comportamento dinamico di sistemi complessi (MD.P02.017.001)
- Type
- Label
- comportamento dinamico di sistemi complessi (MD.P02.017.001) (literal)
- Prodotto
- Dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy imaging on fragments of Beta-connectin from human cardiac muscle (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sensitivity to single neuron perturbations in developmentally regulated networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Prostate cancer: a model of integration of genomic and non-genomic effects of the androgen receptor in cell lines model (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Relaxation to negative temperature breathers in Bose-Einstein Condensates in optical lattices (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Experimental targeting and control of spatiotemporal chaos in nonlinear optics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental control of coherence of a chaotic oscillator (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A simulation study of energy transport in the Hamiltonian XY model (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Degree mixing and the enhancement of synchronization in complex weighted networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Opinion dynamics and synchronization in a network of scientific collaborations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Thresholds for epidemic outbreaks in finite scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of spatially extended chaotic systems in the presence of asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stochastic dynamics of model proteins on a directed graph (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- From synchronization to Lyapunov exponents and back (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective Dynamics in -Not Too- Complex Networks (Materiale didattico) (
- Very long transients, irregular firing, and chaotic dynamics in networks of randomly connected inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: analytical solution of the steady state (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective atomic recoil laser as a synchronization transition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Generation of scale-free topology in complex networks by phase entrainment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stable chaos in fluctuation driven neural circuits (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Monitoring spike train synchrony: SPIKY - A graphical user interface (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complessità e altre storie (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental analysis of mode-hopping in bulk semiconductor lasers (Articolo in rivista) (
- From anomalous energy diffusion to levy walks and heat conductivity in one-dimensional systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nonlinearly driven transverse synchronization in coupled chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Parenclitic networks: uncovering new functions in biological data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the intrinsic time scales involved in synchronization: A data-driven approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Opto-mechanical probe for combining atomic force microscopy and optical near-field surface analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Dermal matrix scaffold engineered with adult mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma as a potential tool for tissue repair and regeneration (Articolo in rivista) (
- The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atomic force microscopy of histological sections using a chemical etching method (Articolo in rivista) (
- Studies of thermal conductivity in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-like lattices (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of spatially extended chaotic systems with asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Polydiacetylene nanowires in ultrathin films (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with plasticity (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Disorder and decision cost in spatial networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in networks of spatially extended systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Role for stress fiber contraction in surface tension development and stretch-activated channel regulation in C2C12 myoblasts (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modelling and analysis of autonomous micro-cantilever oscillations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Localized structures in an optical feedback interferometer: properties and interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Irrational phase synchronization (Articolo in rivista) (
- Symmetry induced heteroclinic cycles in a CO2 laser (Articolo in rivista) (
- Convective instabilities of synchronization manifolds in spatially extended systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in weighted scale-free networks with degree-degree correlation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stability of splay states in globally coupled rotators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detecting local synchronization in coupled chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Frequency entrainment of nonautonomous chaotic oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Transmission thresholds in time-periodically driven nonlinear disordered systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of Moving Chaotic Agents (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of spatio-temporal chaos as an absorbing phase transition: a study in 2+1 dimensions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Networks of springs: a practical approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterizing the response of chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Unfolding times for proteins in a force clamp (Articolo in rivista) (
- Transthyretin suppresses the toxicity of oligomers formed by misfolded proteins in vitro (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamics of overlapping structures in modular networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detecting determinism from point processes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Liquidity crisis, granularity of the order book and price fluctuations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective chaos in pulse-coupled neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- SPIKY (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Extensive and Subextensive Chaos in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental and theoretical analysis of photofragmentation of Au nanoparticles by picosecond laser radiation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Interacting oscillators in complex networks: synchronization and the emergence of scale-free topologies (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex networks: from biology to information technology - Preface (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonreciprocal Wave Propagation Through Open, Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Dimers (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of extended chaotic systems with long-range interactions: an analogy to Levy-flight spreading of epidemics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Self-organization for the stylized facts and finite-size effects in a financial-market model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Regulating synchronous states of complex networks by pinning interaction with an external node (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detection of microviscosity by using uncalibrated atomic force microscopy cantilevers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spontaneous onset of irregular collective oscillations in heterogeneous neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Explosive synchronization as a process of explosive percolation in dynamical phase space (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complex network theory and the brain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Functional brain networks: great expectations, hard times and the big leap forward (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The problem of cosmological dark matter and statistical physics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Conference registration: how people react to a deadline (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Large-Deviation Approach to Space-Time Chaos (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of the splay state in pulse-coupled networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Unveiling Protein Functions through the Dynamics of the Interaction Network (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Progressive pearl necklace collapse mechanism for cerato-ulmin aggregation film (Articolo in rivista) (
- PT-symmetric ladders with a scattering core (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamical characterization of vibrating AFM cantilevers forced by photothermal excitation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Beta-connectin studies by small-angle x-ray scattering and single-molecule force spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of intermittent behavior in ensembles of multistable dynamical systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Preparation of small size palladium nanoparticles by picosecond laser ablation and control of metal concentration in the colloid (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Node Vulnerability under Finite Perturbations in Complex Networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effects of degree correlations on the explosive synchronization of scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Emergent hybrid synchronization in coupled chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Self-driven soft imaging in liquid by means of photothermal excitation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Reconstructing Agents' Strategies from Price Behavior (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Dynamics and Forecast in a Simple Model of Sustainable Development for Rural Populations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective chaos and chimera states in pulse-coupled neural networks (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Fluctuations in a diffusive medium with gain (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Measuring spike train reliability (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective chaos and chimera states in pulse-coupled neural networks (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Scanning fluorescence microscopy with a lens colour filter (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Fluids viscosity determination by means of uncalibrated AFM cantilevers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Adaptive Atomic Force Microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks : The role of network connectivity (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Nonreciprocal wave scattering on nonlinear string-coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Gravitational structure formation, the cosmological problem and statistical physics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Supercontinuum source tuned by an on-axis monochromator for fluorescence lifetime imaging (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Enhanced Adsorption of Ca-ATPase Containing Vesicles on a Negatively Charged Solid-Supported-Membrane for the Investigation of Membrane Transporters (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Explosive synchronization in adaptive and multilayer networks. (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stable Chaos in Fluctuation Driven Neural Circuits (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stochastic Mean Formulation of the Dynamics of Diluted Neural Networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Generalized synchronization in mutually coupled oscillators and complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High throughput single protein stretching experiments (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Irregular collective behavior of heterogeneous neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Rate maintenance and resonance in the entorhinal cortex (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fiber-top atomic force microscope probe with optical near-field detection capabilities (Articolo in rivista) (
- Electromagnetic two-body problem: recurrent dynamics in the presence of state-dependent delay (Articolo in rivista) (
- Out-of-equilibrium versus dynamical and thermodynamical transitions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Searching for conditions to form stable protein oligomers with amyloid-like characteristics: The unexplored basic pH (Articolo in rivista) (
- Functional neural networks underlying semantic encoding of associative memories (Articolo in rivista) (
- AFM Imaging via Nonlinear Control of Self-driven Cantilever Oscillations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Protein N-Homocysteinylation Induces the Formation of Toxic Amyloid-Like Protofibrils (Articolo in rivista) (
- Discrete Breathers in a Realistic Coarse-Grained Model of Proteins (Articolo in rivista) (
- Asymmetric wave propagation in nonlinear systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Preparation and photophysical study of fluorophore modified gold nanoparticles (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Irregular collective behaviour in neuronal networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collaborate, compete and share (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective behavior in neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of ordered aggregates of cerato-platanin and their involvement in fungus-host interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Heat conduction in nonlinear chains (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Limitations of spike train distances to study the time-scales of natural sounds discrimination (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Partial synchronization in diluted neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring multiple spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Reconstructing the free-energy landscape of a polyprotein by single-molecule experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stability criteria for splay states in networks of \"generalized\" neuronal models (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaos in the Hamiltonian Mean Field (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Discrete breathers in a realistic coarse-grained model of proteins (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Discrete breathers as energy-accumulating centres in a protein model (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Pinning control of spatio temporal chaos in nonlinear optics (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- How people react to a deadline: analysis of the distribution of the registrations to a conference (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Two-Photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy of Gold Nanoparticles under Stationary and Flow Conditions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Systemic risk in finance (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Perché i mercati finanziari sono instabili? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complexity: from natural to socio-economic sciences: Modeling Socio-economic, Agent Based Models (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Design strategies of opto-mechanical micro oscillators for the detection of the ponderomotive squeezing (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm for cultured neuronal networks' structure characterization and modeling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Metal-clad optical waveguide fluorescence device for the detection of heavy metal ions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Hysteretic Transitions in the Kuramoto Model with Inertia (Abstract in rivista) (
- Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks (Abstract in rivista) (
- SPIKY: a graphical user interface for monitoring spike train synchrony (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical properties of dislocation mutual interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- A molecular imaging analysis of Cx43 association with Cdo during skeletal myoblast differentiation (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Anomalous kinetics and transport from 1D self-consistent mode-coupling theory (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring synchronization and directionality in EEG time series from epilepsy patients: An application to seizure prediction (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring synchronization in coupled model systems: A comparison of different approaches. (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonequilibrium invariant measure under heat flow (Articolo in rivista) (
- Microspheres for Immunosensing and Aptasensing Applications (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Relaxation to negative temperature breathers in Bose-Einstein Condensates in optical lattices (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Attività recenti nei settori Plasmonica e nanomateriali, Nanoscopie (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Esperimenti di dinamica non lineare e meccanica statistica in sistemi ottici (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Complessità Economica: Competitività dei paesi e Qualità dei Prodotti (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Low temperature corneal laser welding investigated by atomic force microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measure profile surrogates: A method to validate the performance of epileptic seizure prediction algorithms (Articolo in rivista) (
- A sound card application for cantilever calibration (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Do age-specific survival patterns of wild boar fit current evolutionary theories of senescence? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Supplementary feeding of farmed fallow deer: effect on milk composition and fawn performance (Articolo in rivista) (
- Guardare oltre il visibile : il molto piccolo e il molto grande ... seduti su un mattoncino LEGO (Mostre ed esposizioni) (
- Scienza ludica: impariamo l'ottica con il LEGO (Progetti) (
- Data-driven analysis of nonstationary brain signals (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Anomalous heat conduction (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- SPIKE-distance (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Synchronized Dynamics of Complex Systems (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (
- Computing with complex-valued networks of phase oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherent white light confocal fluorescence imaging and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A molecular imaging analysis of Cx43 association with Cdo during skeletal myoblast differentiation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nocturnal distance sampling of a Mediterranean population of fallow deer is consistent with population projections (Articolo in rivista) (
- Principles of recovery from traumatic brain injury: Reorganization of functional networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Animal Movement (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Editorial (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Autocorrelator designs for nonlinear optical microscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ring intermittency in coupled chaotic oscillators at the boundary of phase synchronization (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of chaotic systems with coexisting attractors (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in dynamical networks: Evolution along commutative graphs (Articolo in rivista) (
- A new approach to partial synchronization in globally coupled rotators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fluid viscosity determination by means of uncalibrated atomic force microscopy cantilevers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Optical Structures and their Control in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve Experiment (Articolo in rivista) (
- Controlling Spatio-temporal chaos in the scenario of the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser irradiation with low pulse energy: a potential tool for the treatment of peri-implant disease (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pinning control of spatiotemporal chaos in the LCLV device (Articolo in rivista) (
- Automatic control and tracking of periodic orbits in chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherence resonance due to correlated noise in neuronal models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Length distribution of laminar phases for type-I intermittency in the presence of noise (Articolo in rivista) (
- Anomalous consistency in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A complex networks approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaos suppression through asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Attractor selection in a modulated laser and in the Lorenz circuit (Articolo in rivista) (
- The birth of defects in pattern formation: Testing of the KibbleZurek mechanism (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization processes in complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Comment on \"Equilibration and Universal Heat Conduction in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chains\" (Articolo in rivista) (
- Free-energy landscape of mechanically unfolded model proteins: extended Jarzinsky versus inherent structure reconstruction (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modulated optical structures over a modulationally stable medium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stochastic resonance in bulk semiconductor lasers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in complex networks with age ordering (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronous dynamics in the presence of short-term plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Anomalous synchronization of spatialy extended chaotic systems in the presence of asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Directed percolation with long-range interactions: Modeling nonequilibrium wetting (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dissipative solitons driving and bound state control via parameter gradients (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lyapunov exponents in high-dimensional systems (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sphingosine 1-phosphate induces cytokeletal reorganization in c2c12 myoblasts: physiological relevance for stress fibres in the modulation of ion current through stretch-activated channels (Articolo in rivista) (
- Exploring the energy landscape of model proteins: a metric criterion for the determination of dynamical connectivity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Trasporto anomalo e violazione delle reciprocità in sistemi non lineari (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Sincronizzazione e Dinamiche Collettive (Materiale didattico) (
- Discerning nonstationarity from nonlinearity in seizure-free and pre-seizure EEG recordings from epilepsy patients. (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Intramolecular photo-switching and intermolecular energy transfer as primary photoevents in photoreceptive processes: the case of Euglena gracilis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measures of neuronal signal synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- On the efficient calculation of van Rossum distances (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Optical fibre nanotips fabricated by a dynamic chemical etching for sensing applications (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cerato-Populin and Cerato-Platanin, Two Non-Catalytic Proteins from Phytopathogenic Fungi, Interact with Hydrophobic Inanimate Surfaces and Leaves (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Role of the driving laser position on atomic force microscopy cantilevers excited by photothermal and radiation pressure effects (Articolo in rivista) (
- Tunable gold nanostars for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Copper Nanoparticles Obtained by Laser Ablation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Eigenvector centrality of nodes in multiplex networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cu2+ chemosensing behaviour of self-organized micro-array structures of a donor-acceptor bichromophoric compound anchored onto Ag nanoisland films (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Diluted neural networks: deterministic versus stochastic evolution (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Attractor selection in a modulated laser and in the Lorenz circuit (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Metal nanostructures for the enhancement of the Raman response of molecular adsorbates (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Caos Estable en Circuitos Activados por Fluctuaciones (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Book review : The Wildlife Techniques Manual. 2 Volumes (Abstract in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Lévy flight foraging hypothesis in a pelagic seabird (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Explosive synchronization in weighted complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Critical connectivity for emergence of collective oscillations in strongly diluted neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Collective dynamics in sparse neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Population dynamics in a guild of four Mediterranean ungulates: density-dependence, environmental effects and inter-specific interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nocturnal line transect sampling of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a Mediterranean forest: long-term comparison with capture-mark-resight population estimates (Articolo in rivista) (
- From Chaos to Synchronization (Materiale didattico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- TiO2 nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in water: influence of pulse energy and duration on the crystalline phase (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamics of networks of leaky-integrate and fire neurons (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Adaptive feedback control of periodic orbits in chaotic systems (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Binding of a Monoclonal Antibody to the Phospholamban Cytoplasmic Domain Interferes with the Channel Activity of Phospholamban Reconstituted in a Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic behaviour of random lasers (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stable Chaos (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Heterogeneous mean field for neural networks with short-term plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent Response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Chaos in the Hamiltonian mean-field model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Collective Dynamics in Sparse Networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization and complex dynamics of oscillators with delayed pulse coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory Erdös-Renyi neural networks: The role of network connectivity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Asymmetric wave propagation in the open, discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective dynamics, extensivity and non-additivity in sparse networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photothermal and thermo-refractive effects in high reflectivity mirrors at room and cryogenic temperature (Articolo in rivista) (
- A \"low-deformation mirror\" micro-oscillator with ultra-low optical and mechanical losses (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nanostructured films of metal particles obtained by laser ablation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Noise effects on excitable chaotic attractors in coupled light-emitting diodes (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ultralow-dissipation micro-oscillator for quantum optomechanics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective Dynamics in Sparse Networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Emergence of Small-World Anatomical Networks in Self-Organizing Clustered Neuronal Cultures (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The induction of a-helical structure in partially unfolded HypF-N does not affect its aggregation propensity (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonequilibrium discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spontaneous ordering in a cold atomic cloud (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrational resonance in a noisy bistable system: Nonfeedback control of stochastic resonance (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Discrete breathers in Bose-Einstein condensates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Monitoring spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterizing unidirectional couplings between point processes and flows (Articolo in rivista) (
