GdR: Sviluppo ed integrazione di tecniche lidar, radiometriche ed a microonde per la caratterizzazione 4D dell'atmosfera (TA.P06.022.001)
- Type
- Label
- GdR: Sviluppo ed integrazione di tecniche lidar, radiometriche ed a microonde per la caratterizzazione 4D dell'atmosfera (TA.P06.022.001) (literal)
- Prodotto
- What is the benefit of ceilometers for aerosol remote sensing? An answer from EARLINET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview: Tropospheric profiling: state of the art and future challenges - introduction to the AMT special issue (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spatial and seasonal variability of carbonaceous aerosol across Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dry and moist convection in the boundary layer over the Black Forest - a combined analysis of in situ and remote sensing data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET observations of the 14-22-May long-range dust transport event during SAMUM 2006: validation of results from dust transport modelling (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET dust observations vs. BSC-DREAM8b modeled profiles: 12-year-long systematic comparison at Potenza, Italy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- GCOS reference upper air network (GRUAN): Steps towards assuring future climate records (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sampling and Measurement Issues in Establishing a Climate Reference Upper Air Network (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recommendations for reporting \"black carbon\" measurements (Articolo in rivista) (
- The ash dispersion over Europe during the Eyjafjallajokull eruption - Comparison of CMAQ simulations to remote sensing and air-borne in-situ observations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Monitoring of Eyjafjallajokull volcanic aerosol by the new European Skynet Radiometers (ESR) network (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Performance of the health facilities during the 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake and analysis of the Mirandola hospital case study (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A regional model of European aerosol transport: Evaluation with sun photometer, lidar and air quality data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of Saharan dust layers over Naples (Italy) during 2000-2003 EARLINET project (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Water vapour profiling in cloudy conditions integrating Raman Lidar and passive microwave observations (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Characterization of the variability of the humidity and cloud fields as observed from a cluster of ground-based lidar systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Examination of possible synergy between lidar and ceilometer for the monitoring of atmospheric aerosols (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Optimization of lidar data processing: a goal of the EARLINET-ASOS project (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observation of non-spherical ultragiant aerosol using a microwave radar (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mid-tropospheric supercooled liquid water observation consistent with nucleation induced by a mountain lee wave (Articolo in rivista) (
- Estimation of dispersion coefficient in the troposphere from satellite images of volcanic plumes: Application to Mt. Etna, Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Carbonaceous particles in the atmosphere: Experimental and modelling issues (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The role of site effects in the comparison between code provisions and the near field strong motion of the Emilia 2012 earthquakes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Systematic lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET (2000-2002) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET (Articolo in rivista) (
- EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO: First intercomparison results (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 1. Instruments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vertical aerosol distribution over Europe: Statistical analysis of Raman lidar data from 10 European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) stations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET: towards an advanced sustainable European aerosol lidar network (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Retrieval of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles from Raman lidar data by inversion method (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lidar Measurements for Desert Dust Characterization: An Overview (Articolo in rivista) (
- First comparisons between CNR-IMAA multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements and CALIPSO measurements (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Optical, size and mass properties of mixed type aerosols in Greece and Romania as observed by synergy of lidar and sunphotometers in combination with model simulations: A case study (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multi-wavelength Raman lidar observations of the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic cloud over Potenza, southern Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Geophysical validation of temperature retrieved by the ESA processor from MIPAS/ENVISAT atmospheric limb-emission measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Transport of volcanic aerosol in the troposphere: the case study of the 2002 Etna plume (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- CALIPSO and sunphotometer measurements of Saharan dust events over Camagüey (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multi year sun-photometer measurements for aerosol characterization in a Central Mediterranean site (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stratospheric AOD after the 2011 eruption of Nabro volcano measured by lidars over the Northern Hemisphere (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of COSMIC water vapor profiles using Raman lidar measurements performed at CIAO (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- A data assimilation experiment of temperature and humidity profiles from an international network of ground-based microwave radiometers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Assimilation of lidar signals: Application to aerosol forecasting in the western Mediterranean basin (Articolo in rivista) (
