Descrizione del modulo "Servizi applicativi per il trattamento di informazioni e strutture complesse (MD.P02.008.003)"

  • Descrizione del modulo "Servizi applicativi per il trattamento di informazioni e strutture complesse (MD.P02.008.003)" (literal)
Tematiche di ricerca
  • a) The multidimensional e-services space: - a higher level of interaction can be obtained by considering a multidimensional e-services space: the access, use and exploitation of the resources and services can occur across communities with different organizations and purposes, mainly trough the availability of these resources on knowledge RSS-like feeds. b) The adaptive producer-users e-content and e-services matching: - a higher level of interaction can be obtained by introducing a dynamic matching between mutually adaptive users requirements and producers constraints w.r.t. to the e-content resources available on a data and computational Grid. c) The semantic enrichment of content and services: - a higher level of interaction can be obtained by introducing an enriched semantic characterization trough knowledge patterns (metadata, workflows, etc.) associated to contents and services. (literal)
  • - Teoria delle Categorie - Reti complesse adattive - Matematica dell'Informatica (literal)
  • - Modelli delle interazioni per la progettazione di servizi applicativi per il trattamento di informazioni e strutture complesse, con riferimento alla Sustainability di sistemi complessi socio-tecnici. (literal)
Stato dell'arte
  • a) The multidimensional e-content space: the interaction is up to now mainly developing on vertical dimensions: the access, use and exploitation of the resources, available of on specific websites, occur within communities (e.g. professional, research and educational environments). b) The adaptive producer-users content and services matching: the interaction is up to now mostly based on a static matching between users requirements and producers constraints on the resources available on the Web. c) The semantic enrichment of content and services: - the interaction is up to now mostly based on the content description and access trough basic semantic characterization (e.g. keywords). (literal)
Tecniche di indagine
  • Higher Category Theory allows to consider hierarchies of categories: categories of categories.. We developed an combinatorial-categorical theory allowing to consider higher order operations. Based on such results we use and extend our approach to capture multilevel interacions in complex socio-technical systems. (literal)
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