- What can spike train distances tell us about the neural code? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measures of spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaotic-like collective behavior in ensembles of disordered oscillators with delay (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Scattering lengths and universality in superdiffusive Levy materials (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The beta-Subunit of Cholera Toxin has a High Affinity for Ganglioside GM1 Embedded into Solid Supported Lipid Membranes with a Lipid Raft-Like Composition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Inhomogeneous mechanical losses in micro-oscillators with high reflectivity coating (Articolo in rivista) (
- Role of actin cytoskeleton in the modulation of stretch-activated channels sensitivity of myoblastic C2C12 cells (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic and mixed-mode oscillation scenarios in semiconductor devices: generation and synchronization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Effect of Picosecond Postirradiation on Colloidal Suspensions of Differently Capped AuNPs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Surface-enhanced fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of push-pull molecules: sulfur-functionalized 4-amino-7-nitrobenzofurazan adsorbed on Ag and Au nanostructured substrates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stable gold nanoparticles obtained in pure acetone by laser ablation with different wavelengths (Articolo in rivista) (
- The formation of synchronization cliques during the development of modular neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synthesis and modelling of gold nanostars with tunable morphology and extinction spectrum (Articolo in rivista) (
- Asymptotic and effective coarsening exponents in surface growth models (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental and theoretical study of vibrational resonance in a bistable system with asymmetry (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronizing weighted complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Introduction: Stability and pattern formation in networks of dynamical systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Engineering Disorder in Superdiffusive Lévy Glasses (Articolo in rivista) (
- Self-consistent mode-coupling approach to one-dimensional heat transport (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging of lipid mixtures self-assembled on mercury (Articolo in rivista) (
- Surrogate time series improve the capability of nonlinear measures to characterize the epileptic process. (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Measures of Spike Train Synchrony: From Single Neurons to Populations (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Experimental synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in nonlinear optics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring spike train synchrony and reliability (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring spike train synchrony and reliability (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Differently Shaped Metal Nanoparticles for the Enhancement of the Raman Response (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Pattern Stabilization through Parameter Alternation in a Nonlinear Optical System (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Active control of the synchronization manifold in a ring of mutually coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multiscale vulnerability of complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Wavelength dispersion of the local field intensity in silver-gold nanocages. (Articolo in rivista) (
- Reconstructing the Free-Energy Landscape of a Mechanically Unfolded Model Protein (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamical phases of the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model: studies of the transition from bursting to spiking chaos (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Resonant activation in bistable semiconductor lasers (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The complex network of musical tastes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Signatures of noise-enhanced stability in metastable states (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of extended chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterizing dynamics with covariant Lyapunov vectors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effect of picosecond laser induced cavitation bubbles generated on Au targets in a nanoparticle production set-up (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in networks of slightly nonidentical elements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental and theoretical study of the noise-induced gain degradation in vibrational resonance (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modulation frequency response of a bistable system with noise (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization is enhanced in weighted complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic spreading of epidemics in complex networks of excitable units (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Predicting phase synchronization in a spiking chaotic CO2 laser (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- In phase and antiphase synchronization of coupled homoclinic chaotic oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Heat wave propagation in a nonlinear chain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An open source/real-time atomic force microscope architecture to perform customizable force spectroscopy experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stochastic polarization switching dynamics in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers: Theory and experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New Proteins orthologous to cerato-platanin in various Ceratocystis species and the purification and characterization of the cerato populin from Ceratocistis populonica (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Changing the mechanical unfolding pathway of FnIII_10 by tuning the pulling strength (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of Complex Data by Means of Complex Networks (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hybrid laser-activatable gold nanorods-loaded hydrogels for photothermal applications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymptotic energy profile of a wavepacket in disordered chains (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Entrainment competition in complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Role of quenching on superdiffusive transport in 2D random media (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymmetric statistics of order books: The role of discreteness and evidence for strategic order placement (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: numerical analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Novel nanohybrids of carbon nanotubes and noble metal nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Fluorescence and Raman scattering of sulphur-functionalized 4-amino,7-nitro-benzofurazan adsorbed on Ag and Au nanostructured surfaces (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- One-dimensional particle models for heat transfer analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Minimal agent based model for financial markets II : Statistical properties of the linear and multiplicative dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Minimal agent based model for financial markets I : Origin and self-organization of stylized facts (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Potassium ion transport by gramicidin and valinomycin across a Ag(1 1 1)-supported tethered bilayer lipid membrane (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mechanisms of self-organization and finite size effects in a minimal agent based model (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time estimation of interaction delays (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Direct measurement of spatial modes of a microcantilever from thermal noise (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spettroscopio modulare per microscopia confocale (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An integrated approach for photonic crystal inspection and characterization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Studying the precision of temporal neural code: some limitations of spike train distances (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of splay states for pulse-coupled neuronal networks: finite size versus finite pulse-width effects (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic synchronizations of spatially extended systems as nonequilibrium phase transitions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronisation und komplexe Dynamik von Oszillatoren mit verzögerter Pulskopplung (Articolo in rivista) (
- Study of cobalt doping on structural and luminescence properties of nanocrystalline ZnO (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Off-equilibrium Langevin dynamics of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger chain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Eigenstates and instabilities of chains with embedded defects (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Exact solution for first-order synchronization transition in a generalized Kuramoto model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Localization in one-dimensional chains with Lévy-type disorder (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Emergence of disassortative mixing from pruning nodes in growing scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cost-effective nocturnal distance sampling for landscape monitoring of ungulate populations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of spontaneous bursting in a CO2 laser (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sisyphus effect in pulse-coupled excitatory neural networks with spike-timing-dependent plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fabrication of GM3-Enriched Sphingomyelin/Cholesterol Solid-Supported Lipid Membranes on Au/SiO2 Plasmonic Substrates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Emergence of structural patterns out of synchronization in networks with competitive interactions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Polymer-functionalised microspheres for immunosensing applications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Using spike train distances to identify the most discriminative neuronal subpopulation (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- SERS and catalytically active Ag/Pd nanoparticles obtained by combining laser ablation and galvanic replacement (Articolo in rivista) (
- Heat conduction of the hard point chain at zero pressure (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Particle model for nonlocal heat transport in fusion plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Differential uPAR recruitment in caveolar-lipid rafts by GM1 and GM3 gangliosides regulates endothelial progenitor cells angiogenesis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lipid rafts: integrated platforms for vascular organization offering therapeutic opportunities (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Desynchronization in diluted neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Energy diffusion in hard-point systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Reorganization of Functional Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex systems (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analyses of antigen dependency networks unveil immune system reorganization between birth and adulthood (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- L'ecologia del movimento animale all'interfaccia tra biologia e fisica (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surface nanoscale periodic structures in congruent lithium niobate by domain reversal patterning and differential etching (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Bifunctional metal and metal/oxide nanoparticles obtained by laser assisted galvanic replacement (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spectroscopic evidence of positive clusters in Ag colloids obtained by laser ablation in aqueous solutions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fiber top and ferrule top cantilevers for atomic force microscopy and scanning near field optical microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymmetric wave propagation through nonlinear lattices (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Gravitational bar detectors set limits to Planck-scale physics on macroscopic variables (Articolo in rivista) (
- Emergence of slow collective oscillations in neural networks with spike-timing dependent plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (
- How does informational heterogeneity affect the quality of forecasts? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Disclosing and overcoming the trade-off between noise and scanning speed in atomic force microscopy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Detecting the traders' strategies in minority-majority games and real stock-prices (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of traditional dyes of the Mediterranean area by non-invasive UV-Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring spike train synchrony between neuronal populations (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Synchronization measures (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- The complex between the beta1 integrin and hERG1 potassium channels as a new molecular target in antineoplastic therapy (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Slow dynamics in semiconductor multi-longitudinal-mode laser transients governed by a master mode (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical regimes of random laser fluctuations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effect of alkaline ions on the selectivity for SCR of NO with CH4: a comparison between Co-Na-MOR and Co-H-MOR catalysts (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Asymmetric wave propagation through nonlinear PT-symmetric oligomers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Progetto e realizzazione di un sistema AFM per spettroscopia di forza su proteine (Progetti) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The Nonequilibrium, Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Anomalous transport and relaxation in classical one-dimensional models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Symmetry breaking and restoring wave transmission in diode-antidiode double chains (Articolo in rivista) (
- SPIKY: A graphical user interface for tracking spike train similarity (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Nucleation in bistable dynamical systems with long delay (Articolo in rivista) (
- A one night stand? Reproductive excursions of female roe deer as a breeding dispersal tactic (Articolo in rivista) (
- On brain fluctuations and the challenges ahead (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Diffusion of two molecular species in a crowded environment: theory and experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Editorial [Topic Issue on Complex Networks' Structure and Dynamics] (Curatela) (
