- Label
- Thesauri (literal)
- Membro di
- Keywords of "Thesaurus-based ontology on image analysis" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Keywords of "A joint initiative to support the semantic interoperability within the GIIDA project" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Keywords of "Towards a Thesaurus for Energy Efficiency in Building Construction: the Italian context" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Keywords of "Towards the reuse of standardized thesauri into ontologies" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Parole chiave di "Acquiring Thesauri from Wikis by Exploiting Domain Models and Lexical Substitution" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Value
- Thesauri (literal)
Incoming links:
- Ha membro
- Keywords of "A joint initiative to support the semantic interoperability within the GIIDA project" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Keywords of "Towards a Thesaurus for Energy Efficiency in Building Construction: the Italian context" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Parole chiave di "Acquiring Thesauri from Wikis by Exploiting Domain Models and Lexical Substitution" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Keywords of "Towards the reuse of standardized thesauri into ontologies" (Insieme di parole chiave)
- Keywords of "Thesaurus-based ontology on image analysis" (Insieme di parole chiave)