- Statistical modelling of collocation uncertainty in atmospheric thermodynamic profiles (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Optical, microphysical, mass and geometrical properties of aged volcanic particles observed over Athens, Greece, during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in April 2010 through synergy of Raman lidar and sunphotometer measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- One year of CNR-IMAA multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements in coincidence with CALIPSO overpasses: Level 1 products comparison (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Black Carbon and Organic Components in the Atmosphere of Southern Italy: Comparing Emissions from Different Sources and Production Processes of Carbonaceous Particles (Articolo in rivista) (
- An integrated approach for the evaluation of technological hazard impacts on air quality: the case of the Val d'Agri oil/gas plant (Articolo in rivista) (
- Retrieval validation during the European Aqua Thermodynamic Experiment (Articolo in rivista) (
- Monitoring Etna volcanic plumes using a scanning LiDAR (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EAQUATE - An international experiment for hyperspectral atmospheric sounding validation (Articolo in rivista) (
- A study on the use of radar and lidar for characterizing ultragiant aerosol (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET observations of the Eyjafjallajökull ash plume over Europe (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT H2O operational data collected between July 2002 and March 2004 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Quantifying the value of redundant measurements at GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network sites (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Study of thin clouds at CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory (CIAO) (Articolo in rivista) (
- The vertical distribution of aerosol over Europe - synthesis of one year of EARLINET aerosol lidar measurements and aerosol transport modeling with LMDzT-INCA (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effects of Saharan Dust Advection on Atmospheric Aerosol Properties in the West-Mediterranean Area (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 3. Raman lidar algorithm for aerosol extinction, backscatter, and lidar ratio (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 2. Aerosol backscatter algorithms (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Raman lidar observations of aerosol emitted during the 2002 Etna eruption (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- CIAO: the CNR-IMAA advanced observatory for atmospheric research (Articolo in rivista) (
- Saharan dust intrusions in the Mediterranean area: Three years of Raman lidar measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Codice
- Anno di chiusura previsto
- 2017-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Istituto esecutore
- Abstract
- L'attività di ricerca della commessa è rivolta essenzialmente allo studio dell'atmosfera (PBL, troposfera e stratosfera) mediante l'utilizzo di tecniche di remote sensing ed in situ.
Il contesto è quello internazionale di GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems).
L'attività di ricerca è svolta nell'ambito delle principali reti osservative dal suolo (EARLINET, CloudNet, AERONET, NDACC, GRUAN, GALION, BSRN), a supporto di varie missioni satellitari (NASA, ESA, JAXA) e in cooperazione con la comunità modellistica (ECMWF, AEROCOM etc.).
L'obiettivo principale è la caratterizzazione 4D dell'atmosfera mediante l'utilizzo di osservazioni sistematiche di parametri atmosferici di interesse climatologico, ambientale e meteorologico.
L'expertise del gruppo di ricerca e l'integrazione delle varie tecnologie/metodologie osservative consente anche lo studio di processi atmosferici. (literal)
- Nome
- GdR: Sviluppo ed integrazione di tecniche lidar, radiometriche ed a microonde per la caratterizzazione 4D dell'atmosfera (literal)
- Descrizione
- Modulo di
- Gestore
Incoming links:
- Prodotto di
- Optimization of lidar data processing: a goal of the EARLINET-ASOS project (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Water vapour profiling in cloudy conditions integrating Raman Lidar and passive microwave observations (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- EARLINET observations of the Eyjafjallajökull ash plume over Europe (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The vertical distribution of aerosol over Europe - synthesis of one year of EARLINET aerosol lidar measurements and aerosol transport modeling with LMDzT-INCA (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 3. Raman lidar algorithm for aerosol extinction, backscatter, and lidar ratio (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 2. Aerosol backscatter algorithms (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Raman lidar observations of aerosol emitted during the 2002 Etna eruption (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Saharan dust intrusions in the Mediterranean area: Three years of Raman lidar measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Retrieval validation during the European Aqua Thermodynamic Experiment (Articolo in rivista) (
- EAQUATE - An international experiment for hyperspectral atmospheric sounding validation (Articolo in rivista) (
- One year of CNR-IMAA multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements in coincidence with CALIPSO overpasses: Level 1 products comparison (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mid-tropospheric supercooled liquid water observation consistent with nucleation induced by a mountain lee wave (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 1. Instruments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET observations of the 14-22-May long-range dust transport event during SAMUM 2006: validation of results from dust transport modelling (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- CIAO: the CNR-IMAA advanced observatory for atmospheric research (Articolo in rivista) (
- Vertical aerosol distribution over Europe: Statistical analysis of Raman lidar data from 10 European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) stations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Systematic lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET (2000-2002) (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO: First intercomparison results (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observation of non-spherical ultragiant aerosol using a microwave radar (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A regional model of European aerosol transport: Evaluation with sun photometer, lidar and air quality data (Articolo in rivista) (
