Meteorologia da satellite (TA.P06.017.005)
- Type
- Label
- Meteorologia da satellite (TA.P06.017.005) (literal)
- Prodotto
- Retrieval of characteristic parameters for water vapour transmittance in the development of ground based sun-sky radiometric measurements of columnar water vapour (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The first AGILE low-energy ( < 30 MeV) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes catalog (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Satellite Derived Winds as Support to the Regional and Coastal Oceanography (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Quantitative precipitation estimation from Earth observation satellites (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Status of the European Skynet radiometer network (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- The retrieval of cloud top properties using VIS-IR channels (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring precipitation from space - EURAINSAT and the future (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud microphysical properties retrieval during intense biomass burning events over Africa and Portugal (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The VLF fingerprint of elves: Step-like and long-recovery early VLF perturbations caused by powerful ±CG lightning EM pulses (Articolo in rivista) (
- Tropical-like cyclones in the Mediterranean sea: from the case study over Salento to a combined satellite-modelling approach (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Meteo-hydrological analysis of intense flash-flood events over Southern Italy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Properties of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes detected by AGILE MCAL below 30 MeV (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmosphere, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An analysis of three disastrous rain events occurred in Italy: Rome, Cinque Terre and Genoa (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol Characterization and Optical Thickness Retrievals Using GOME and METEOSAT Satellite Data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analysis of tropical-like cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea through a combined modelling and satellite approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite and numerical model investigation of two Mesoscale Convective Systems over Central Mediterranean (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Use of the MSG SEVIRI channels in a combined SSM/I, TRMM and geostationary IR method for rapid updates of rainfall (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Validation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Sparsely Gauged African River Basins (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The H-SAF passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms: a verification study over Europe (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multisensor analysis of recent heavy precipitation events occurred over Italy (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Meso and local scale climatological features of the wind fields in the Mediterranean Sea from scatterometer data (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Precipitation Products from the Hydrology SAF (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Potential Reduction of Uncertainty in Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval using the Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database with the Inclusion of Dynamic and Thermodynamic Constraints: Results and Analysis (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Connections between Mediterranean Storms and Tropical Convective Activity (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- A numerical study of the heat transfer through a fluid layer with recirculating flow between concentric and eccentric spheres (Articolo in rivista) (
- Rain area delineation by means of multispectral cloud characterization from satellite (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite-based precipitation measurements in Europe: the algorithms for H-SAF (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A wind tunnel and theoretical study on the melting behavior of atmospheric ice particles. III: experiment and theory for spherical ice particles of radius > 500 micron (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the statistical relationship between cloud optical and microphysical characteristics and rainfall intensity for convective storms over the Mediterranean (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmospheric effects of the El Chichón volcanic eruption observed by a multiwavelength sun-photometer: 1982-1985 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmospheric Research (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A merged algorithm for quantitative rainfall estimates using the thermal infrared band (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Soil as a natural rain gauge: Estimating global rainfall from satellite soil moisture data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Italian Journal of Remote Sensing (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The FLASH Project: Using lightning data to better understand and predict flash floods (Articolo in rivista) (
- European Journal of Remote Sensing, Member Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- Atmospheric Research, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- Warm season precipitation climatology: first European results (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite precipitation measurements for water resource monitoring (Articolo in rivista) (
- Observing precipitation by means of water vapor absorption lines: A first check of the retrieval capabilities of the 183-WSL rain retrieval method (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Lightning-based propagation of convective rain fields (Articolo in rivista) (
- Radiative forcing of Asian dust determined from the synergized GOME and GMS satellite data - A case study (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modeling the flash rate in thunderstorms: an implementation into the CRAMS model (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- A Neural Networks-Based Fusion Technique to Estimate Half-Hourly Rainfall Estimates at 0.18 Resolution from Satellite Passive Microwave and Infrared Data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Application of two passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms to heavy precipitation events in the Mediterranean region during 2011 and 2012 fall seasons (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Rainfall variability associated with the summer African monsoon: A satellite study (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Properties of AGILE Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulating lightning into the RAMS model: two case studies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the highest photon energy of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of severe convective events from two operational dual polarisation doppler radars (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol Characterization and Direct Radiative Forcing Assessment over the Ocean. Part II: Application to Test Cases and Validation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A maximum entropy approach to satellite quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite rainfall estimates: new perspectives for meteorology and climate from the EURAINSAT project (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmospheric Research, Associate Editor (Curatela) (
