Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche (TA.P04.005.008)

  • Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche (TA.P04.005.008) (literal)
  • TA.P04.005.008 (literal)
Anno di chiusura previsto
  • 2016-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
Istituto esecutore
  • Water resources management and planning processes prescribed in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) strongly focuses on the concept of integrated management, involving both purely physical aspects and those social and economic. From the practical point of view, achieving a management plan founded on the WFD means to keep in mind of all the sources of uncertainty influencing data and models. Nowadays, the accomplishment of integrated management plans requires any water management agency or company to take a wide number of choices based on the available information. In the greatest part of the cases, however, this information revealed insufficient, incomplete and uncertain, influencing the decisional trial. In Italy, some D.Lgs. related to water resources protection, comply with the WFD and require the integrated and meaningful knowledge of the qualitative state of the surface water and groundwater through an echo-systemic approach. Research activities within this module aims to define and design methodologies and models for effective and efficient water monitoring. (literal)
  • Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche (literal)
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