Istituto di genetica e biofisica \"Adriano Buzzati Traverso\" (IGB)

  • Istituto di genetica e biofisica \"Adriano Buzzati Traverso\" (IGB) (literal)
  • Institute of genetics and biophysics \"Adriano Buzzati Traverso\" (IGB) (literal)
  • The Institute was founded in 1962 by Adriano Buzzati-Traverso and currently is strong of 53 Scientists and 37 administrative and technical staff. The research groups host approximately 150 research trainees (undergraduate and graduate students, and post-docs). Research activities are carried out in 2.538 square meters of laboratory space and are focused on human diseases, genetics, developmental and stem cell biology as well as biotechnology for environment and agriculture. The IGB receives competitive research funds from the European Union, the Italian Ministry of Research and Education, the Italian Association for Cancer Research, Telethon, and other National and International Research Funding Agencies. The IGB is the largest research institute of the campus of Via Pietro Castellino, which hosts other prime biomedical research entities such as the Institute of Protein Biochemistry of the National Research Council and the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine. Altogether, these three Institutions contribute to make this campus a very attractive environment for biomedical research, as well as for training young scientists. Disease Mechanisms and Human Genetics Scientists at IGB are committed to research for human health. Research projects aim at the understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in human diseases ranging from neurological and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, autoimmunity, to birth defects. Search for genes associated with human disease are carried out in the general population as well as in isolated populations of our region. These studies have also provided molecular diagnostic tests. IGB Scientists have been very active in cloning and sequencing human disease genes, such that the Italian Human Genome Project started mainly through their results and expertise. Molecular and Genetic Approaches to Fundamental Biology Research in this field ranges from basic genetic mechanisms to evolutionary studies. Scientists use a variety of experimental models, from unicellular to mammalian organisms, as well as tissue culture systems to understand gene function and regulation. Scientists at IGB have generated the first knock-out mouse in Italy. Development and stem cell biology Developmental biology of simple and complex organisms is actively investigated at IGB. For example, projects concerning basic mechanisms of neural and cardiac development that have relevance not only for the advancement of basic knowledge, but also for our understanding of human developmental disorders resulting in birth defects. IGB scientists are also committed to the biology of stem cells and progenitor cells with a view to regenerative medicine. Biotechnology The IGB hosts projects of fundamental research aimed at the development of biotechnological processes for the enhancement of health, environment and agriculture. These include the development of novel vaccines and therapies. In addition, studies are carried out to understand how environmental pollutants, such as dioxins and pesticides interfere with the endocrine system and interact with biological material. Plants and bacteria are exploited for improving agricultural productions and bioremediation. Education and Training The IGB is affiliated with graduate programs of the University Federico II and the Second University of Naples. In addition, it carries out undergraduate training for university students. It holds an International seminar series with speakers from prime research Institutions around the world, organizes hands-on courses for training young scientists in specialized technologies (e.g. stem cell handling, electron microscopy, etc). The Internal seminar program fosters scientific exchange among young scientists. It hosts and organizes an annual Workshop with Internationally recognized scientists. Lately, the Workshop has been sponsored by prestigious scientific organizations such as EMBO, FEBS and European Committee. In addition, many IGB scientists offer direct educational support to local Universities. Facilities The Institute of Genetics and Biophysics A. Buzzati-Traverso hosts a broad variety of well-advanced technological platforms and resources/services to support competitive research programmes in the field of molecular and cellular biology. Most of these facilities are available not only to IGB staff but also to external users, within the frame of collaborative research programmes or as services, while some are shared with other institutes located in the Research Area of Pietro Castellino. (literal)
