Walk the (Time-)Line: Scheduling and Execution (Comunicazione a convegno)

  • Walk the (Time-)Line: Scheduling and Execution (Comunicazione a convegno) (literal)
  • 2007-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Cesta, A. (2007)
    Walk the (Time-)Line: Scheduling and Execution
    in Third Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2007), Paris, France, August 28, 2007, Paris
  • Cesta, A. (literal)
  • E' un intervento che riassume in modo unitario 10 anni di lavoro del gruppo di pianificazione e scheduling dell'ISTC-CNR (literal)
  • Keynote speech at MISTA 2007 (literal)
  • At its core, a project scheduling problem consists in synthesizing functions that represent availability of resources over time (resource timelines) which are consistent with both resource bounds and temporal constraints specified in the problem. This talk begins with a review of the artificial intelligence constraint-based approach to project scheduling, also referred to as precedence-constraint posting. This approach is based on the ability to solve the problem by reasoning on the representation of temporal constraints and, on top of it, of resource timelines and their current contention peaks. The talk will then introduce the complementary problem of schedule execution under uncertainty, where the same type of reasoning can be used to obtain schedules which are resilient to execution-time contingencies. Here, two types of solutions are distinguished, namely flexible and partial order schedules, which lead to timelines with different degrees of robustness with respect to unexpected variations at execution time. A third part of this talk will be dedicated to a survey of recent developments of our work, including relevant applications of the presented techniques in the context of space applications. (literal)
  • ISTC-CNR (literal)
  • Walk the (Time-)Line: Scheduling and Execution (literal)
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