Evaluation of Lycopersicon germplasm for resistance to whitefly-transmitted viruses in Sardinia. (Abstract in rivista)

  • Evaluation of Lycopersicon germplasm for resistance to whitefly-transmitted viruses in Sardinia. (Abstract in rivista) (literal)
  • 2005-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Alternative label
  • Parrella G., Manca L., Sirigu A. (2005)
    Evaluation of Lycopersicon germplasm for resistance to whitefly-transmitted viruses in Sardinia.
    in XII Congresso Nazionale SIPaV, Villa S. Giovanni (RC)., 2005
  • Parrella G., Manca L., Sirigu A. (literal)
  • XII Congresso Nazionale SIPaV (literal)
  • Villa S. Giovanni (RC). (literal)
  • Journal of Plant Pathology, 87 (4, Special issue), 302. XII Congresso Nazionale SIPaV, 29 settembre-1 ottobre, S. Trada di Cannitello, Villa S. Giovanni (RC). (literal)
  • Whitefly-transmitted viruses (WTVs) are a major threat to the quantity and quality of tomato crops grown under protected conditions in Sardinia. WTVs occurring in the island belong to genus Begomovirus, i.e. Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) and the recently recorded Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), and to genus Crinivirus, i.e. Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV). The increased incidence in Italy of criniviruses and their vectors, especially in greenhouses, highlights the need for additional efforts towards resistance and management of whitefly-transmitted viruses. Thus, wild species, commercial varieties and tomato lines were evaluated for resistance to WTVs in two greenhouses where a high incidence of TYLCSV and TICV had previously been observed. During the trials, chemical treatments to prevent or control whitefly infestations were completely abolished. Symptoms development and severity were visually monitored every month. Molecular hybridization with specific TYLCV and TICV riboprobes were used to detect both viruses. Whitefly infestations were also monitored by assessing the presence of adults and juveniles of Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum, on leaf samples of all tomato germplasm being tested. Results showed substantial differences between genotypes in disease incidence, virus spread, symptom severity, and crop yield. Accessions of the wild species Lycopersicon hirsutum were apparently the best sources of resistance/tolerance to both viruses, while accessions of L. peruvianum and tomato lines carrying Ty-1 gene were effective in the control of TYLCSV isolates presently spreading in greenhouse-grown tomatoes of southern Sardinia. (literal)
  • - Parrella G., CNR, Ist. Protezione Piante - Sez. di Portici (NA) (literal)
  • Evaluation of Lycopersicon germplasm for resistance to whitefly-transmitted viruses in Sardinia. (literal)
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