- Satellite observations of convective storm top features in the 1.6 and 3.7/3.9 ¼m spectral bands (Articolo in rivista) (
- Aerosol characterization and direct radiative forcing estimation over the ocean from satellite observations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ocean wind fields from satellite active microwave sensors (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- CDRD and PNPR satellite passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms: EuroTRMM/EURAINSAT origins and H-SAF operations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Observation of hydrological processes using remote sensing (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Passive microwave remote sensing of rain from satellite sensors (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Near Real Time scatterometer winds as support to the operational storm surge forecasting in Venice (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Wind direction determination with RADARSAT-2 polarimetric images (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of Snow-Covered Terrains and Detection of Snowfall by Using the 183- WSL Retrieval Scheme (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Daytime identification of summer hailstorm cells from MSG data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Estimation of radial sea currents in the northern Adriatic Sea close to the Venice Lagoon inlets, Project # 2141: Middle Term Report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- An algorithm for wind speed retrieval at X band from Cosmo- Skymed SAR images (Xmod-1); project # 2144. Mid Term Report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- Progetto: PGDMAPS Rapporto n. 1 Realizzazione dei punti 1/3 e 2/3 (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- First validation of retrieved rain rates and snow covered mask of the 183-WSL retrieval method (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Water cycle science (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The 183-WSL fast rain rate retrieval algorithm. Part I: Retrieval design (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite estimates of precipitation (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Raindrop Size Distribution and Soil Erosion (Articolo in rivista) (
- The validation service of the hydrological SAF geostationary and polar satellite precipitation products (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Intesa Operativa 2013 tra DPC e CNR-ISAC: Relazione Finale (Rapporti finali progetti di ricerca) (
- Rain retrieval using 183 GHz absorption lines (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Progetto SCASELMA Rapporto n. 1: Dataset ERA-40 - ERA Interim (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- GLOWASIS Global Water Scarcity Information Service (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Serie storica di dati dell'osservatorio bioclimatologico Ospedale del Mare, Lido di venezia (Articolo in rivista) (
- Internation European Skynet Radiometers network (ESR) -Training Course (Materiale didattico) (
- Validation of downward solar radiation from Meteosat Second Generation by ground-based observations of BSRN and ESR networks over Europe (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Analysis of instability indices during the development of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone using MSG-SEVIRI products and the LAPS model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Status of satellite precipitation retrievals (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cycles and propagation of deep convection over equatorial Africa (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multisensor Atmospheric data Mapping System: a Web-based Graphic Tool for multisensor observations of atmospheric data and NWP model forecasts (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Calibration of a sky radiometer (Prede) using observations obtained from hanle and merak high-altitude stations in ladakh (Articolo in rivista) (
- One year of measurements with a POM02 radiometer at an Alpine EuroSkyRad statio (Articolo in rivista) (
- European Skynet Radiometers network (Banca dati) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Is the katabatic wind the forcing factor of Terra Nova Bay polynya events? (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Combined Direct and Remote Sensing Measurements of Wave Parameters at the off-shore Research Platform in the Black Sea (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Characteristics of the wavenumber spectral decay of near surface wind kinetic energy in the Mediterranean Sea (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Columnar aerosol properties in a Northeastern Atlantic site (Plymouth, United Kingdom) by means of ground based skyradiometer data during years 2000-2008 (Articolo in rivista) (
- Report on improved hydrological parameters version 2 (Rapporti finali progetti di ricerca) (
- Estimation of radial sea currents in the northern Adriatic Sea close to the Venice Lagoon inlets; Project # 2141 - Third Advancement Report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Comparison of scatterometer, ECMWF, WRF wind fields and in-situ data (Note interne, manuali e guide) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR): an algorithm for cross-track scanning radiometers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A verification study over Europe of AMSU-A/MHS and SSMIS passive microwave precipitation retrievals (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- AERONET and Euroskyrad (ESR) aerosol optical depth intercomparison on Cimel CE318 and Prede POM01 radiometers (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rain retrieval using 183 GHz absorption lines (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Columnar aerosol properties in Valencia (Spain) by ground-based Sun photometry (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Extreme precipitation on the Island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 as seen by satellite passive microwave sounders (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cambiamenti climatici e risorse idriche: Scenari a livello globale e nazionale (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Progetto SCASELMA Rapporto n. 2 Attivita' inerenti il precedente progetto Vento Da Satellite (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- Precipitation from space - Advancing Earth system science (Articolo in rivista) (