  • The Institute of Genetics and Biophysics “Adriano Buzzati Traverso) (formerly International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics) was founded in 1961 by the National Research Council (CNR) together with the CNEN and the EURATOM. It was organized by Prof. Adriano Buzzati-Traverso, first Director and conceiver of the Institute. His aim, at that time, was to introduce a new discipline of molecular biology in Italy, to allow the return of Italian researchers working abroad and to attract foreign researchers. From its foundation to now, the Institute has carried out international and high quality research and has also induced the training of graduated students in various scientific disciplines. Many of the Italian molecular biologists and molecular geneticists who are now working in the teaching and research fields, got their training at the IGB laboratories. In these forty years the Institute has prepared practical and theoretical courses aiming to propagate scientific culture and formation at a national and international level. The many conferences and lessons regularly held by international scientists on the most current subjects on genetics and on advanced experimental biology also underline the high quality of this formation. From a historical point of view Naples has played an important role in Italian and international genetics. With respect to other social and economic fields we can observe, in Naples, the existence of national scientific institutions thanks to high level research groups who work in this field. These groups belong to different institutions like the University of Naples, the Institute for Cancer Research “Fondazione G. Pascale”, the Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” and the TIGEM (Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medecine) and the eighteen Institutes of the CNR, and among them IGB has certainly a distinguished position. (literal)
Istituto esecutore di
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  • IGB (literal)
  • Istituto di genetica e biofisica \"Adriano Buzzati Traverso\" (IGB) (literal)
  • Institute of genetics and biophysics \"Adriano Buzzati Traverso\" (IGB) (literal)
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  • Another consequence of the extensive network of partnerships and cultural exchanges with other laboratories (mainly European and U.S.) is an opportunity for young people to directly interact with well-known international scientists. In fact, every year more than 40 scientists, thirty of which foreigners, are guests of the Institute who give seminars in their areas of interest. Researchers coming from other Neapolitan scientific institutions also attend these seminars. The seminar is often preceded by a lesson allowing young people to a better understanding and enjoyment of the seminar itself. This gives to all the opportunity to exchange recent information and data with experts of international standing. Students and fellows working in the Institute are strongly encouraged to participate to these seminars mostly because they get new ideas and/or new experimental approaches. In this way, to these hundreds of students and fellows, a clear opportunity to expand the cultural horizons is given. Italiano Un'altra conseguenza della estesa rete di collaborazioni e di scambi culturali con diversi laboratori (principalmente europei e statunitensi) e' la possibilita' per i giovani di interagire direttamente con scienziati di fama internazionale. Infatti, ogni anno più di 40 scienziati di cui una trentina stranieri, sono ospiti dell’Istituto per tenervi un seminario nelle loro aree d’interesse. A tali seminari partecipano anche ricercatori provenienti da altre istituzioni scientifiche napoletane. Queste Conference sono spesso precedute da una lezione che consente ai giovani una migliore comprensione e fruizione del Seminario stesso. Cio' fornisce a tutti l'opportunita' di scambiare le piu' recenti informazioni e dati con esperti di livello internazionale. Da queste discussioni, alle quali gli studenti ed i borsisti che operano in Istituto sono fortemente incoraggiati a partecipare, spesso nascono nuove idee e/o nuovi approcci sperimentali. In tal modo, a quel centinaio di giovani in formazione viene concessa una evidente possibilità di ampliamento degli orizzonti culturali. (literal)
Attività di formazione
  • The IGB is affiliated with graduate programs of the University Federico II and the Second University of Naples. In addition, it carries out undergraduate training for university students. It holds an International seminar series with speakers from prime research Institutions around the world, organizes hands-on courses for training young scientists in specialized technologies (e.g. stem cell handling, electron microscopy, etc). The Internal seminar program fosters scientific exchange among young scientists. It hosts and organizes an annual Workshop with Internationally recognized scientists. Lately, the Workshop has been sponsored by prestigious scientific organizations such as EMBO, FEBS and European Committee. In addition, many IGB scientists offer direct educational support to local Universities. (literal)
