Parole chiave di "The effect of wind on the residual current velocities in the inlets of Venice lagoon"
- Label
- Parole chiave di "The effect of wind on the residual current velocities in the inlets of Venice lagoon" (literal)
- Keywords of "The effect of wind on the residual current velocities in the inlets of Venice lagoon" (literal)
- Insieme di parole chiave di
- The effect of wind on the residual current velocities in the inlets of Venice lagoon (Articolo in rivista) (
- Ha membro
- Wind velocity; (Parola chiave)
- Principal components; (Parola chiave)
- Wavelet transform; (Parola chiave)
- Correlation (Parola chiave)
- Residual currents; (Parola chiave)
Incoming links:
- Insieme di parole chiave
- The effect of wind on the residual current velocities in the inlets of Venice lagoon (Articolo in rivista) (
- Membro di
- Correlation (Parola chiave)
- Wavelet transform; (Parola chiave)
- Residual currents; (Parola chiave)
- Wind velocity; (Parola chiave)
- Principal components; (Parola chiave)