- Radiative energy partition and cloud radiative forcing at a Po valley site (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Radiative effects of simulated cirrus clouds on top of a deep convective storm in METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION SEVIRI channels (Articolo in rivista) (
- Transitioning from CRD to CDRD in Bayesian retrieval of rainfall from satellite passive microwave measurements: Part 3 - Identification of optimal meteorological tags (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulations of time-coincident, co-located measurements from ENVISAT-1 instruments for the characterization of tropospheric aerosol: a sensitivity study including cloud contamination effects (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cloud microphysical properties retrieval in the presence of strong aerosol events (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Editorial GCGW-2011 (Rassegna e recensione) (
- Mesoscale and Radar Analysis of the 30 June 1998 Supercell (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effectiveness of the MS-method for computation of the intensity field reflected by a multi-layer plane-parallel atmosphere (Articolo in rivista) (
- Comparison of AERONET and SKYRAD4.2 inversion products retrieved from a Cimel CE318 sunphotometer (Articolo in rivista) (
- IR-based satellite and radar rainfall estimates of convective storms over northern Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- The 183-WSL fast rain rate retrieval algorithm. Part II: Validation using ground radar measurements (Articolo in rivista) (
- WWW and the aerobiologist: Operating instructions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Application of the 183-WSL precipitation retrieval method during the winter season (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Scientific World Journal, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- Heavy precipitation retrieval from combined satellite observations and ground-based lightning measurements (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Climate, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- Transitioning From CRD to CDRD in Bayesian Retrieval of Rainfall From Satellite Passive Microwave Measurements: Part 2. Overcoming Database Profile Selection Ambiguity by Consideration of Meteorological Control on Microphysics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Using a cloud electrification model to study relationships between lightning activity and cloud microphysical structure (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Development of a new data-processing method for SKYNET sky radiometer observations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the effects of the cloud vertical structure on lightning production (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The Fourth International Precipitation Working Group Workshop (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulating lightning into the RAMS model: implementation and preliminary results (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using SAR and LAM Wind Fields to Investigate the Effects of Land/Atmosphere Interaction (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- A GIS approach to ingest Meteosat Second Generation data into the Local Analysis and Prediction System (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A review of satellite meteorology and climatology at the start of the twenty-first century (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Precipitation: measurement, remote sensing, climatology and modeling (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of satellite monthly precipitation time series over East Africa (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validating a rapid-update satellite precipitation analysis across telescoping space and time scales (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Contemporary ground-basedand satellite precipitating system. characterization ordesertification studies in Southern Italy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Evaluation of six satellite rainfall products over the Great Horn of Africa (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Definition and impact of a quality index for radar-based reference measurements in the H-SAF precipitation product validation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A wind tunnel investigation of the effect of an external, vertical electric field on the shape of electrically uncharged rain drops (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ice accretion on fixed cylinders (Articolo in rivista) (
- POLKEY: an expert system for the identification of pollen grains (Articolo in rivista) (
- The propagation and diurnal cycles of deep convection in northern tropical Africa (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Operational rainfall estimation using METEOSAT Infrared imagery: an application in Italy's Arno river basin-Its potential and drawbacks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using lightning data to better understand and predict flash floods in the Mediterranean (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Deep convection over Northern Italy: synoptic and thermodynamic analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rainfall assimilation in RAMS by means of the Kuo parameterisation inversion : method and preliminary results (Articolo in rivista) (
- Precipitation products from the Hydrology SAF (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- PM-GCD - a combined IR-MW satellite technique for frequent retrieval of heavy precipitation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Influence of the aerosol particles from biomass burning on cloud microphysical properties and radiative forcing (Articolo in rivista) (
- Aerosol Characterization and Direct Radiative Forcing Assessment over the Ocean. Part I: Methodology and Sensitivity Analysis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Considerations on daylight operation of 1.6 micron vs. 3.7 micron channels on NOAA and METOP satellites (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pioggia e neve dallo spazio (Articolo in rivista) (
- A 10-year climatology of warm-season cloud patterns over Europe and the Mediterranean from Meteosat IR observations (Articolo in rivista) (
- W-band from space and C-band ground radar analysis for investigating cloud microphysical characteristics (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Spaceborne W-band and ground C-band radar observations: comparison with numerical scattering simulations (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the fundamental role of Hans Pruppacher for cloud physics and cloud chemistry (Curatela) (
