technological properties; and if possible, (5) destroy fungal spores. In addition to these criteria, the process(es) should be readily available, easily utilized, and inexpensive Although a variety of decontamination/detoxification methods show potential for commercial application, large-scale, practical, and costs-effective methods for a complete mycotoxin decontamination are currently not available. Moreover, no single decontamination method that is equally effective against the variety of naturally occurring mycotoxins has been developed. An overview of strategies to control and reduce the major mycotoxins (aflatoxins, trichothecenes, fumonisins, zearalenone, ochratoxins) occurring in animal feeds will be presented. (literal)
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