- Boundary-induced instabilities in coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- The influence of noise on synchronous dynamics in a diluted neural network (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coarsening in a bistable system with long-delayed feedback (Articolo in rivista) (
- Feature Selection in the Reconstruction of Complex Network Representations of Spectral Data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Carbon nanotubes/laser ablation gold nanoparticles composites (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nanosecond and picosecond laser induced cavitation bubbles generated on Au and Al targets in nanoparticle production setup (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective chaos and chimera states in pulse-coupled neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Partial synchronitation in diluted neural networks (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks: the role of network connectivity (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Cu/Ag-based bifunctional nanoparticles obtained by one-pot laser-assisted galvanic replacement (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lifson - Poland - Scheraga Models of DNA (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- High-Q polymer-coated microspheres for immunosensing applications (Articolo in rivista) (
- Novel polydiacetylene-functionalized nanostructures for sensing applications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- - Impariamo con il LEGO (Articolo in rivista) (
- Una piattaforma flessibile per lo sviluppo di sistemi di controllo real-time basata su web services (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spatio-temporal dynamics induced by competing instabilities in two asymmetrically coupled nonlinear evolution equations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Covariant Lyapunov vectors (Articolo in rivista) (
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Complexity: from natural to socio-economic sciences: - Introductory Concepts - Complexity of Countries and Products - Agent Based Models in Economics (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Contact processes with long range interactions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fabrication of low loss MOMS resonators for quantum optics experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cerato-Platanin aggregates and their cytotoxicity (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- AFM images suggest aggregation mechanism in Cerato-Platanin (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Average synaptic activity and neural networks topology: A global inverse problem (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coexisting attractors and chaotic canard explosions in a slow-fast optomechanical system (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Thermomagnonic diode: Rectification of energy and magnetization currents (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Model of aggregation of cerato-platanin by AFM images (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Cerato-Platanin, the first member of a new protein family, undergoes self aggregation and fragmentation in solution (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Characterization of self-oscillating Soft Imaging by means of photothermal excitation (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Pattern Formation in Systems with Multiple Delayed Feedbacks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Limitations of time-scale parametric spike train distances to study precision and reliability (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Metal-organic platforms for photonic applications based on poly-10,12 dicosadiynedioic acid (PDCDA) (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Spectroscopic investigation on noble metal-organic nanohybrids with controlledshapes and properties (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Unfolding times for proteins in a force clamp (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nascita di soluzioni collettive in reti neurali (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering from copper nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Long term stability of uncapped AuNPs obtained by ps laser ablation in different solvents: wavelength and concentration dependence (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chimera states and collective chaos in pulse-coupled neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Anomalous heat conduction in one-dimensional systems (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Multi-photon absorption in polydiacetylenes adsorbed on metal nanostructures (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- AFM Imaging via Nonlinear Control of Self-Driven Cantilever Oscillations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of statistical regimes in random laser emission (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses of low-temperature laser welding of the cornea (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Functionalized Au/Ag nanocages as a novel fluorescence and SERS dual probe for sensing (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fluctuations in a diffusive medium with gain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Splay States in Finite Pulse-Coupled Networks of Excitable Neurons (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complex systems (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective stochastic coherence and synchronizability in weighted scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- To shed light on rugs: dye identification in ancient textiles by using non-destructive optical techniques (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions - Analytical and Computational Approaches (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Critical connectivity for emergence of collective oscillations in strongly diluted networks (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sisyphus effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Chaotic canard explosions in a slow-fast nonlinear optomechanical oscillator (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (
- Density profiles in open superdiffusive systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Articolo in rivista) (
- Surface plasmon resonance as detection tool for lipids lateral mobility in biomimetic membranes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Local and average behaviour in inhomogeneous superdiffusive media (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Convective Lyapunov Spectra (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent activity in excitatory pulse-coupled networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Agent in the global network: self-organization and instabilities (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Order book models and the mysteries of Zipf law (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Front Pinning and Localized States Analogues in Long-Delayed Bistable Systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- The economic complexity of countries and products (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Anomalous transmission and drifts in one-dimensional Lévy structures (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Superdiffusive Heat Transport in a Class of Deterministic One-dimensional Many-Particle Lorentz Gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- SERS and catalytically active Ag/Pd nanoparticles obtained by combining laser ablation and galvanic replacement (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- A surface plasmon fluorescence resonance device for the detection of heavy metals ions (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Genome-Wide Analysis of Promoters: Clustering by Alignment and Analysis of Regular Patterns (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spectroscopic evidence of positive clusters in Ag colloidal suspensions obtained by laser ablation in aqueous solutions (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Characterization of self-oscillating Soft Imaging by means of photothermal excitation (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Nonreciprocal wave propagation in a nonlinear system (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- A Sound Card Application for Cantilever Calibrat (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Fragmentation of differently capped Au nanoparticles by 532 and 355 nm ps laser irradiation: experimental analysis and theoretical modelling (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks: the role of network connectivity (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Metal nanoisland films for the enhancement of the chemico-physical properties of molecular adsorbates (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective chaos in pulse coupled oscillators (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Design, synthesis and photophysical study of fluorophore modified noble metal nanoparticles (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring real-time synchronization in both spike trains and continuous time series (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Reconstruction of the free energy landscape of model proteins via mechanical manipulation (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Extension and estimation of correlations in cold dark matter models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of Copper nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in liquids (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Nontrivial collective behaviors in networks of leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Irregular and synchronous regimes in networks of leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Unfolding times of a single protein subjected to a constant force (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Agent based models for economics: stylized facts and their self-organization (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterizing dynamics and hyperbolicity with covariant Lyapunov vectors (Abstract in rivista) (
- Experimental evidence of \"vibrational resonance\" in VCSELs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental approach to the study of complex network synchronization using a single oscillator (Articolo in rivista) (
- Entraining the topology and the dynamics of a network of phase oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multiplicative noise in the longitudinal mode dynamics of a bulk semiconductor laser (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dynamical response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime (Articolo in rivista) (
- Improved spatial characterization of the epileptic brain by focusing on nonlinearity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Triangular Optical Localized Structures and Their Transition to a Turbulent-like Extended State (Articolo in rivista) (
- Low-frequency fluctuations in vertical cavity lasers: Experiments versus Lang-Kobayashi dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cerato-Platanin, the first member of a new protein family, undergoes self aggregation and fragmentation in solution (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dynamical network model of infective mobile agents (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherent Response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in the high input regime (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherence resonance due to correlated noise in neuronal models (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Double coherence resonance in neuron models driven by discrete correlated noise (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in the high-input regime (Articolo in rivista) (
- Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Desynchronized stable states in diluted neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detecting complex network modularity by dynamical clustering (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization properties of network motifs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Awaking and sleeping of a complex network (Articolo in rivista) (
- Identification of network modules by optimization of ratio association (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (
- Growing hierarchical scale-free networks by means of non hierarchical processes (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaotic synchronizations of spatially extended systems as non-equilibrium phase transitions (Articolo in rivista) (
- First-order microcanonical transitions in finite mean-field models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Defect-enhanced anomaly in frequency synchronization of asymmetrically coupled spatially extended systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in a bistable optical system: Comparison between vibrational and stochastic resonance (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effect of Mn doping on structural and optical properties of sol gel derived ZnO nanoparticles (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The one-dimensional Lennard-Jones system: collective fluctuations and breakdown of hydrodynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lévy-type diffusion on one-dimensional directed Cantor graphs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherence resonance in excitable electronic circuits in the presence of colored noise (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring synchronization in coupled model systems: A comparison of different approaches (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Localization of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices (Articolo in rivista) (
- Vibrational resonance and the detection of aperiodic binary signals (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization interfaces and overlapping communities in complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Phase locking induces scale-free topologies in networks of coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Codice
- Anno di chiusura previsto
- 2015-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Istituto esecutore
- Primo anno di attività
- 2006-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 (literal)
- Abstract
- I temi di ricerca della commessa riguardano l'emergere di comportamenti dinamici complessi in sistemi intrinsecamente nonlineari, con particolare riferimento a sistemi a molte componenti (reti di vario tipo ma con particolare riferimento a quelle neurali, catene lineari di tipo polimerico come proteine e nanotubi, sistemi ottici nonlineari con molti modi, etc.). L'obiettivo e' la comprensione e il controllo dei meccanismi generali che determinano i moti collettivi e auto-organizzati delle singole unita` in interazione. L'attivita` di ricerca viene svolta sia studiando analiticamente che numericamente modelli semplificati, analizzando serie temporali (principalmente da neuroni e laser) ed, infine, sperimentalmente con tecniche ottiche ed elettroniche. Data la necessita` di padroneggiare tecniche microscopiche altamente sofisticate, parte degli sforzi e' indirizzata anche al miglioramento delle competenze in questo settore. (literal)