- Evaluation of the new ESR network software for the retrieval of direct sun products from CIMEL CE318 and PREDE POM01 sun-sky radiometers (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of the Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database (CDRD) precipitation retrieval algorithm using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) radar-radiometer observations over the Mediterranean area (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Instantaneous rain field propagation from combined MW-IR satellite measurements using the Precipitation Evolving Technique (PET) (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Do Vestige Atlantic Hurricanes Trigger Cyclonic Storms Over Mediterranean Basin ? (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- The Intensive Observation Period in Italy during the HyMex campaign (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Space-based precipitation datasets: Opening new frontiers in atmospheric and hydrologic applications (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Characterization of plumes on top of a deep convective storm using AVHRR imagery and radiative transfer simulations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Precipitation products from EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF) (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Rainfall estimations and characterization of snow-covered terrains: Validation of the new version of the 183-WSL retrieval method (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Satellite-based VIS/IR multispectral screening of precipitating clouds: A case study during summer at mid-latitudes (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Extreme precipitation on the island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 as seen by satellite passive microwave sounders (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Retrospective analysis of synoptic favourable conditions for deep convective events in the Mediterranean Sea (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Analyses of heavy precipitation events over ligurian region (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Soil as a natural raingauge: Estimating rainfall from global satellite soil moisture data (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Analysis of satellite monthly precipitation time series over East Africa (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Analysis of satellite monthly precipitation time series over East Africa (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Precipitation estimations from geostationary orbit and prospects for METEOSAT Second Generation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- MAMS (Software) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Estimation of radial sea currents in the northern Adriatic Sea close to the Venice Lagoon inlets (Progetti) (
- Modelling of orographic precipitation over Iberia: a springtime case study (Articolo in rivista) (
- The 18 June 1997 Companion supercells: Multiparametric Doppler radar analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulations of time-coincident, co-located measurements from ENVISAT-1 instruments for the characterization of tropospheric aerosols: a sensitivity study including cloud contamination effects (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) algorithm for AMSU/MHS observations: description and application to European case studies (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Retrieval of aerosol properties over the ocean using Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment measurements: Method and applications to test cases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud fraction within GOME footprint using a refined cloud clearing algorithm (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Il ciclo dell'acqua e l'atmosfera: stato delle conoscenze e problemi aperti (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detection and measurement of snowfall from space (Articolo in rivista) (
- Overview of the first HyMeX Special Observation Period over Italy: observations and model results (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite Precipitation Estimation over the Tibetan Plateau and Perspectives for new Satellite Missions (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Measurements of atmospheric turbidity from a network of sun-photometers in Italy during ALPEX (Articolo in rivista) (
- Assessment and tuning of the behaviour of a microphysical characterization scheme (Articolo in rivista) (
- A wind tunnel and theoretical study on the melting behavior of atmospheric ice particles. II:a theoretical study for frozen drops of radius < 500 micron (Articolo in rivista) (
- Three-dimensional single Doppler radar analysis of an occluded front (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol particle characterization during PACEX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud classification using METEOSAT VIS-IR imagery (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Exploitation of cloud top characterization from three-channel IR measurements in a physical PMW rain retrieval algorithm (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multispectral, high-resolution satellite observations of plumes on top of convective storms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Investigating a SSM/I microwave algorithm to calibrate METEOSAT infrared instantaneous rainrate estimates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Observations and modeling of the hydrological cycle at CNR-ISAC (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Che tempo fa? Lo dice lo spazio (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- I satelliti e il clima (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- FP7 GLOWASIS - A new collaborative project aimed at pre-validation of a GMES Global Water Scarcity Information Service (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of the 183-WSL retrieval method using ground radar measurements (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates over different African River Basins (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite precipitation products in the frame of the GLOWASIS Project, a GMES Global Water Scarcity Information Service (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Earth observations dataset inventory (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the uncertainties in validating satellite instantaneous rainfall estimates with raingauge operational network (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using lightning and microwave satellite rainfall retrievals to obtain continuous rainfall fields (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Codice
- Anno di chiusura previsto
- 2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Istituto esecutore
- Abstract
- Il Modulo include le attività di ricerca e di applicazione relative all'acquisizione e all'analisi di misure telerilevate da satellite. Lo sviluppo e l'applicazione di algoritmi per la trasformazione delle misure multisensore, acquisite dai satelliti in orbita bassa o geostazionaria, in stime di grandezze meteorologiche, e il loro utilizzo per lo studio degli eventi estremi sono attività centrali del Modulo; per esse l'ISAC è centro di competenza cui si rivolgono organismi nazionali e internazionali sia per la definizione di nuove missioni satellitari, sia per la produzione di algoritmi di stima che supportino le attività operative.