  • Via Pietro Castellino 111 (literal)
  • 80131 (literal)
  • Napoli (literal)
  • NA (literal)
  • 081 6132 401 (literal)
Codice CDS
  • 039 (literal)
  • 1 -Animal house The IGB animal house laboratory is a conventional structure of more than 600 square meters located in Via P. Castellino 111, Naples, Italy, authorized by the Ministry of Health according to the Italian law on the animal experimentation (D.L. 116/92). The structure can house about 6000 animals, in particular rodent species like mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. It is organized in many functional areas including those for quarantine and animal maintenance, a laboratory for surgical operation, a room for post-surgical permanence, washing and technical areas, offices. An independent conditioned and ventilation air system allows maintaining constant temperature (22°C) and humidity (55%) with twenty air changes each hour. Automatic controlled lighting guarantees the day/night biological cycle, with light from 8.00 am to 20.00 pm and dark for the remaining time. The access to the locals is filtered and clean-passages and corridors to reach the operational rooms have been designed. The organization of the facility, together with the appropriate procedures practised by the working staff, guarantees a perfect health status of animals in agreement with Specific Pathogen Free conditions, ensuring both the integrity of the barriers and health status. The maintenance of the mouse facility unit is undertaken by a team of well-trained, highly professional and experienced personnel including: one technician for washing services, six animal husbandry technicians, two facility managers, one veterinarian healthcare consultant, one scientific Director. The IGB animal house is open to the institutions of the Biotechnology Area NA1 such as the Institute of Genetics and Biophysics \"Adriano Buzzati Traverso\" (CNR), the Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP) and the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) but other scientific institutions as well as university investigators are allowed to access. 2 -Automation Laboratory (50 sqm). Stem Cell Fate Lab.( Cell Maker, Robotic platform for HTS-Cellomics (Hamilton). The innovative automation unit assembled, that was named Cell-Maker, allows standardization of time-consuming tasks as microplate coating, cell plating, washing, media changes, compound addition and multi-signal reading (fluorescence, chemo-luminescence and absorbance). Its configuration, including hardware (pipetting unit and integrated instrumentation) and software components, was adapted to properly handle ES cells and efficiently drive their differentiation. - HTS screening The SCF Lab provides a high-throughput screening facility based on our automated system for murine ES cell differentiation, the Cell-Maker. The screening platform is able to process up to 4000 samples simultaneously in a 96-well microplate format and is adapted to the demands of multiple cell-based functional assays (readouts: absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence). In addition, a variety of biochemical assays can also be performed, depending on the specific requirements. The compound collections or chemical libraries supplied by demanders (single compounds, mixtures or combinatorial pools) should be provided in 96-well microplates. All screening data are automatically processed to test quality-control parameters (as Z\" factor). Reporting data options: database exports (Excel or Word files), Excel tables and graphical views. To be confident of the quality of your hits, we retest all putative hits by multi-well hit confirmation experiments. -Cellometer Auto T4/Nexelom Bioscience) -Nucleofector Device (Amaxa Biosystems) The Nucleofector technology developed by Amaxa is a non-viral transfection method for a wide range of difficult-to-transfect cell lines and primary cells. Using this technology, DNA is delivered straight into the nucleus ensuring higher transfection efficiencies compared to other classical methods (i.e. electroporation). 