- Nome
- comportamento dinamico di sistemi complessi (literal)
- Descrizione
- Modulo di
- Gestore
Incoming links:
- Prodotto di
- Una piattaforma flessibile per lo sviluppo di sistemi di controllo real-time basata su web services (Articolo in rivista) (
- Scanning fluorescence microscopy with a lens colour filter (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fluids viscosity determination by means of uncalibrated AFM cantilevers (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Adaptive Atomic Force Microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Metal nanoisland films for the enhancement of the chemico-physical properties of molecular adsorbates (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Design, synthesis and photophysical study of fluorophore modified noble metal nanoparticles (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- - Impariamo con il LEGO (Articolo in rivista) (
- Model of aggregation of cerato-platanin by AFM images (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Cerato-Platanin, the first member of a new protein family, undergoes self aggregation and fragmentation in solution (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Chaotic synchronizations of spatially extended systems as nonequilibrium phase transitions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- AFM Imaging via Nonlinear Control of Self-Driven Cantilever Oscillations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Progressive pearl necklace collapse mechanism for cerato-ulmin aggregation film (Articolo in rivista) (
- Beta-connectin studies by small-angle x-ray scattering and single-molecule force spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Self-driven soft imaging in liquid by means of photothermal excitation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental approach to the study of complex network synchronization using a single oscillator (Articolo in rivista) (
- Entraining the topology and the dynamics of a network of phase oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Multiplicative noise in the longitudinal mode dynamics of a bulk semiconductor laser (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dynamical response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime (Articolo in rivista) (
- Improved spatial characterization of the epileptic brain by focusing on nonlinearity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Low-frequency fluctuations in vertical cavity lasers: Experiments versus Lang-Kobayashi dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Cerato-Platanin, the first member of a new protein family, undergoes self aggregation and fragmentation in solution (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dynamical network model of infective mobile agents (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Triangular Optical Localized Structures and Their Transition to a Turbulent-like Extended State (Articolo in rivista) (
- Double coherence resonance in neuron models driven by discrete correlated noise (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherent response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in the high-input regime (Articolo in rivista) (
- Desynchronized stable states in diluted neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detecting complex network modularity by dynamical clustering (Articolo in rivista) (
- Awaking and sleeping of a complex network (Articolo in rivista) (
- Identification of network modules by optimization of ratio association (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (
- Growing hierarchical scale-free networks by means of non hierarchical processes (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization properties of network motifs (Articolo in rivista) (
- First-order microcanonical transitions in finite mean-field models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaotic synchronizations of spatially extended systems as non-equilibrium phase transitions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Defect-enhanced anomaly in frequency synchronization of asymmetrically coupled spatially extended systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in a bistable optical system: Comparison between vibrational and stochastic resonance (Articolo in rivista) (
- The one-dimensional Lennard-Jones system: collective fluctuations and breakdown of hydrodynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring synchronization in coupled model systems: A comparison of different approaches (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Prostate cancer: a model of integration of genomic and non-genomic effects of the androgen receptor in cell lines model (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrational resonance and the detection of aperiodic binary signals (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization interfaces and overlapping communities in complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Phase locking induces scale-free topologies in networks of coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy imaging on fragments of Beta-connectin from human cardiac muscle (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Degree mixing and the enhancement of synchronization in complex weighted networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Opinion dynamics and synchronization in a network of scientific collaborations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Thresholds for epidemic outbreaks in finite scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of spatially extended chaotic systems in the presence of asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental targeting and control of spatiotemporal chaos in nonlinear optics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental control of coherence of a chaotic oscillator (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A simulation study of energy transport in the Hamiltonian XY model (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- From synchronization to Lyapunov exponents and back (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stochastic dynamics of model proteins on a directed graph (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Very long transients, irregular firing, and chaotic dynamics in networks of randomly connected inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: analytical solution of the steady state (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective atomic recoil laser as a synchronization transition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Generation of scale-free topology in complex networks by phase entrainment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Irregular collective behavior of heterogeneous neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Electromagnetic two-body problem: recurrent dynamics in the presence of state-dependent delay (Articolo in rivista) (
- Rate maintenance and resonance in the entorhinal cortex (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fiber-top atomic force microscope probe with optical near-field detection capabilities (Articolo in rivista) (
- Out-of-equilibrium versus dynamical and thermodynamical transitions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Searching for conditions to form stable protein oligomers with amyloid-like characteristics: The unexplored basic pH (Articolo in rivista) (
- AFM Imaging via Nonlinear Control of Self-driven Cantilever Oscillations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Protein N-Homocysteinylation Induces the Formation of Toxic Amyloid-Like Protofibrils (Articolo in rivista) (
- Functional neural networks underlying semantic encoding of associative memories (Articolo in rivista) (
- Discrete Breathers in a Realistic Coarse-Grained Model of Proteins (Articolo in rivista) (
- Asymmetric wave propagation in nonlinear systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collaborate, compete and share (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of ordered aggregates of cerato-platanin and their involvement in fungus-host interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measuring multiple spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (
- Reconstructing the free-energy landscape of a polyprotein by single-molecule experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pinning control of spatio temporal chaos in nonlinear optics (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The formation of synchronization cliques during the development of modular neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Self-consistent mode-coupling approach to one-dimensional heat transport (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymptotic and effective coarsening exponents in surface growth models (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental and theoretical study of vibrational resonance in a bistable system with asymmetry (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronizing weighted complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Introduction: Stability and pattern formation in networks of dynamical systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in nonlinear optics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Pattern Stabilization through Parameter Alternation in a Nonlinear Optical System (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Reconstructing the Free-Energy Landscape of a Mechanically Unfolded Model Protein (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamical phases of the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model: studies of the transition from bursting to spiking chaos (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Resonant activation in bistable semiconductor lasers (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Active control of the synchronization manifold in a ring of mutually coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Multiscale vulnerability of complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental analysis of mode-hopping in bulk semiconductor lasers (Articolo in rivista) (
- From anomalous energy diffusion to levy walks and heat conductivity in one-dimensional systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nonlinearly driven transverse synchronization in coupled chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- On the intrinsic time scales involved in synchronization: A data-driven approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Studies of thermal conductivity in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-like lattices (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of spatially extended chaotic systems with asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Atomic force microscopy of histological sections using a chemical etching method (Articolo in rivista) (
- Polydiacetylene nanowires in ultrathin films (Articolo in rivista) (
- Disorder and decision cost in spatial networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in networks of spatially extended systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Role for stress fiber contraction in surface tension development and stretch-activated channel regulation in C2C12 myoblasts (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modelling and analysis of autonomous micro-cantilever oscillations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in weighted scale-free networks with degree-degree correlation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Localized structures in an optical feedback interferometer: properties and interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Irrational phase synchronization (Articolo in rivista) (
- Symmetry induced heteroclinic cycles in a CO2 laser (Articolo in rivista) (
- Convective instabilities of synchronization manifolds in spatially extended systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detecting local synchronization in coupled chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Frequency entrainment of nonautonomous chaotic oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Transmission thresholds in time-periodically driven nonlinear disordered systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of Moving Chaotic Agents (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stability of splay states in globally coupled rotators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of spatio-temporal chaos as an absorbing phase transition: a study in 2+1 dimensions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Networks of springs: a practical approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterizing the response of chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Unfolding times for proteins in a force clamp (Articolo in rivista) (
- Liquidity crisis, granularity of the order book and price fluctuations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dynamics of overlapping structures in modular networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental and theoretical analysis of photofragmentation of Au nanoparticles by picosecond laser radiation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Interacting oscillators in complex networks: synchronization and the emergence of scale-free topologies (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective chaos in pulse-coupled neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Extensive and Subextensive Chaos in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Self-organization for the stylized facts and finite-size effects in a financial-market model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Regulating synchronous states of complex networks by pinning interaction with an external node (Articolo in rivista) (
- Detection of microviscosity by using uncalibrated atomic force microscopy cantilevers (Articolo in rivista) (
- A new approach to partial synchronization in globally coupled rotators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Fluid viscosity determination by means of uncalibrated atomic force microscopy cantilevers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Autocorrelator designs for nonlinear optical microscopy (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ring intermittency in coupled chaotic oscillators at the boundary of phase synchronization (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of chaotic systems with coexisting attractors (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in dynamical networks: Evolution along commutative graphs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Controlling Spatio-temporal chaos in the scenario of the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser irradiation with low pulse energy: a potential tool for the treatment of peri-implant disease (Articolo in rivista) (