Le ricerche in corso, attualmente finanziate principalmente da ESA, da EUMETSAT, dalla Commissione Europea, dal Dipartimento di Protezione Civile, da ASI, dal MIUR e dal PNRA, sono relative alla misura multisensore della precipitazione e della microfisica delle nubi, dell'attività di fulminazione, del vento e delle correnti marine superficiali, della neve e della distribuzione del ghiaccio marino alle alte latitudini. (literal)
- Nome
- Meteorologia da satellite (literal)
- Descrizione
- Modulo di
- Gestore
Incoming links:
- Prodotto di
- Serie storica di dati dell'osservatorio bioclimatologico Ospedale del Mare, Lido di venezia (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using SAR and LAM Wind Fields to Investigate the Effects of Land/Atmosphere Interaction (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Near Real Time scatterometer winds as support to the operational storm surge forecasting in Venice (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Wind direction determination with RADARSAT-2 polarimetric images (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of Snow-Covered Terrains and Detection of Snowfall by Using the 183- WSL Retrieval Scheme (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud microphysical properties retrieval in the presence of strong aerosol events (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rain retrieval using 183 GHz absorption lines (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Characteristics of the wavenumber spectral decay of near surface wind kinetic energy in the Mediterranean Sea (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Combined Direct and Remote Sensing Measurements of Wave Parameters at the off-shore Research Platform in the Black Sea (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Is the katabatic wind the forcing factor of Terra Nova Bay polynya events? (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Considerations on daylight operation of 1.6 micron vs. 3.7 micron channels on NOAA and METOP satellites (Articolo in rivista) (
- Aerosol Characterization and Direct Radiative Forcing Assessment over the Ocean. Part I: Methodology and Sensitivity Analysis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Influence of the aerosol particles from biomass burning on cloud microphysical properties and radiative forcing (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using lightning data to better understand and predict flash floods in the Mediterranean (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The propagation and diurnal cycles of deep convection in northern tropical Africa (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validating a rapid-update satellite precipitation analysis across telescoping space and time scales (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Contemporary ground-basedand satellite precipitating system. characterization ordesertification studies in Southern Italy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A GIS approach to ingest Meteosat Second Generation data into the Local Analysis and Prediction System (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A review of satellite meteorology and climatology at the start of the twenty-first century (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Precipitation: measurement, remote sensing, climatology and modeling (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Fourth International Precipitation Working Group Workshop (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The 183-WSL fast rain rate retrieval algorithm. Part I: Retrieval design (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Assessment and tuning of the behaviour of a microphysical characterization scheme (Articolo in rivista) (
- Il ciclo dell'acqua e l'atmosfera: stato delle conoscenze e problemi aperti (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modelling of orographic precipitation over Iberia: a springtime case study (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite rainfall estimates: new perspectives for meteorology and climate from the EURAINSAT project (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A Neural Networks-Based Fusion Technique to Estimate Half-Hourly Rainfall Estimates at 0.18 Resolution from Satellite Passive Microwave and Infrared Data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Radiative forcing of Asian dust determined from the synergized GOME and GMS satellite data - A case study (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lightning-based propagation of convective rain fields (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite precipitation measurements for water resource monitoring (Articolo in rivista) (
- The FLASH Project: Using lightning data to better understand and predict flash floods (Articolo in rivista) (
- On the statistical relationship between cloud optical and microphysical characteristics and rainfall intensity for convective storms over the Mediterranean (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite and numerical model investigation of two Mesoscale Convective Systems over Central Mediterranean (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cycles and propagation of deep convection over equatorial Africa (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analysis of instability indices during the development of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone using MSG-SEVIRI products and the LAPS model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Status of satellite precipitation retrievals (Articolo in rivista) (
- Warm season precipitation climatology: first European results (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rain area delineation by means of multispectral cloud characterization from satellite (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite observations of convective storm top features in the 1.6 and 3.7/3.9 ¼m spectral bands (Articolo in rivista) (
- Aerosol characterization and direct radiative forcing estimation over the ocean from satellite observations (Articolo in rivista) (
- A maximum entropy approach to satellite quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) (Articolo in rivista) (
- Aerosol Characterization and Direct Radiative Forcing Assessment over the Ocean. Part II: Application to Test Cases and Validation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of severe convective events from two operational dual polarisation doppler radars (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observing precipitation by means of water vapor absorption lines: A first check of the retrieval capabilities of the 183-WSL rain retrieval method (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Exploitation of cloud top characterization from three-channel IR measurements in a physical PMW rain retrieval algorithm (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Detection and measurement of snowfall from space (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pioggia e neve dallo spazio (Articolo in rivista) (