3 -Conference Rooms Equipped with complete audio-visual and videoconferencing systems Accomodating max 200 persons 4 -Data Elaboration Centre The mission of the Informatics (IT) Core is to provide an integrated system of computer-related products and Information Technology services, guaranteeing a constant and effective support for their use within IGB research programs. These services are aimed to fulfill and meet the needs of internal and external users (researchers and administration personnel), in terms of utility, quality, reliability and cost effectiveness. Specifically, the objecives assigned to the IT Core team include the following ones: -to guarantee the efficient operation and the regular maintenance, under a centralized management, of the IGB information system (including both infrastructures and services); -to organize and manage IGB data networks, ensuring their connection to the internet webnet; -to organize and support all the IT-related operational procedures for IGB, in terms of design, implementation, management and update of such procedures; -to organize and manage the installed IT equipment at IGB; -to develop new information services and applications for students, researchers and administration personnel; -to ensure assistance and consulting services for teaching and scientific activities at IGB; -to promote and provide training on topics related to informatics, communication and telematic services; - to promote, and participate to, expertimental projects in the areas of research in collaboration with other units at IGB; -to define, in the context of the general mission of IGB, standards and rules to guarantee appropriate levels of information security and interoperability for all the units of IGB. Completed projects: -Centralized printing system -Videoconference -Institutional web site Projects in progress: -Wireless network -Certified email -Dedicated file servers for each group – “group areas” -VOIP system -Virtualization services -Data synchronization -VPN network -Remote Authentication for network access -Idisk (virtual disk with webdav protocol) -Shared online calendars -Proxy server -Centralized backup 5 -Cell Culture Laboratories All equipment needed for the growth, maintenance an analysis of cell. -Flow hoods (n. 15) -Atmosphere controlled incubators (n.20) -Phase contrast microscopes -Freezer – 80°C (n. 20) 6- Functional Genomics Service Real Time PCR. Real Time PCR technology is based on the correlation \"in real time\" between the fluorescence emitted by a fluorochrome bound to a biological sample during the PCR reaction, and the starting amount of DNA template; this technology is utilized especially for quantitative analysis. Among the techniques utilized to develop a Real Time protocol, SYBR-green and TaqMan technologies are the most commonly used, the SYBR-green technology being the easier and more economical approach with respect to TaqMan technology that is highly specific, but with higher initial costs. Data from Real Time PCR analysis may be utilized in two different ways: 1) in an absolute way, with respect to a standard curve obtained with samples at known concentration (e.g. to perform studies on the viral charge, and/or microorganisms/OGM in a biological sample). 2) in a relative way, with respect to a normalization gene, to quantify gene expression. We are equipped with three Real Time PCR apparatuses: 1) MJ Opticon II apparatus, with a 96 well cartridge and the capacity to operate in gradient . 2) Bio-Rad apparatus, with a 96 well cartridge and the capacity to operate in gradient. 3) Applera 7900HT Fast Real Time PCR. It is equipped with both 96 and 384 well cartridges: it can be used in FAST modality with the 96 well cartridge. Given specific experimental needs, it may happen that 384 and 96 wells cartridges will be used in different days. - Expression Profiling. Expression Profiling analyses are performed using one-channel array technology. The facility has a complete Affymetrix GeneChip System, that exploits photolithographic/chemical coupled synthesis of oligonucleotides on silica wafer. The Genechip Affymetrix system includes hybridisation oven, washing station, and the new 7G scanner, allowing the processing of the full Affymetrix catalogue and custom design arrays. A dedicated PC station manages the array image and intensity analysis. This system can be employed for a growing number of applications including: -Genome-wide expression profiles with the expression arrays. -Gene regulation analysing as Protein/DNA interactions and ChIP on Chip with tiling arrays. -Linkage analysis, association, and copy number studies with mapping arrays that contain thousands of SNPs. The lab gives a full training for scientific and technical support and supervision in order to perform experiments with the Affymetrix system. Researchers provide all the reagents needed for the experiment, the labelled target to be hybridized on the specific experimental arrays, and their specific samples. The lab performs the whole process returning the RAW data obtained after conversion of the image file (DAT file) in a numeric file (CEL file). DAT files contain signal intensity for each hybridization where each signal intensity is converted into a numeric value -High Throughput Sequencing. New DNA sequencing platforms deliver several orders of magnitude more sequence than is possible with the traditional methods, opening up new possibilities for the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes as well as small RNA populations. The deep sequencing methods may reveal novel insights about gene regulation, genome structure, and