- Optical Structures and their Control in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve Experiment (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherence resonance due to correlated noise in neuronal models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Pinning control of spatiotemporal chaos in the LCLV device (Articolo in rivista) (
- Automatic control and tracking of periodic orbits in chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaos suppression through asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Attractor selection in a modulated laser and in the Lorenz circuit (Articolo in rivista) (
- Length distribution of laminar phases for type-I intermittency in the presence of noise (Articolo in rivista) (
- The birth of defects in pattern formation: Testing of the KibbleZurek mechanism (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization processes in complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Modulated optical structures over a modulationally stable medium (Articolo in rivista) (
- Comment on \"Equilibration and Universal Heat Conduction in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chains\" (Articolo in rivista) (
- Free-energy landscape of mechanically unfolded model proteins: extended Jarzinsky versus inherent structure reconstruction (Articolo in rivista) (
- Anomalous synchronization of spatialy extended chaotic systems in the presence of asymmetric coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Directed percolation with long-range interactions: Modeling nonequilibrium wetting (Articolo in rivista) (
- Dissipative solitons driving and bound state control via parameter gradients (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stochastic resonance in bulk semiconductor lasers (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization in complex networks with age ordering (Articolo in rivista) (
- Sphingosine 1-phosphate induces cytokeletal reorganization in c2c12 myoblasts: physiological relevance for stress fibres in the modulation of ion current through stretch-activated channels (Articolo in rivista) (
- Exploring the energy landscape of model proteins: a metric criterion for the determination of dynamical connectivity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterizing dynamics with covariant Lyapunov vectors (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization in networks of slightly nonidentical elements (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The complex network of musical tastes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Signatures of noise-enhanced stability in metastable states (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization is enhanced in weighted complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic spreading of epidemics in complex networks of excitable units (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Predicting phase synchronization in a spiking chaotic CO2 laser (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- In phase and antiphase synchronization of coupled homoclinic chaotic oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental and theoretical study of the noise-induced gain degradation in vibrational resonance (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Modulation frequency response of a bistable system with noise (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stochastic polarization switching dynamics in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers: Theory and experiment (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Heat wave propagation in a nonlinear chain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An open source/real-time atomic force microscope architecture to perform customizable force spectroscopy experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- New Proteins orthologous to cerato-platanin in various Ceratocystis species and the purification and characterization of the cerato populin from Ceratocistis populonica (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Changing the mechanical unfolding pathway of FnIII_10 by tuning the pulling strength (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymptotic energy profile of a wavepacket in disordered chains (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Role of quenching on superdiffusive transport in 2D random media (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Entrainment competition in complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: numerical analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymmetric statistics of order books: The role of discreteness and evidence for strategic order placement (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fluorescence and Raman scattering of sulphur-functionalized 4-amino,7-nitro-benzofurazan adsorbed on Ag and Au nanostructured surfaces (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- One-dimensional particle models for heat transfer analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Minimal agent based model for financial markets II : Statistical properties of the linear and multiplicative dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Minimal agent based model for financial markets I : Origin and self-organization of stylized facts (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Mechanisms of self-organization and finite size effects in a minimal agent based model (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Real-time estimation of interaction delays (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Direct measurement of spatial modes of a microcantilever from thermal noise (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Potassium ion transport by gramicidin and valinomycin across a Ag(1 1 1)-supported tethered bilayer lipid membrane (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- An integrated approach for photonic crystal inspection and characterization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Role of actin cytoskeleton in the modulation of stretch-activated channels sensitivity of myoblastic C2C12 cells (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Microspheres for Immunosensing and Aptasensing Applications (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- High throughput single protein stretching experiments (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Preparation and photophysical study of fluorophore modified gold nanoparticles (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Collective behavior in neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Irregular collective behaviour in neuronal networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Heat conduction in nonlinear chains (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Limitations of spike train distances to study the time-scales of natural sounds discrimination (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Partial synchronization in diluted neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability criteria for splay states in networks of \"generalized\" neuronal models (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaos in the Hamiltonian Mean Field (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Discrete breathers in a realistic coarse-grained model of proteins (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Discrete breathers as energy-accumulating centres in a protein model (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- How people react to a deadline: analysis of the distribution of the registrations to a conference (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hybrid laser-activatable gold nanorods-loaded hydrogels for photothermal applications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- To shed light on rugs: dye identification in ancient textiles by using non-destructive optical techniques (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Characterization of self-oscillating Soft Imaging by means of photothermal excitation (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- A Sound Card Application for Cantilever Calibrat (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Fragmentation of differently capped Au nanoparticles by 532 and 355 nm ps laser irradiation: experimental analysis and theoretical modelling (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Nonreciprocal wave propagation in a nonlinear system (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks: the role of network connectivity (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Collective chaos in pulse coupled oscillators (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Measuring real-time synchronization in both spike trains and continuous time series (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Nontrivial collective behaviors in networks of leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Irregular and synchronous regimes in networks of leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Unfolding times of a single protein subjected to a constant force (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Reconstruction of the free energy landscape of model proteins via mechanical manipulation (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Characterizing dynamics and hyperbolicity with covariant Lyapunov vectors (Abstract in rivista) (
- Agent based models for economics: stylized facts and their self-organization (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- AFM images suggest aggregation mechanism in Cerato-Platanin (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cerato-Platanin aggregates and their cytotoxicity (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Limitations of time-scale parametric spike train distances to study precision and reliability (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Characterization of self-oscillating Soft Imaging by means of photothermal excitation (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective oscillations in disordered neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Unfolding times for proteins in a force clamp (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Metal-organic platforms for photonic applications based on poly-10,12 dicosadiynedioic acid (PDCDA) (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Spectroscopic investigation on noble metal-organic nanohybrids with controlledshapes and properties (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Nascita di soluzioni collettive in reti neurali (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering from copper nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Long term stability of uncapped AuNPs obtained by ps laser ablation in different solvents: wavelength and concentration dependence (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Anomalous heat conduction in one-dimensional systems (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Multi-photon absorption in polydiacetylenes adsorbed on metal nanostructures (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Chimera states and collective chaos in pulse-coupled neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Data-driven analysis of nonstationary brain signals (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Anomalous heat conduction (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- The Synchronized Dynamics of Complex Systems (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (
- Scienza ludica: impariamo l'ottica con il LEGO (Progetti) (
- Guardare oltre il visibile : il molto piccolo e il molto grande ... seduti su un mattoncino LEGO (Mostre ed esposizioni) (
- Complex systems (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions - Analytical and Computational Approaches (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Editorial [Topic Issue on Complex Networks' Structure and Dynamics] (Curatela) (
- Collective Dynamics in -Not Too- Complex Networks (Materiale didattico) (
- Dynamics of networks of leaky-integrate and fire neurons (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Adaptive feedback control of periodic orbits in chaotic systems (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stable Chaos (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic behaviour of random lasers (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Editorial (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Progetto e realizzazione di un sistema AFM per spettroscopia di forza su proteine (Progetti) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- From Chaos to Synchronization (Materiale didattico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Desynchronization in diluted neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Energy diffusion in hard-point systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Contact processes with long range interactions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical regimes of random laser fluctuations (Articolo in rivista) (
- Anomalous transport and relaxation in classical one-dimensional models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Surface nanoscale periodic structures in congruent lithium niobate by domain reversal patterning and differential etching (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measure profile surrogates: A method to validate the performance of epileptic seizure prediction algorithms (Articolo in rivista) (
- Scattering lengths and universality in superdiffusive Levy materials (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymmetric wave propagation through nonlinear PT-symmetric oligomers (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Nonequilibrium, Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Coarsening in a bistable system with long-delayed feedback (Articolo in rivista) (
- Novel polydiacetylene-functionalized nanostructures for sensing applications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fiber top and ferrule top cantilevers for atomic force microscopy and scanning near field optical microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Localization of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices (Articolo in rivista) (
- Relaxation to negative temperature breathers in Bose-Einstein Condensates in optical lattices (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Heat conduction of the hard point chain at zero pressure (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analyses of antigen dependency networks unveil immune system reorganization between birth and adulthood (Articolo in rivista) (
- Reorganization of Functional Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment (Articolo in rivista) (