- A merged algorithm for quantitative rainfall estimates using the thermal infrared band (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rain retrieval using 183 GHz absorption lines (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Precipitation Products from the Hydrology SAF (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Potential Reduction of Uncertainty in Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval using the Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database with the Inclusion of Dynamic and Thermodynamic Constraints: Results and Analysis (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Connections between Mediterranean Storms and Tropical Convective Activity (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Meso and local scale climatological features of the wind fields in the Mediterranean Sea from scatterometer data (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Validation of the Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database (CDRD) precipitation retrieval algorithm using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) radar-radiometer observations over the Mediterranean area (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Instantaneous rain field propagation from combined MW-IR satellite measurements using the Precipitation Evolving Technique (PET) (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Do Vestige Atlantic Hurricanes Trigger Cyclonic Storms Over Mediterranean Basin ? (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Passive microwave remote sensing of rain from satellite sensors (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observation of hydrological processes using remote sensing (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Ocean wind fields from satellite active microwave sensors (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the fundamental role of Hans Pruppacher for cloud physics and cloud chemistry (Curatela) (
- Estimation of radial sea currents in the northern Adriatic Sea close to the Venice Lagoon inlets (Progetti) (
- Progetto: PGDMAPS Rapporto n. 1 Realizzazione dei punti 1/3 e 2/3 (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- Estimation of radial sea currents in the northern Adriatic Sea close to the Venice Lagoon inlets, Project # 2141: Middle Term Report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- An algorithm for wind speed retrieval at X band from Cosmo- Skymed SAR images (Xmod-1); project # 2144. Mid Term Report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- The retrieval of cloud top properties using VIS-IR channels (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite Derived Winds as Support to the Regional and Coastal Oceanography (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Italian Journal of Remote Sensing (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmospheric Research (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring precipitation from space - EURAINSAT and the future (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud microphysical properties retrieval during intense biomass burning events over Africa and Portugal (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Quantitative precipitation estimation from Earth observation satellites (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Estimation of radial sea currents in the northern Adriatic Sea close to the Venice Lagoon inlets; Project # 2141 - Third Advancement Report (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Comparison of scatterometer, ECMWF, WRF wind fields and in-situ data (Note interne, manuali e guide) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Aerosol Characterization and Optical Thickness Retrievals Using GOME and METEOSAT Satellite Data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Analyses of heavy precipitation events over ligurian region (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The Intensive Observation Period in Italy during the HyMex campaign (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- W-band from space and C-band ground radar analysis for investigating cloud microphysical characteristics (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Spaceborne W-band and ground C-band radar observations: comparison with numerical scattering simulations (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Sparsely Gauged African River Basins (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmosphere, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Radiative effects of simulated cirrus clouds on top of a deep convective storm in METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION SEVIRI channels (Articolo in rivista) (
- Radiative energy partition and cloud radiative forcing at a Po valley site (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rainfall variability associated with the summer African monsoon: A satellite study (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Progetto SCASELMA Rapporto n. 1: Dataset ERA-40 - ERA Interim (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Raindrop Size Distribution and Soil Erosion (Articolo in rivista) (
- Climate, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- The Scientific World Journal, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- Analysis of tropical-like cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea through a combined modelling and satellite approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- CDRD and PNPR satellite passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms: EuroTRMM/EURAINSAT origins and H-SAF operations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of plumes on top of a deep convective storm using AVHRR imagery and radiative transfer simulations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A 10-year climatology of warm-season cloud patterns over Europe and the Mediterranean from Meteosat IR observations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Rainfall assimilation in RAMS by means of the Kuo parameterisation inversion : method and preliminary results (Articolo in rivista) (
- Progetto SCASELMA Rapporto n. 2 Attivita' inerenti il precedente progetto Vento Da Satellite (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (
- PM-GCD - a combined IR-MW satellite technique for frequent retrieval of heavy precipitation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- First validation of retrieved rain rates and snow covered mask of the 183-WSL retrieval method (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Water cycle science (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atmospheric Research, Membro Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- European Journal of Remote Sensing, Member Editorial Board (Curatela) (