genome evolution. The IGB recently acquired a SOLiD™ 3 System (Applied Biosystem) for high throughput sequencing. The facility space meets strict climatization standards necessary for the sequencer operations, and is made of multiple rooms to avoid cross-contaminations during the various steps of sample processing. The SOLiD™ 3 System is based on massive parallel sequencing in short reads (25-70 bases) of pre-amplified, immobilized DNA template molecules, representing the whole genetic content of selected samples (DNA, cDNA from RNA, ChIPs, miRNAs, etc.). The short reads are aligned to a reference genome: the higher the number of reads, the “deeper” the analysis, the more robust the final outcome. The system uses an emulsion-based method to clonally amplify template fragments in vitro. The system has a very high throughput capacity, generating up to 15 gigabases of data per slide. The accuracy greater than 99.94%, is due to 2 base encoding: the SOLiD™ System distinguishes itself by providing data that is significantly more accurate than alternative next-generation platforms for variation detection. SOLiD™ 3 System supports sample preparation for mate-paired libraries with insert sizes ranging from 600 bp up to 10 kbp. This broad range of insert sizes combined with ultra high throughput and flexible two flow cell configuration enables more precise characterization of structural variation across the genome. The several applications stemming from this technology range into different directions including metagenomic and de novo applications, providing definitive and whole-genome coverage of the information of interest, both at a quantitative and qualitative level. The lab is fully equipped to provide researchers full support starting from individual samples with experimental setup, wet-lab experiments up to sample processing, running, and data acquisition. 7 -Integrated Microscopy In the post-genomic era both light and electron microscopy have acquired a key role in advancing knowledge in the context of various fields of science (biology, development, immunology, genetics, cell and molecular biology). Indeed, modern microscopy techniques (confocal microscopy, live cell imaging, immuno-electron microscopy) allow the study of the static structure of biological systems, a prerequisite for understanding the function, as well as providing the possibility of a dynamic study of biological processes such as signaling, excitability, transport, apoptosis and development. A fee-for-service integrated microscopy facility was created at IGB to provide: -management and use of high complexity equipments; -continuous support and guidance for all research groups; -technical support to preparation of investigators’ samples, imaging and data analysis; -training to undergraduate and PhD students, post-docs, researchers; -protocol design assistance; -set up and application of new microscopy technologies; -collaborations with other CNR Institutes, Universities, or companies (public or private). The facility is located on the first floor of the Building 3 in the Pietro Castellino Research Area. Equipment and staff are available to everyone within the IGB. Researchers from other institutes in the area or universities or companies will be equally welcome. The usage of the scientific common resources of the IGB services by outside laboratories must be authorized (see convention by the Statute and the Rules). 8- FACS Flow cytometry is a technology that measures and analyzes the morphological and optical characteristics of single cells suspended in a stream of saline fluid. A focused beam of laser light illuminates each moving cell and light is scattered in all directions. Detectors placed forward of the intersection point or side-on (with respect to the laser beam) receive pulses of scattered light that are converted into a form suitable for computer analysis and interpretation. The physical (morphological) profile of a cell can be observed by combining forward light scatter (FSC) and side light scatter (SSC) analysis. The laser can excite fluorophores that have been used to mark various molecules or physiological functions of the cells. The use of fluorophores with different fluorescence characteristics allows simultaneous multiparametric analysis. The combination of scattered and fluorescence generate useful data to analyze heterogeneous cell populations. IGB-ABT FACS Core The IGB flow cytometry is based on Becton Dickinson FACSAria. This instrument can register up to 70000 events/second and this guarantees a good signal linearity. It is equipped with 2 lasers beam: blue (488 nm) and red (633nm) that detect 8 different emission signals of fluorescence for a multiparametric analysis. The instrument can contemporarily separate 4 cellular populations by analyzing events and dividing them at a maximum speed of 3000 cells/second. To separate cells it uses a dropping device that guarantees appropriate temperature, sterility and high cell recovery. The service provides: 1)Technical support in terms of protocol design assistance and data analysis required by the investigators. 2) Phenotypic analysis of mammalian cells: -cell cycle analysis -surface phenotypic cell analysis -intracellular staining of fixed cells -study of cell survival-apoptosis and cell proliferation. 3) Sorting of mouse and human cells heterogeneous single cell populations into homogeneous populations. 4) Sorting of fluorescent transfected cell lines (literal)