- L'ecologia del movimento animale all'interfaccia tra biologia e fisica (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complex networks: from biology to information technology - Preface (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of extended chaotic systems with long-range interactions: an analogy to Levy-flight spreading of epidemics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of the splay state in pulse-coupled networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamical characterization of vibrating AFM cantilevers forced by photothermal excitation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Anomalous kinetics and transport from 1D self-consistent mode-coupling theory (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nonequilibrium invariant measure under heat flow (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of traditional dyes of the Mediterranean area by non-invasive UV-Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherence resonance in excitable electronic circuits in the presence of colored noise (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A molecular imaging analysis of Cx43 association with Cdo during skeletal myoblast differentiation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Coherent Response of the Hodgkin-Huxley model in the high-input regime (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Chaos in the Hamiltonian mean-field model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory Erdös-Renyi neural networks: The role of network connectivity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective Dynamics in Sparse Networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization and complex dynamics of oscillators with delayed pulse coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nonequilibrium discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaotic-like collective behavior in ensembles of disordered oscillators with delay (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Inhomogeneous mechanical losses in micro-oscillators with high reflectivity coating (Articolo in rivista) (
- Chaotic and mixed-mode oscillation scenarios in semiconductor devices: generation and synchronization (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- On the efficient calculation of van Rossum distances (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Discerning nonstationarity from nonlinearity in seizure-free and pre-seizure EEG recordings from epilepsy patients. (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measures of neuronal signal synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Copper Nanoparticles Obtained by Laser Ablation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cu2+ chemosensing behaviour of self-organized micro-array structures of a donor-acceptor bichromophoric compound anchored onto Ag nanoisland films (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Tunable gold nanostars for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Metal nanostructures for the enhancement of the Raman response of molecular adsorbates (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Population dynamics in a guild of four Mediterranean ungulates: density-dependence, environmental effects and inter-specific interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nocturnal line transect sampling of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a Mediterranean forest: long-term comparison with capture-mark-resight population estimates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Generalized synchronization in mutually coupled oscillators and complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- SPIKE-distance (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Principles of recovery from traumatic brain injury: Reorganization of functional networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lyapunov exponents in high-dimensional systems (Curatela) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Trasporto anomalo e violazione delle reciprocità in sistemi non lineari (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Sincronizzazione e Dinamiche Collettive (Materiale didattico) (
- Gravitational bar detectors set limits to Planck-scale physics on macroscopic variables (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterization of Copper nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in liquids (Articolo in rivista) (
- Symmetry breaking and restoring wave transmission in diode-antidiode double chains (Articolo in rivista) (
- High-Q polymer-coated microspheres for immunosensing applications (Articolo in rivista) (
- How does informational heterogeneity affect the quality of forecasts? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lévy-type diffusion on one-dimensional directed Cantor graphs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses of low-temperature laser welding of the cornea (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Engineering Disorder in Superdiffusive Lévy Glasses (Articolo in rivista) (
- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging of lipid mixtures self-assembled on mercury (Articolo in rivista) (
- Intramolecular photo-switching and intermolecular energy transfer as primary photoevents in photoreceptive processes: the case of Euglena gracilis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Role of the driving laser position on atomic force microscopy cantilevers excited by photothermal and radiation pressure effects (Articolo in rivista) (
- Attractor selection in a modulated laser and in the Lorenz circuit (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Polymer-functionalised microspheres for immunosensing applications (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spettroscopio modulare per microscopia confocale (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronization of spontaneous bursting in a CO2 laser (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Supercontinuum source tuned by an on-axis monochromator for fluorescence lifetime imaging (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent white light confocal fluorescence imaging and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent Response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in the high input regime (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherence resonance due to correlated noise in neuronal models (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Splay States in Finite Pulse-Coupled Networks of Excitable Neurons (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Density profiles in open superdiffusive systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surface plasmon resonance as detection tool for lipids lateral mobility in biomimetic membranes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Local and average behaviour in inhomogeneous superdiffusive media (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymmetric wave propagation in the open, discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective dynamics, extensivity and non-additivity in sparse networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Photothermal and thermo-refractive effects in high reflectivity mirrors at room and cryogenic temperature (Articolo in rivista) (
- A \"low-deformation mirror\" micro-oscillator with ultra-low optical and mechanical losses (Articolo in rivista) (
- Noise effects on excitable chaotic attractors in coupled light-emitting diodes (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ultralow-dissipation micro-oscillator for quantum optomechanics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Collective Dynamics in Sparse Networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Discrete breathers in Bose-Einstein condensates (Articolo in rivista) (
- What can spike train distances tell us about the neural code? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Characterizing unidirectional couplings between point processes and flows (Articolo in rivista) (
- Measures of spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synthesis and modelling of gold nanostars with tunable morphology and extinction spectrum (Articolo in rivista) (
- Effect of Picosecond Postirradiation on Colloidal Suspensions of Differently Capped AuNPs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Surface-enhanced fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of push-pull molecules: sulfur-functionalized 4-amino-7-nitrobenzofurazan adsorbed on Ag and Au nanostructured substrates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Stable gold nanoparticles obtained in pure acetone by laser ablation with different wavelengths (Articolo in rivista) (
- Differently Shaped Metal Nanoparticles for the Enhancement of the Raman Response (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Cerato-Populin and Cerato-Platanin, Two Non-Catalytic Proteins from Phytopathogenic Fungi, Interact with Hydrophobic Inanimate Surfaces and Leaves (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Large-Deviation Approach to Space-Time Chaos (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Unveiling Protein Functions through the Dynamics of the Interaction Network (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Node Vulnerability under Finite Perturbations in Complex Networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Reconstructing Agents' Strategies from Price Behavior (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Relaxation to negative temperature breathers in Bose-Einstein Condensates in optical lattices (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Attività recenti nei settori Plasmonica e nanomateriali, Nanoscopie (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Esperimenti di dinamica non lineare e meccanica statistica in sistemi ottici (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Complessità Economica: Competitività dei paesi e Qualità dei Prodotti (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- A sound card application for cantilever calibration (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Effect of picosecond laser induced cavitation bubbles generated on Au targets in a nanoparticle production set-up (Articolo in rivista) (
- Emergence of structural patterns out of synchronization in networks with competitive interactions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Synchronous dynamics in the presence of short-term plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Particle model for nonlocal heat transport in fusion plasmas (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nanosecond and picosecond laser induced cavitation bubbles generated on Au and Al targets in nanoparticle production setup (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Detecting the traders' strategies in minority-majority games and real stock-prices (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dermal matrix scaffold engineered with adult mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma as a potential tool for tissue repair and regeneration (Articolo in rivista) (
- Monitoring spike train synchrony (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Disclosing and overcoming the trade-off between noise and scanning speed in atomic force microscopy (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complessità e altre storie (Monografia o trattato scientifico) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complexity: from natural to socio-economic sciences: - Introductory Concepts - Complexity of Countries and Products - Agent Based Models in Economics (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fabrication of low loss MOMS resonators for quantum optics experiments (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Functionalized Au/Ag nanocages as a novel fluorescence and SERS dual probe for sensing (Articolo in rivista) (
- Diffusion of two molecular species in a crowded environment: theory and experiments (Articolo in rivista) (
- On brain fluctuations and the challenges ahead (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective chaos and chimera states in pulse-coupled neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Partial synchronitation in diluted neural networks (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks: the role of network connectivity (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Bifunctional metal and metal/oxide nanoparticles obtained by laser assisted galvanic replacement (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Convective Lyapunov Spectra (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Coherent activity in excitatory pulse-coupled networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Chaotic canard explosions in a slow-fast nonlinear optomechanical oscillator (Abstract/Comunicazione in atti di convegno) (
- A surface plasmon fluorescence resonance device for the detection of heavy metals ions (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spectroscopic evidence of positive clusters in Ag colloidal suspensions obtained by laser ablation in aqueous solutions (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- SERS and catalytically active Ag/Pd nanoparticles obtained by combining laser ablation and galvanic replacement (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Cu/Ag-based bifunctional nanoparticles obtained by one-pot laser-assisted galvanic replacement (Articolo in rivista) (
- The problem of cosmological dark matter and statistical physics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Conference registration: how people react to a deadline (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Statistical properties of dislocation mutual interactions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Emergence of slow collective oscillations in neural networks with spike-timing dependent plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (
- Low temperature corneal laser welding investigated by atomic force microscopy (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Systemic risk in finance (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Perché i mercati finanziari sono instabili? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complexity: from natural to socio-economic sciences: Modeling Socio-economic, Agent Based Models (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Design strategies of opto-mechanical micro oscillators for the detection of the ponderomotive squeezing (Contributo in atti di convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- SPIKY: a graphical user interface for monitoring spike train synchrony (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nanostructured films of metal particles obtained by laser ablation (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fluctuations in a diffusive medium with gain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of statistical regimes in random laser emission (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Explosive synchronization in weighted complex networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Critical connectivity for emergence of collective oscillations in strongly diluted neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Collective dynamics in sparse neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of the splay state in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Fabrication of GM3-Enriched Sphingomyelin/Cholesterol Solid-Supported Lipid Membranes on Au/SiO2 Plasmonic Substrates (Articolo in rivista) (