- An analysis of three disastrous rain events occurred in Italy: Rome, Cinque Terre and Genoa (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Precipitation from space - Advancing Earth system science (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using a cloud electrification model to study relationships between lightning activity and cloud microphysical structure (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modeling the flash rate in thunderstorms: an implementation into the CRAMS model (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Application of two passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms to heavy precipitation events in the Mediterranean region during 2011 and 2012 fall seasons (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Transitioning from CRD to CDRD in Bayesian retrieval of rainfall from satellite passive microwave measurements: Part 3 - Identification of optimal meteorological tags (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Editorial GCGW-2011 (Rassegna e recensione) (
- Precipitation products from the Hydrology SAF (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Deep convection over Northern Italy: synoptic and thermodynamic analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Investigating a SSM/I microwave algorithm to calibrate METEOSAT infrared instantaneous rainrate estimates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multispectral, high-resolution satellite observations of plumes on top of convective storms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Aerosol particle characterization during PACEX (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud classification using METEOSAT VIS-IR imagery (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Three-dimensional single Doppler radar analysis of an occluded front (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A wind tunnel and theoretical study on the melting behavior of atmospheric ice particles. II:a theoretical study for frozen drops of radius < 500 micron (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measurements of atmospheric turbidity from a network of sun-photometers in Italy during ALPEX (Articolo in rivista) (
- Satellite-based precipitation measurements in Europe: the algorithms for H-SAF (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The H-SAF passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms: a verification study over Europe (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multisensor analysis of recent heavy precipitation events occurred over Italy (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Use of the MSG SEVIRI channels in a combined SSM/I, TRMM and geostationary IR method for rapid updates of rainfall (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- On the effects of the cloud vertical structure on lightning production (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Heavy precipitation retrieval from combined satellite observations and ground-based lightning measurements (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The 183-WSL fast rain rate retrieval algorithm. Part II: Validation using ground radar measurements (Articolo in rivista) (
- WWW and the aerobiologist: Operating instructions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effectiveness of the MS-method for computation of the intensity field reflected by a multi-layer plane-parallel atmosphere (Articolo in rivista) (
- IR-based satellite and radar rainfall estimates of convective storms over northern Italy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Mesoscale and Radar Analysis of the 30 June 1998 Supercell (Articolo in rivista) (
- Simulations of time-coincident, co-located measurements from ENVISAT-1 instruments for the characterization of tropospheric aerosol: a sensitivity study including cloud contamination effects (Articolo in rivista) (
- Atmospheric effects of the El Chichón volcanic eruption observed by a multiwavelength sun-photometer: 1982-1985 (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A wind tunnel and theoretical study on the melting behavior of atmospheric ice particles. III: experiment and theory for spherical ice particles of radius > 500 micron (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A numerical study of the heat transfer through a fluid layer with recirculating flow between concentric and eccentric spheres (Articolo in rivista) (
- The VLF fingerprint of elves: Step-like and long-recovery early VLF perturbations caused by powerful ±CG lightning EM pulses (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using lightning and microwave satellite rainfall retrievals to obtain continuous rainfall fields (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite Precipitation Estimation over the Tibetan Plateau and Perspectives for new Satellite Missions (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- MAMS (Software) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multisensor Atmospheric data Mapping System: a Web-based Graphic Tool for multisensor observations of atmospheric data and NWP model forecasts (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Retrieval of characteristic parameters for water vapour transmittance in the development of ground based sun-sky radiometric measurements of columnar water vapour (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Extreme precipitation on the Island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 as seen by satellite passive microwave sounders (Articolo in rivista) (
- Retrieval of aerosol properties over the ocean using Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment measurements: Method and applications to test cases (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cloud fraction within GOME footprint using a refined cloud clearing algorithm (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The 18 June 1997 Companion supercells: Multiparametric Doppler radar analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulations of time-coincident, co-located measurements from ENVISAT-1 instruments for the characterization of tropospheric aerosols: a sensitivity study including cloud contamination effects (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Precipitation estimations from geostationary orbit and prospects for METEOSAT Second Generation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Operational rainfall estimation using METEOSAT Infrared imagery: an application in Italy's Arno river basin-Its potential and drawbacks (Articolo in rivista) (
- POLKEY: an expert system for the identification of pollen grains (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ice accretion on fixed cylinders (Articolo in rivista) (
- A wind tunnel investigation of the effect of an external, vertical electric field on the shape of electrically uncharged rain drops (Articolo in rivista) (