  • The scientific activities of the Institute are developed on the themes of modern research programs in three major areas: 1) Mechanisms of disease and Human genetics; 2) Development and Stem cell biolgy; and 3) Molecular and Genetic approaches to fundamental biology. Experimental systems are most diversified, from human samples to small organisms or plants to the mouse. Among the human diseases studied, there are Neurodegenerative and muscle disease, Parkinson's disease, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases, Rett syndrome, Incontinentia Pigmenti, DiGeorge / Velocardiofacial syndrome and a host of other disease, as well as cancer. In the past, the Institute has participated in a project in collaboration with various groups in the world, aimed to the study and to the sequencing of the human genome and has now added to these activities the analysis of microarrays. More recently, the organization of a new facility for \"deep sequencig\" will provide the Institute with a new opportunity to develop a new generation of genome-wide functional survey approaches applicable to wide variety of projects. IGB researchers coordinate International Research Projects funded by the EU in the fields of Molecular Allergology, of Drosophila embryogenesis, of the Neuronal development and the validity of microorganisms, soil fertilizers for agronomic uses. Consequently, to these collaborations and to the validity of the researches taking place at IGB (witnessed by the \"impact factor\" of its journals) the Institute can be considered the leader in Advanced Genetics research programs in the post-genomics era. Indeed, the Institute is involved in identifying new genes with advanced techniques and equipment and has collaborations in Italy and abroad. An example of this work is the multidisciplinary project, which aims to identify genes responsible for multifactorial diseases by the analysis of isolated populations in the Cilento region. The dense network of collaborations with foreign laboratories of the twenty-five research groups currently working at IGB has a huge fallout on the quality of the research carried out, allowing a greater integration of different experimental approaches and a better exploitation of available resources The relationship with foreign laboratories is also a prerequisite to be able to get funds from international sources such as the European Community or the \"Human frontiers.\" Active collaboration is taking place among IGB research groups and researchers from research institutes and universities from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, England, Israel, Mexico, Panama, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, etc. Italiano L''attività scientifica dell''Istituto si sviluppa su temi di punta della ricerca moderna spaziando da programmi di ricerca di base che vanno dallo studio della Genetica e regolazione genica di sistemi modello quali Drosophila e Nematode, alla Biologia molecolare dell’interazione Pianta-Microrganismi, dalla Neurobiologia cellulare e molecolare, fino allo studio dello sviluppo e differenziamento cellulare e tissutale e dell''interazione cellula-matrice, anche mediante l’applicazione di alcune delle più sofisticate tecnologie del DNA. In particolare, alcuni programmi sono: rivolti allo studio delle basi molecolari di alcune malattie genetiche (il morbo di Parkinson, il favismo, la talassemia, malattie autoimmuni e cardiovascolari, allergie e la sindrome di Kallmann) ed all'individuazione dei meccanismi che intervengono in processi quali l'embriogenesi, la crescita e la disseminazione tumorale, la risposta immunitaria e l'attività del sistema nervoso centrale nell''uomo. Inoltre, alcuni gruppi di ricerca si occupano dell'analisi di alcuni aspetti dell''interazione fra cellule ospiti ed HIV-1, il virus dell'AIDS. L'Istituto ha partecipato in passato ad un progetto in collaborazione con vari gruppi nel mondo, teso allo studio ed al sequenziamento del genoma umano ed oggi ha affiancato a tali attività quella dell’analisi dei microarrays nuova frontiera nell''era attualmente definita come \"post-genomica\". Nell'anno in corso, i ricercatori dell’IGB coordinano progetti internazionali di ricerca finanziati dall’Unione europea nei campi della Allergologia molecolare, Embriogenesi di Drosophila, dello sviluppo Neuronale e di Microrganismi fertilizzatori del suolo