- Using spike train distances to identify the most discriminative neuronal subpopulation (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Synchronization of extended chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Novel nanohybrids of carbon nanotubes and noble metal nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Measuring spike train synchrony between neuronal populations (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Synchronization measures (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Feature Selection in the Reconstruction of Complex Network Representations of Spectral Data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Emergence of Small-World Anatomical Networks in Self-Organizing Clustered Neuronal Cultures (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The induction of a-helical structure in partially unfolded HypF-N does not affect its aggregation propensity (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The beta-Subunit of Cholera Toxin has a High Affinity for Ganglioside GM1 Embedded into Solid Supported Lipid Membranes with a Lipid Raft-Like Composition (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Gravitational structure formation, the cosmological problem and statistical physics (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Covariant Lyapunov vectors (Articolo in rivista) (
- Coexisting attractors and chaotic canard explosions in a slow-fast optomechanical system (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effect of alkaline ions on the selectivity for SCR of NO with CH4: a comparison between Co-Na-MOR and Co-H-MOR catalysts (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- The economic complexity of countries and products (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Agent in the global network: self-organization and instabilities (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Order book models and the mysteries of Zipf law (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effect of Mn doping on structural and optical properties of sol gel derived ZnO nanoparticles (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Off-equilibrium Langevin dynamics of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger chain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Eigenstates and instabilities of chains with embedded defects (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective chaos and chimera states in pulse-coupled neural networks (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Fluctuations in a diffusive medium with gain (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Coherent periodic activity in excitatory neural networks : The role of network connectivity (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Collective chaos and chimera states in pulse-coupled neural networks (Abstract/Poster in atti di convegno) (
- Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (
- Enhanced Adsorption of Ca-ATPase Containing Vesicles on a Negatively Charged Solid-Supported-Membrane for the Investigation of Membrane Transporters (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Transthyretin suppresses the toxicity of oligomers formed by misfolded proteins in vitro (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring synchronization and directionality in EEG time series from epilepsy patients: An application to seizure prediction (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring synchronization in coupled model systems: A comparison of different approaches. (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Computing with complex-valued networks of phase oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nocturnal distance sampling of a Mediterranean population of fallow deer is consistent with population projections (Articolo in rivista) (
- Animal Movement (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Nucleation in bistable dynamical systems with long delay (Articolo in rivista) (
- Slow dynamics in semiconductor multi-longitudinal-mode laser transients governed by a master mode (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Collective stochastic coherence and synchronizability in weighted scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Articolo in rivista) (
- Critical connectivity for emergence of collective oscillations in strongly diluted networks (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sisyphus effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Genome-Wide Analysis of Promoters: Clustering by Alignment and Analysis of Regular Patterns (Articolo in rivista) (
- Spontaneous ordering in a cold atomic cloud (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Vibrational resonance in a noisy bistable system: Nonfeedback control of stochastic resonance (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Measuring spike train synchrony and reliability (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring spike train synchrony and reliability (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Surrogate time series improve the capability of nonlinear measures to characterize the epileptic process. (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Measures of Spike Train Synchrony: From Single Neurons to Populations (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (
- Eigenvector centrality of nodes in multiplex networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- The Lévy flight foraging hypothesis in a pelagic seabird (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Book review : The Wildlife Techniques Manual. 2 Volumes (Abstract in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The influence of noise on synchronous dynamics in a diluted neural network (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lifson - Poland - Scheraga Models of DNA (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Asymmetric wave propagation through nonlinear lattices (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- The complex between the beta1 integrin and hERG1 potassium channels as a new molecular target in antineoplastic therapy (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- Front Pinning and Localized States Analogues in Long-Delayed Bistable Systems (Articolo in rivista) (
- Superdiffusive Heat Transport in a Class of Deterministic One-dimensional Many-Particle Lorentz Gases (Articolo in rivista) (
- Extension and estimation of correlations in cold dark matter models (Articolo in rivista) (
- Experimental evidence of \"vibrational resonance\" in VCSELs (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics (Articolo in rivista) (
- Average synaptic activity and neural networks topology: A global inverse problem (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Thermomagnonic diode: Rectification of energy and magnetization currents (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Pattern Formation in Systems with Multiple Delayed Feedbacks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sisyphus effect in pulse-coupled excitatory neural networks with spike-timing-dependent plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (
- SERS and catalytically active Ag/Pd nanoparticles obtained by combining laser ablation and galvanic replacement (Articolo in rivista) (
- Complex systems (Rapporti progetti di ricerca) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Analysis of Complex Data by Means of Complex Networks (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Nonreciprocal Wave Propagation Through Open, Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Dimers (Contributo in volume (capitolo o saggio)) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spontaneous onset of irregular collective oscillations in heterogeneous neural networks (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Explosive synchronization as a process of explosive percolation in dynamical phase space (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Functional brain networks: great expectations, hard times and the big leap forward (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Complex network theory and the brain (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Two-Photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy of Gold Nanoparticles under Stationary and Flow Conditions (Articolo in rivista) (
- Metal-clad optical waveguide fluorescence device for the detection of heavy metal ions (Articolo in rivista) (
- SPIKY: A graphical user interface for tracking spike train similarity (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (
- A one night stand? Reproductive excursions of female roe deer as a breeding dispersal tactic (Articolo in rivista) (
- Nonreciprocal wave scattering on nonlinear string-coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with plasticity (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Detecting determinism from point processes (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- SPIKY (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic Transitions in the Kuramoto Model with Inertia (Abstract in rivista) (
- Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks (Abstract in rivista) (
- Explosive synchronization in adaptive and multilayer networks. (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stable Chaos in Fluctuation Driven Neural Circuits (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stochastic Mean Formulation of the Dynamics of Diluted Neural Networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Boundary-induced instabilities in coupled oscillators (Articolo in rivista) (
- Heterogeneous mean field for neural networks with short-term plasticity (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Clique of functional hubs orchestrates population bursts in developmentally regulated neural networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Studying the precision of temporal neural code: some limitations of spike train distances (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stability of splay states for pulse-coupled neuronal networks: finite size versus finite pulse-width effects (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Study of cobalt doping on structural and luminescence properties of nanocrystalline ZnO (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Sensitivity to single neuron perturbations in developmentally regulated networks (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Stable chaos in fluctuation driven neural circuits (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Monitoring spike train synchrony: SPIKY - A graphical user interface (Abstract/Poster in convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Parenclitic networks: uncovering new functions in biological data (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Opto-mechanical probe for combining atomic force microscopy and optical near-field surface analysis (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- TiO2 nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in water: influence of pulse energy and duration on the crystalline phase (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- The Sisyphus Effect in neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Diluted neural networks: deterministic versus stochastic evolution (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Caos Estable en Circuitos Activados por Fluctuaciones (Comunicazione a convegno) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Emergence of disassortative mixing from pruning nodes in growing scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (
- Exact solution for first-order synchronization transition in a generalized Kuramoto model (Articolo in rivista) (
- Preparation of small size palladium nanoparticles by picosecond laser ablation and control of metal concentration in the colloid (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Spectroscopic evidence of positive clusters in Ag colloids obtained by laser ablation in aqueous solutions (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Anomalous transmission and drifts in one-dimensional Lévy structures (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- PT-symmetric ladders with a scattering core (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Dynamics and Forecast in a Simple Model of Sustainable Development for Rural Populations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Measuring spike train reliability (Abstract/Poster in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- A molecular imaging analysis of Cx43 association with Cdo during skeletal myoblast differentiation (Contributo in atti di convegno) (
- Do age-specific survival patterns of wild boar fit current evolutionary theories of senescence? (Articolo in rivista) (
- Supplementary feeding of farmed fallow deer: effect on milk composition and fawn performance (Articolo in rivista) (
- Graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm for cultured neuronal networks' structure characterization and modeling (Articolo in rivista) (
- Carbon nanotubes/laser ablation gold nanoparticles composites (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Optical fibre nanotips fabricated by a dynamic chemical etching for sensing applications (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Hysteretic transitions in the Kuramoto model with inertia (Comunicazione a convegno) (
- Spatio-temporal dynamics induced by competing instabilities in two asymmetrically coupled nonlinear evolution equations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Binding of a Monoclonal Antibody to the Phospholamban Cytoplasmic Domain Interferes with the Channel Activity of Phospholamban Reconstituted in a Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Anomalous consistency in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A complex networks approach (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronisation und komplexe Dynamik von Oszillatoren mit verzögerter Pulskopplung (Articolo in rivista) (
- Differential uPAR recruitment in caveolar-lipid rafts by GM1 and GM3 gangliosides regulates endothelial progenitor cells angiogenesis (Articolo in rivista) (
- Lipid rafts: integrated platforms for vascular organization offering therapeutic opportunities (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Wavelength dispersion of the local field intensity in silver-gold nanocages. (Articolo in rivista) (
- Synchronization of intermittent behavior in ensembles of multistable dynamical systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Effects of degree correlations on the explosive synchronization of scale-free networks (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Emergent hybrid synchronization in coupled chaotic systems (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Localization in one-dimensional chains with Lévy-type disorder (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Cost-effective nocturnal distance sampling for landscape monitoring of ungulate populations (Articolo in rivista) (Prodotto della ricerca)
- Istituto esecutore di
- Modulo
- Gestore di
- Descrizione di