- First comparisons between CNR-IMAA multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements and CALIPSO measurements (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Estimation of dispersion coefficient in the troposphere from satellite images of volcanic plumes: Application to Mt. Etna, Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of Saharan dust layers over Naples (Italy) during 2000-2003 EARLINET project (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Geophysical validation of temperature retrieved by the ESA processor from MIPAS/ENVISAT atmospheric limb-emission measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Transport of volcanic aerosol in the troposphere: the case study of the 2002 Etna plume (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Monitoring Etna volcanic plumes using a scanning LiDAR (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multi year sun-photometer measurements for aerosol characterization in a Central Mediterranean site (Articolo in rivista) (
- Black Carbon and Organic Components in the Atmosphere of Southern Italy: Comparing Emissions from Different Sources and Production Processes of Carbonaceous Particles (Articolo in rivista) (
- The ash dispersion over Europe during the Eyjafjallajokull eruption - Comparison of CMAQ simulations to remote sensing and air-borne in-situ observations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Examination of possible synergy between lidar and ceilometer for the monitoring of atmospheric aerosols (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of the variability of the humidity and cloud fields as observed from a cluster of ground-based lidar systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stratospheric AOD after the 2011 eruption of Nabro volcano measured by lidars over the Northern Hemisphere (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Retrieval of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles from Raman lidar data by inversion method (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lidar Measurements for Desert Dust Characterization: An Overview (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multi-wavelength Raman lidar observations of the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic cloud over Potenza, southern Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Monitoring of Eyjafjallajokull volcanic aerosol by the new European Skynet Radiometers (ESR) network (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of COSMIC water vapor profiles using Raman lidar measurements performed at CIAO (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effects of Saharan Dust Advection on Atmospheric Aerosol Properties in the West-Mediterranean Area (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Optical, microphysical, mass and geometrical properties of aged volcanic particles observed over Athens, Greece, during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in April 2010 through synergy of Raman lidar and sunphotometer measurements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- GCOS reference upper air network (GRUAN): Steps towards assuring future climate records (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Recommendations for reporting \"black carbon\" measurements (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dry and moist convection in the boundary layer over the Black Forest - a combined analysis of in situ and remote sensing data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Study of thin clouds at CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory (CIAO) (Articolo in rivista) (
- A study on the use of radar and lidar for characterizing ultragiant aerosol (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT H2O operational data collected between July 2002 and March 2004 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sampling and Measurement Issues in Establishing a Climate Reference Upper Air Network (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical modelling of collocation uncertainty in atmospheric thermodynamic profiles (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET dust observations vs. BSC-DREAM8b modeled profiles: 12-year-long systematic comparison at Potenza, Italy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Performance of the health facilities during the 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake and analysis of the Mirandola hospital case study (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spatial and seasonal variability of carbonaceous aerosol across Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Quantifying the value of redundant measurements at GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network sites (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Assimilation of lidar signals: Application to aerosol forecasting in the western Mediterranean basin (Articolo in rivista) (
- Optical, size and mass properties of mixed type aerosols in Greece and Romania as observed by synergy of lidar and sunphotometers in combination with model simulations: A case study (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- EARLINET: towards an advanced sustainable European aerosol lidar network (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview: Tropospheric profiling: state of the art and future challenges - introduction to the AMT special issue (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Carbonaceous particles in the atmosphere: Experimental and modelling issues (Articolo in rivista) (
- What is the benefit of ceilometers for aerosol remote sensing? An answer from EARLINET (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A data assimilation experiment of temperature and humidity profiles from an international network of ground-based microwave radiometers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The role of site effects in the comparison between code provisions and the near field strong motion of the Emilia 2012 earthquakes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An integrated approach for the evaluation of technological hazard impacts on air quality: the case of the Val d'Agri oil/gas plant (Articolo in rivista) (
- CALIPSO and sunphotometer measurements of Saharan dust events over Camagüey (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modulo
- Gestore di
- Istituto esecutore di
- Descrizione di