per usi agronomici. In consequenza di tali collaborazioni e della validita' delle ricerche che si svolgono nei suoi laboratori (testimoniato dall'elevato \"impact factor\" delle riviste che accolgono le pubblicazioni che ne derivano), l''IGB si puo' presentare quale leader in programmi di ricerca di Genetica avanzata nell'era post-genomica. Infatti, l'Istituto è coinvolto nell'identificazione di nuovi geni con tecniche ed attrezzature di avanguardia e si avvale di collaborazioni in Italia e all'estero. Un esempio di tale attività è costituito dal progetto multidisciplinare teso all'identificazione di geni responsabili di malattie multifattoriali mediante l'analisi di popolazioni isolate nella regione Cilentana. La fitta rete di collaborazioni con laboratori stranieri dei venticinque gruppi di ricerca attualmente operanti all'IGB ha una ricaduta enorme sulla qualita' della ricerca svolta, consentendo una maggiore integrazione dei diversi approcci sperimentali ed un migliore sfruttamento delle risorse disponibili Il rapporto con laboratori esteri costituisce anche la premessa per poter attingere a fonti internazionali di finanziamento per la ricerca quali i programmi della Comunità Europea o il programma \"Human frontiers\". Un'attiva collaborazione é in atto tra i gruppi di ricerca dell'IGB e ricercatori di Istituti di ricerca ed Università di Austria, Canada, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Inghilterra, Israele, Messico, Panama, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, USA, etc. (literal)
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  • Via Pietro Castellino 111 - 80131 Napoli (NA) (literal)
  • L’IGB-ABT è focalizzato alla comprensione dei meccanismi che controllano la funzionalità cellulare in mammiferi mediante un approccio multidisciplinare convergente ed integrato. Questo obiettivo è perseguito attraverso lo studio delle basi molecolari che regolano geneticamente ed epigeneticamente i differenti aspetti che definiscono l’identità funzionale di una cellula dalle prime fasi dello sviluppo embrionale fino alla completa organogenesi e nella vita post-natale in contesti fisiologici e patologici. Questo obiettivo è definito dalla integrazione di competenze specializzate nell’ambito della biologia delle cellule staminali (embrionali e adulte), sviluppo embrionale ed organogenesi, neurobiologia, angiogenesi, oncologia molecolare, genetica umana ed immunologia tramite tecnologie d’avanguardia per studi genetici ed epigenetici. Nel loro insieme queste tematiche e le tecnologie che le sostengono pongono la missione dell’IGB-ABT al centro della moderna Biomedicina come nodo essenziale nelle progettualità interdisciplinari dell’era post-genomica. (literal)
Attività di ricerca
  • The activities of the Institute. Research activities encompass genetics and pathogenesis of human diseases, molecular genetics using cells and various model organisms, developmental and stem cell biology as well as biotechnology for environment and agriculture. Historically, IGB researchers have published high impact papers with very high number of citations, especially in the fields of developmental biology. For example (and just to mention a few) in the 60’s, right after the foundation of the Institute, some of Dr. Ritossa publications on heat shock proteins in flies have been cited thousands of times; in the 90’s Dr. Boncinelli seminal work about homeobox genes have been cited hundreds of times. During the period relevant to this report, the most cited publications concerned genome, epigenome and developmental biology studies as well as human disease publications (collectively more than a thousand citations). Thus, over its almost half a century-long life, the Institute has kept a leading theme in specific sectors of life sciences and has contributed strongly to the progress of these disciplines. All the research activities are currently funded by external sources. Competitive research funds have been awarded to IGB by the European Union, the Italian Ministry of Research and Education, the Italian Association for Cancer Research, Telethon, and other National and International Research Funding Agencies. The environment is multidisciplinary and research can take advantage from the availability of different expertises and high tech core instruments. The main core facilities include state-of-the-art cell sorter/analyzer; confocal, standard and electron microscopy; a custom built robotic station for high-throughput cell culture handling; and an Affymetrix workstation for microarray hybridization and scanning. In addition, we have already secured funding for and ordered a high-throughput deep sequencer (Applied Biosystems Solid III). Thus we are looking forward to the next 5 years of research well equipped with excellent scientists and the latest technologies. (literal)
Unità organizzativa di supporto

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