- Transitioning From CRD to CDRD in Bayesian Retrieval of Rainfall From Satellite Passive Microwave Measurements: Part 2. Overcoming Database Profile Selection Ambiguity by Consideration of Meteorological Control on Microphysics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Properties of AGILE Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulating lightning into the RAMS model: two case studies (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Definition and impact of a quality index for radar-based reference measurements in the H-SAF precipitation product validation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR): an algorithm for cross-track scanning radiometers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A verification study over Europe of AMSU-A/MHS and SSMIS passive microwave precipitation retrievals (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Overview of the first HyMeX Special Observation Period over Italy: observations and model results (Articolo in rivista) (
- Properties of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes detected by AGILE MCAL below 30 MeV (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the highest photon energy of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Soil as a natural rain gauge: Estimating global rainfall from satellite soil moisture data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Intesa Operativa 2013 tra DPC e CNR-ISAC: Relazione Finale (Rapporti finali progetti di ricerca) (
- Tropical-like cyclones in the Mediterranean sea: from the case study over Salento to a combined satellite-modelling approach (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Meteo-hydrological analysis of intense flash-flood events over Southern Italy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the uncertainties in validating satellite instantaneous rainfall estimates with raingauge operational network (Articolo in rivista) (
- The validation service of the hydrological SAF geostationary and polar satellite precipitation products (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Daytime identification of summer hailstorm cells from MSG data (Articolo in rivista) (
- Calibration of a sky radiometer (Prede) using observations obtained from hanle and merak high-altitude stations in ladakh (Articolo in rivista) (
- One year of measurements with a POM02 radiometer at an Alpine EuroSkyRad statio (Articolo in rivista) (
- Earth observations dataset inventory (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Che tempo fa? Lo dice lo spazio (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Observations and modeling of the hydrological cycle at CNR-ISAC (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Cambiamenti climatici e risorse idriche: Scenari a livello globale e nazionale (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Development of a new data-processing method for SKYNET sky radiometer observations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Comparison of AERONET and SKYRAD4.2 inversion products retrieved from a Cimel CE318 sunphotometer (Articolo in rivista) (
- The first AGILE low-energy ( < 30 MeV) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes catalog (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Atmospheric Research, Associate Editor (Curatela) (
- Evaluation of six satellite rainfall products over the Great Horn of Africa (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of satellite monthly precipitation time series over East Africa (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Simulating lightning into the RAMS model: implementation and preliminary results (Articolo in rivista) (
- Status of the European Skynet radiometer network (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Analysis of satellite monthly precipitation time series over East Africa (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Analysis of satellite monthly precipitation time series over East Africa (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Satellite-based VIS/IR multispectral screening of precipitating clouds: A case study during summer at mid-latitudes (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Extreme precipitation on the island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 as seen by satellite passive microwave sounders (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Retrospective analysis of synoptic favourable conditions for deep convective events in the Mediterranean Sea (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Soil as a natural raingauge: Estimating rainfall from global satellite soil moisture data (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Precipitation products from EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF) (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Rainfall estimations and characterization of snow-covered terrains: Validation of the new version of the 183-WSL retrieval method (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Space-based precipitation datasets: Opening new frontiers in atmospheric and hydrologic applications (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- GLOWASIS Global Water Scarcity Information Service (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Columnar aerosol properties in Valencia (Spain) by ground-based Sun photometry (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Columnar aerosol properties in a Northeastern Atlantic site (Plymouth, United Kingdom) by means of ground based skyradiometer data during years 2000-2008 (Articolo in rivista) (
- European Skynet Radiometers network (Banca dati) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of downward solar radiation from Meteosat Second Generation by ground-based observations of BSRN and ESR networks over Europe (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Internation European Skynet Radiometers network (ESR) -Training Course (Materiale didattico) (
- Validation of the 183-WSL retrieval method using ground radar measurements (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates over different African River Basins (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Satellite precipitation products in the frame of the GLOWASIS Project, a GMES Global Water Scarcity Information Service (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- FP7 GLOWASIS - A new collaborative project aimed at pre-validation of a GMES Global Water Scarcity Information Service (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- I satelliti e il clima (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Report on improved hydrological parameters version 2 (Rapporti finali progetti di ricerca) (
- Satellite estimates of precipitation (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Application of the 183-WSL precipitation retrieval method during the winter season (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- AERONET and Euroskyrad (ESR) aerosol optical depth intercomparison on Cimel CE318 and Prede POM01 radiometers (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Evaluation of the new ESR network software for the retrieval of direct sun products from CIMEL CE318 and PREDE POM01 sun-sky radiometers (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) algorithm for AMSU/MHS observations: description and application to European case studies (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Istituto esecutore di
- Modulo
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